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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Tetsu no Tankyu-sha
The Tetsu no Tankyu-sha, or Iron Seeker, is a large canine-like creature, large jaws filled with teeth, black eyes, and a ring of horns on its head. Several spikes jut out around from its shoulders that appear to be made of iron, and its large claws appear to be made of raw iron. It's body is covered in fine rust-red scales with tuffs of bristly fur sprout randomly along its body, giving it a mangy appearance. These creatures constantly sniff about, seeking iron, which makes them excellent hunters the Tetsu fiends use to search opponents. Iron Seekers have a couple of unique abilities, such as they are able to transport near large sources of metal, particularly iron. The greater the source, the easier and farther they can teleport. They can also, if several are close together, merge together to create a larger and powerful three-headed version, but it is unable to teleport when merged.

Tetsu no Tankyu-sha (Iron Seeker Fiend)
Size: Medium
Type: Outsider
CR: 4
Hit Dice: 4d8+20+3; 51 HP
Mas: 20
Init: +2
Speed: 50 ft
Defense: 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 Natural)
BAB: +4
Grapple: +9
Attack: +9 melee bite (2d6, half piercing/half slashing)
Full Attack: +9 melee bite (2d6+5 half piercing/half slashing) and +4 melee claw (2d4+3 slashing) and +4 melee claw (2d4+3 slashing)
FS: 5 ft by 10 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Special Attack: Rake
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/ballistic, darkvision 60 ft, fire resistance 20, immunities, Improved Grab, Iron Teleport, Iron Appetite, Merge;
Alignment: evil, law
Saves: For +9, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +6, Hide +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Search +7, Spot +6
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness

Iron Seekers are used as attack animals and trackers. They track down large sources of metal, attacking targets with large amounts of metal armour or equipment. They rush into combat and leap upon their targets biting and clawing. If there are multiple Iron Seekers, and they have to fight a powerful target, three will merge together to create a larger, three-headed version with powerful bites, able to tear through armour, and even heal quickly from damage.

Damage Reduction 10/Ballistic (Ex): A Tetsu no Tankyu-sha ignores the first 10 points of damage by any non-ballistic weapon.
Fire Resistance 20 (Ex): A Tetsu no Tankyu-sha ignores the first 20 points of damage from any attack that deals fire damage.
Immunities (Ex): A tetsu no Tankyu-sha is immune to slashing weapons.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Iron Seeker must hit with a claw or bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can make rake. See improved grab d20 modern page 227.
Rake (Ex): An Iron Seeker that gets a hold of its target can make two rake attacks (+9 melee) with its hind legs for 2d4+3 points of damage each.
Iron Appetite (Ex): When the Iron Seeker attacks a target with at least 20 lbs of metal on it gains +1 to attack rolls, plus an additional +1 per 20 additional pounds of metal. It also gains +1 damage for every 25 lbs of metal the target is carrying or made of. It also ignores 5 points of hardness if the target is wearing metal armour (made of at least 50% of metal), or made of metal.
Iron Teleport (Su): The Iron Seeker has the ability to teleport to large amounts of metal, iron especially. It makes a special Search check DC 15 to detect metal within 5 miles. Increase the DC +1 per half mile (1600 ft), but the Iron Seeker gains +1 to its Search for every 50 lbs of metal, +2 if that metal is at least 50% iron. Once it detects a sufficient amount of metal, it can teleport within 1d10+5 feet of the source (roll 1d8 for direction around the location, north, north east, east, south east, etc). If it would teleport within the same space as an object or creature, the Iron Seeker is moved to the nearest empty space, but suffers 1 point of damage for every 5 feet it is shifted to an open location.
Merge (Su): The Iron Seeker has the special ability that when there are three present, they can merge together to create a three headed, Cerberus-like version. Use same basic stats of an Iron Seeker, except size is large, add the hit points of all three plus an additional 50 hit points; makes 3 bite attacks at +15 melee each dealing 2d8+8, ignores 7 points of hardness/DR, regardless of what the target is made of, additional to two claw attacks. Gains fast healing 4. Saves are increased by +6 each, all skills gain +5. While merged the 'Cerberus Iron Seeker' can not make use of its Iron Teleport ability, and are stuck merged together as one creature and when killed, remain as a three headed creature.

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M3-A Interceptor

The M3-A Scyk is a light craft produced by Mandalorian manufacturer MandalMotors, first released shortly after the Clone Wars. A narrow hull, with the cockpit right at the front, with a single engine at the rear, with two wings that are short, but broad that narrow sharply to create two tails that extend past the engine. The M3-A is fairly cheap and simple, which kept it mostly from Imperial notice as it barely provided more amenities for the pilot than a TIE fighter. A major selling point of the M3-A is the weapon mount is modular, allowing it to be quickly and easily changed for ion cannons, concussion missiles or proton torpedo launcher.. It came with a light shield generator, a Class 2 hyperdrive and a navicomp that can store 3 sets of coordinates as well as calculate new ones. It was fairly tolerate to other modifications. The ship had a light life support system, so it was advised for pilots to wear a flight suit that could easily be sealed and provide additional air, as the ship only had enough space for 2 days of consumables.

M3-A Interceptor (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft, 1040 (104) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (10 base -4 size +3 Class, +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (10 base - 4 size +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 15
Hit Dice: 4d20 (80 hp), 10 hp shields
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 50.1 ft
Weight: 8,500 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 150 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 31
Restriction: Res (+2)

Twin laser (fire-linked) -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s

Attack of Opportunity:


Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Simple Controls, light armour, improved thrust, modular weapon
Engines: Ion engine, Class 2 hyperdrive
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Light shields
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: Laser cannon
Grappling Systems:

Simple Controls
The starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the starfighter.

Light Shields
These shields are lighter than advanced shields (which combine shield and field technology, but are a bit weaker than both combined) and standard shields, providing less protection. This type of shielding is usually put on civilian craft or inexpensive light combat craft. These shields only add 10 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum of 1).
PDC: Shield type -2.
Restriction: None
Note: Can be combined with Advanced Shield versions.

Light Armour
The ship has lighter armour than others, reduce hardness by -5.

Modular Weapon
The weapon mounting on the craft can easily and quickly be swapped out. Repair DC 15 and 20 minutes with the proper equipment a single person can change the equipped weapon with a readily available replacement.

Tansarri Point M3-A
These M3-A interceptors used by game members at Tansarii Point Station were equipped with proton torpedo launchers, hull upgrades and afterburners. This allowed them to quickly get to a target before they can get within weapons range of the station, survive a few hits and take on heavy targets if necessary, such as heavily modified freighters, bombers and light capital ships.
Make the following changes to a M3-A to make a Tansarri Point M3-A:
Increase hit die to 5d20 (100 hp);
Replace twin lasers with Proton Torpedo launcher with 4 torpedoes;
Add Hydrogen Injectors (increases speed to 5500 ft using afterburn maneuver);
PDC 32

Proton Torpedo
Proton torpedoes are generally fighter carried missiles, that deal slightly higher damage than concussion missiles, but particle shields could resist these weapons, while they can pass through ray shielding with ease. Generally cheaper than concussion missiles, and with their higher damage potential, many bombers are lowed with proton torpedoes for anti-capital ship use.

Proton Torpedo (PL6)
Damage: 10d12
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: +1 to target ships of Corvette types or larger.

The F-M3001 is a US military/Stargate Program modified and built version of the M3-A, used as light long range fighter/interceptors, equipped with naquadria-based hyperdrive window generator, replacing the Class 2 hyperdrive, thanks to the larger hull allows the craft to actually fly interstellar distances, unlike the F302 which can only make short jumps, although it is still limited in its fuel supply. While the F-M3001 retains the modular weapon pod of the M3-A that inspired it, it also has a railgun and two missile bays in the wings for added offensive capability, as well as an afterburner system. However the shield system was removed, but armour is built up, but this is at the cost of speed.

F-M3001 Fighter/Interceptor (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft, 1040 (104) atmosphere / 5000 ft afterburner, 2040 ft (204) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (10 base -4 size +3 Class, +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (10 base - 4 size +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 50.1 ft
Weight: 9,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 150 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 32
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Twin laser (fire-linked) -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s;
Or Rail cannon -1 ranged 6d12, 20, ballistic, 3000 ft, S, A;
Or AIM missiles +2 ranged 19d6, 20, 5 miles, single (can be fire-linked for 28d6 damage)

Attack of Opportunity:


Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Simple Controls, modular weapon, ejector seat
Engines: Ion engine, hydrogen injectors, naquadria hyperdrive window generator (max range 20 light years)
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Chaff (6 bundles)
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: Twin Laser cannons, Railgun, AIM-120A AMRAAM missiles (6 missiles, 3 each bay)
Grappling Systems:

Simple Controls
The starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the starfighter.

Modular Weapon
The weapon mounting on the craft can easily and quickly be swapped out. Repair DC 15 and 20 minutes with the proper equipment a single person can change the equipped weapon with a readily available replacement. If a railgun is fitted in the modular weapon mount, it can be fire-linked with the fixed mounted one.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile
These air to air missiles are an alternate to missiles like the Sidewinder with longer range, where instead of using laser designators or heat seeking systems, the missile uses its own targeting system after receiving information from the launching ship. After the missile is fired, it uses its own targeting system to help track the target, making this one of the first fire-and-forget missiles. These missiles also have a passive guidance system that when a target is using a jamming system, the passive system takes over and homes in on the jamming system.
The Stargate Program uses these missiles, and slightly modified versions that allow them to be used in space with little lose in effectiveness.
The missile's guidance system provides a +2 to attack when the pilot makes the initial attack roll, and if the attack misses, the missile can attack again for 5 more rounds at +3 attack roll before it runs out of fuel and self detonates. If the target is using a jamming system, the jamming system is considered ineffective and the missile gains an additional +1 to attack roll as it homes in on the jamming system. Missile will not arm within less than 500 feet, and will only deal 3d6 ballistic damage to targets struck. When the missile hits a target, deals 19d6 points of damage to everything within 15 foot radius, Reflex DC 20 for half except target struck.

AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile (PL5)
Damage: 19d6
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Fire/Ballistic
Range Increment: 5 miles (atmosphere)/ 15,000 ft space
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: +2 when initially fired, ignores jamming system gaining +1 to attack rolls, +3 to attack roll if misses target due to internal targeting system.


Galactic Empire Black Squadron

Black Squadron, also known as 61st Squadron and the Death Star Assault Squadron, is an elite TIE fighter squadron that served under Darth Vader. It's notable engagements include assaults on Ralltiir, Mon Calamari and at the Battle of Yavin while stationed aboard the first Death Star. Several members survived its destruction and continued to serve even to the Battle of Endor.
In Coreline, several alternates of many members continue to serve Black Squadron, protecting important installations or serving with an alternate of Darth Vader.
This squadron is particularly feared as they are elite pilots and most use basic TIE/LN or modified versions, able to take on more advanced fighters.

Black Squadron Pilot
These TIE pilots are amongst the best pilots the Galactic Empire has, some are hand picked by Vader himself. They are all extremely loyal to the Empire, follow orders, and many are ruthless, cruel and bloodthirsty when it comes to crushing the enemies of the Empire.

Black Squadron Pilot (Ordinary Fast 4/Dedicated 3)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 4
Hit Points: 36 hp (4d8+4 plus 3d6+3)
Mas: 13
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft (30 ft)
Defense: 20 (Class +7, +3 Dex, +3 equipment armour)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +6
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +7 melee unarmed strike (1d3+1 nonlethal), +8 ranged blaster pistol (3d8, 20x2, fire, 40 ft, 50 box)
Special Attacks: Co-Ordinate Attack, Stunning Shot
Special Qualities: Co-Ordinate Defense, Formation Flying, Vader's Finest,
Allegiances: Galactic Empire
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +3
Reputation: +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Occupation: Military (Knowledge Tactics, Pilot)
Skills: Balance +4, Computer Use +6, Drive +4, Knowledge Tactics +6, Jump +2, Listen +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Navigate +4, Pilot +12, Profession (Soldier) +4, Read/write Common, Search +4, Spot +5, Survival +4, Tumble +4
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Light Armour Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Starship Operation (Ultralight), Starship Gunnery, Starship Dodge, Starship Strafe, Starship Battle Run
Possessions: TIE Pilot Armour, Blaster Pistol, 3 power packs, comlink (military radio),
Action Points:

Black Squadron TIE Pilots are elite member of the Galactic Empire's Navy, surviving dozens of combat missions with at least 2 dozen kills each. They work well together and are inspired to great feats especially when flying with Darth Vader. These pilots are skilled at moving into formation and multiple fighters targeting the same target, firing and moving off before an opponent can retaliate and dodge incoming fire. Pilots will typically fly in wings of 4 or 8, working together to strike targets with a barrage of weapons fire, scoring hits and destroying most targets in a single pass before moving off to their next target.

Imperial Indoctoration
Due to the physical and mental conditioning members of the Imperial academies receive, graduates are conditioned and are incredibly loyal to the Empire and the Emperor. Imperials gain +1 to saves against fear and +1 to all Cha checks related to their allegiance: Galactic Empire.

Co-Ordinate Attack
When the TIE Pilot is part of a wing made up of other TIE Pilots, each TIE pilot successfully using the Aid Other action to increase the wing commander's attack roll also adds half their weapon damage, similar to fire-linked weapons. This is due to the pilots training to work together for concentrated attacks.

Co-Ordinate Defense
Not only is TIE pilot training help to co-ordinate their attacks, but also for their defense. Instead of the normal +1 cover bonus to the wing commander's Defense, adds the normal +1 plus an additional +1 per 2 wingman in the wing.

Formation Flying
Due to their extensive training in flying in groups and co-ordinating their movements, allowing them to move in large groups. TIE pilots can create a wing of up to 8 TIE fighters of the same type. However for each craft above the standard four increases any Pilot checks DC's for maneuvers by +1.

Vader's Finest
When flying with Darth Vader present in a fighter craft participating in battle, Black Squadron Pilots gain +1 morale bonus to Attack, Defense, Saves and Pilot checks. If a Black Squadron Pilot fails a Pilot check by less than 5, they can re-roll, but must accept the second result even if it is lower than the first.
If the Black Squadron Pilot is part of the same wing as Darth Vader, when Darth Vader can make use of Co-Ordinate Attack with each Black Squadron Pilot adding 75% (three-quarters) of their weapon damage, and Co-Ordinate Defense with each additional Black Squadron pilot adding +1 Defense to Darth Vader instead of +1 per 2 wingman, and each Black Squadron Pilot gains +1 Defense for every 2 members of the wing.

Stunning Shot
Black Squadron Pilots are skilled at disabling opponents. The pilot can choose to make a Stunning shot, reducing damage by 2 die and the struck target is shaken for 1 round on a failed Fort save DC 19: all passengers and crew take -2 to attack, saving and skill checks for 1 round

"Mauler" Mithel, DS-61-2
Mithel, was a pilot in Black Squadron and flew as Darth Vader's left wingman. Took great pride in flying along side such a great pilot as Darth Vader. He honed his piloting and targeting skills poaching Bothan sky dragons in his T-16.

"Mauler" Mithel, DS-61-2 (Ordinary Fast 4/Dedicated 4)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 6
Hit Points: 42 hp (4d8+4 plus 4d6+4)
Mas: 13
Init: +4
Speed: 30 ft (30 ft)
Defense: 25 (Class +8, +4 Dex, +3 equipment armour)
BAB/Grp: +6 / +7
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +8 melee unarmed strike (1d3+1 nonlethal), +10 ranged blaster pistol (3d8, 20x2, fire, 40 ft, 50 box)
Special Attacks: Co-Ordinate Attack, Stunning Shot
Special Qualities: Co-Ordinate Defense, Formation Flying, Vader's Finest, Vader's Wingman
Allegiances: Galactic Empire
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +8, Will +3
Reputation: +4
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Occupation: Military (Knowledge Tactics, Pilot)
Skills: Balance +6, Computer Use +6, Drive +6, Knowledge Tactics +6, Jump +2, Listen +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +7, Navigate +4, Pilot +14, Profession (Soldier) +4, Read/write Common, Search +4, Spot +5, Survival +4, Tumble +6
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Light Armour Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Starship Operation (Ultralight), Starship Gunnery, Starship Dodge, Starship Strafe, Starship Battle Run, Starship Weapon Focus (Laser cannon)
Possessions: TIE Pilot Armour, Blaster Pistol, 3 power packs, comlink (military radio)

Mithel, DS-61-2, flies as Darth Vader's left wingman, always staying close to him, providing protection and covering fire for the Dark Lord of the Sith. Rarely flies without Darth Vader, but when he does, is a steward defender of the squadron's commander.

Imperial Indoctoration
Due to the physical and mental conditioning members of the Imperial academies receive, graduates are conditioned and are incredibly loyal to the Empire and the Emperor. Imperials gain +1 to saves against fear and +1 to all Cha checks related to their allegiance: Galactic Empire.

Co-Ordinate Attack
When the TIE Pilot is part of a wing made up of other TIE Pilots, each TIE pilot successfully using the Aid Other action to increase the wing commander's attack roll also adds half their weapon damage, similar to fire-linked weapons. This is due to the pilots training to work together for concentrated attacks.

Co-Ordinate Defense
Not only is TIE pilot training help to co-ordinate their attacks, but also for their defense. Instead of the normal +1 cover bonus to the wing commander's Defense, adds the normal +1 plus an additional +1 per 2 wingman in the wing.

Formation Flying
Due to their extensive training in flying in groups and co-ordinating their movements, allowing them to move in large groups. TIE pilots can create a wing of up to 8 TIE fighters of the same type. However for each craft above the standard four increases any Pilot checks DC's for maneuvers by +1.

Vader's Finest
When flying with Darth Vader present in a fighter craft participating in battle, Black Squadron Pilots gain +1 morale bonus to Attack, Defense, Saves and Pilot checks. If a Black Squadron Pilot fails a Pilot check by less than 5, they can re-roll, but must accept the second result even if it is lower than the first.
If the Black Squadron Pilot is part of the same wing as Darth Vader, when Darth Vader can make use of Co-Ordinate Attack with each Black Squadron Pilot adding 75% (three-quarters) of their weapon damage, and Co-Ordinate Defense with each additional Black Squadron pilot adding +1 Defense to Darth Vader instead of +1 per 2 wingman, and each Black Squadron Pilot gains +1 Defense for every 2 members of the wing.

Stunning Shot
Black Squadron Pilots are skilled at disabling opponents. The pilot can choose to make a Stunning shot, reducing damage by 2 die and the struck target is shaken for 1 round on a failed Fort save DC 19: all passengers and crew take -2 to attack, saving and skill checks for 1 round

Vader's Wingman
When flying in the same wing as Darth Vader, gains a +2 morale bonus to Attack, Defense, Saves and Pilot checks instead of the +1 from Vader's Finest. While in a wing with Darth Vader, if Darth Vader is attacked by a missile or torpedo type of weapon, can use an attack of opportunity to destroy the missile/torpedo, making an attack roll at -2. If the attack roll beats the attack roll of the attacking ship the missile or torpedo is destroyed.
If Vader is attacked by a projectile or energy weapon, Mithel can move into the path of the attack using an attack of opportunity and become the target of the attack instead. Mithel can make a Reflex save to half the damage he suffers.
If Darth Vader uses Co-Ordinate Defense, Mithel grants an additional +2 to Defense.

Starship Weapon Focus
Choose a specific starship weapon, such as a heavy plasma cannon or maser cannon. You are extremely effective with that weapon.
Prerequisites: Starship Gunnery.
Benefit: You gain a +1 to attack rolls and plus one die of the weapon’s damage die type – when using your chosen weapon.

Black 2 T.I.E./LN Starfighter
Black 2 is the TIE/LN assigned to DS-61-2, "Mauler" Mithel, as part of Black Squadron that flies with Darth Vader. It has been modified for improved maneuverability to allow Mithel to better cover Darth Vader, and with his skills with the weapons, this TIE is deadlier than standard TIEs. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, there were 27 flames drawn on the hull to indicate how many rebels were destroyed by Black 2.

Black 2 T.I.E. Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft
Defense: 23 (10 base -2 size +8 Class +4 Dex) +3 Dodge (while moving), +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 16 (10 base - 2 size +8 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +8
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +11
Length: 20.1 ft
Weight: 6,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 36
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 fire-linked laser +10 ranged 10d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/LN starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrust, Improved Agility, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons
Grappling Systems:

Improved Agility
This craft has been modified with improved thrusters for greater maneuverability, the TIE gains a +3 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE/LN, but the large wing area from the sides, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/LN starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wings.

Simple Controls
The TIE/LN starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

Backstabber, DS-61-3
DS-61-3, also known as Backstabber, was a pilot in Black Squadron and flew as Darth Vader's right wingman. A Corellian human male, known for his viciousness in combat, known for attacks on Ralltiir and Mon Calamari, which increased Black Squadron's reputation.

Backstabber, DS-61-3 (Ordinary Fast 4/Dedicated 4)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 6
Hit Points: 43 hp (5d8+5 plus 3d6+3)
Mas: 13
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft (30 ft)
Defense: 25 (Class +8, +4 Dex, +3 equipment armour)
BAB/Grp: +6 / +7
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +8 melee unarmed strike (1d3+1 nonlethal), +10 ranged blaster pistol (3d8, 20x2, fire, 40 ft, 50 box)
Special Attacks: Co-Ordinate Attack, Stunning Shot, Crippling Shot, Opportunist Strike
Special Qualities: Co-Ordinate Defense, Formation Flying, Vader's Finest, Vader's Wingman, Vicious
Allegiances: Galactic Empire
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +7, Will +3
Reputation: +4
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Occupation: Military (Knowledge Tactics, Pilot)
Skills: Balance +5, Computer Use +6, Drive +5, Knowledge Tactics +6, Jump +2, Listen +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +6, Navigate +4, Pilot +13, Profession (Soldier) +4, Read/write Common, Search +4, Spot +5, Survival +4, Tumble +5
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Light Armour Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Starship Operation (Ultralight), Starship Gunnery, Starship Dodge, Starship Strafe, Starship Battle Run,
Possessions: TIE Pilot Armour, Blaster Pistol, 3 power packs, comlink (military radio),

Backstabber is quite vicious in combat, enjoying crippling ships and taking advantage of their disabled ships to deliver the killing strike. Quite famous for the attacks on Raltiir and Mon Calamari.

Imperial Indoctoration
Due to the physical and mental conditioning members of the Imperial academies receive, graduates are conditioned and are incredibly loyal to the Empire and the Emperor. Imperials gain +1 to saves against fear and +1 to all Cha checks related to their allegiance: Galactic Empire.

Co-Ordinate Attack
When the TIE Pilot is part of a wing made up of other TIE Pilots, each TIE pilot successfully using the Aid Other action to increase the wing commander's attack roll also adds half their weapon damage, similar to fire-linked weapons. This is due to the pilots training to work together for concentrated attacks.

Co-Ordinate Defense
Not only is TIE pilot training help to co-ordinate their attacks, but also for their defense. Instead of the normal +1 cover bonus to the wing commander's Defense, adds the normal +1 plus an additional +1 per 2 wingman in the wing.

Formation Flying
Due to their extensive training in flying in groups and co-ordinating their movements, allowing them to move in large groups. TIE pilots can create a wing of up to 8 TIE fighters of the same type. However for each craft above the standard four increases any Pilot checks DC's for maneuvers by +1.

Vader's Finest
When flying with Darth Vader present in a fighter craft participating in battle, Black Squadron Pilots gain +1 morale bonus to Attack, Defense, Saves and Pilot checks. If a Black Squadron Pilot fails a Pilot check by less than 5, they can re-roll, but must accept the second result even if it is lower than the first.
If the Black Squadron Pilot is part of the same wing as Darth Vader, when Darth Vader can make use of Co-Ordinate Attack with each Black Squadron Pilot adding 75% (three-quarters) of their weapon damage, and Co-Ordinate Defense with each additional Black Squadron pilot adding +1 Defense to Darth Vader instead of +1 per 2 wingman, and each Black Squadron Pilot gains +1 Defense for every 2 members of the wing.

Stunning Shot
Black Squadron Pilots are skilled at disabling opponents. The pilot can choose to make a Stunning shot, reducing damage by 2 die and the struck target is shaken for 1 round on a failed Fort save DC 19: all passengers and crew take -2 to attack, saving and skill checks for 1 round

Crippling Shot
Backstabber is quite vicious and cruel in combat, delighting in disabling craft and knowing the crew are feeling despair as they wait for their death. While piloting a starship, can take -4 to attack roll, and on a successful hit, the target ship is stunned for 1 round and engines are disabled for an additional round. If Backstabber scored a critical, the target is stunned for 2 rounds and engines are completely disabled, needing to be brought online manually by the crew.

Opportunist Strike
If an enemy ship is stunned or shaken within 1000 ft of Backstabber, he may use an attack of opportunity, at -3 to attack roll, attack the shaken or stunned starship.

Vader's Wingman
When flying in the same wing as Darth Vader, gains a +2 morale bonus to Attack, Defense, Saves and Pilot checks instead of the +1 from Vader's Finest. While in a wing with Darth Vader, if Darth Vader is attacked by a missile or torpedo type of weapon, can use an attack of opportunity to destroy the missile/torpedo, making an attack roll at -2. If the attack roll beats the attack roll of the attacking ship the missile or torpedo is destroyed.
If Vader is attacked by a projectile or energy weapon, Backstabber can move into the path of the attack using an attack of opportunity and become the target of the attack instead. Backstabber can make a Reflex save to half the damage he suffers.
If Darth Vader uses Co-Ordinate Attack, Backstabber grants an additional +2 to Attack.

Backstabber is vicious in combat, delighting in crippling foes and targeting weakened foes. If attacking a shaken or stunned starship, Backstabber deals 25% more damage and critical threat range is increased by 1.

Black 3 T.I.E./LN Starfighter
Black 3 is piloted by DS-61-3, aka Backstabber, modified for increased maneuverability. Has a stylized image of a Corellian slice hound painted on the inner hatch.

Black 3 T.I.E. Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft
Defense: 23 (10 base -2 size +8 Class +4 Dex) +3 Dodge (while moving), +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 16 (10 base - 2 size +8 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +8
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +10
Length: 20.1 ft
Weight: 6,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 36
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 fire-linked laser +8 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/LN starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrust, Improved Agility, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons
Grappling Systems:

Improved Agility
This craft has been modified with improved thrusters for greater maneuverability, the TIE gains a +3 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE/LN, but the large wing area from the sides, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/LN starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wings.

Simple Controls
The TIE/LN starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.


Adventure Corp Bases
Adventure Corp offers a series of prefabricated buildings that can function as a base of operations for adventurers, mercenaries, other independent operators. These bases come in the form of several 53 foot long trailers with construction robots that assemble the building from the materials within, eventually becoming part of the structure itself functioning as the building's central computer and control system. The final building will appear as a generic warehouse type structure, or another type of building if programmed with the specifications. The building can be built within an existing building of existing or slightly larger size, which will hide the existence of the newer building.
These bases are made with reinforced materials, approximately 3 stories high, with a modular interior, typically set up with a large open area that has two, or more, roll up doors which are either ground level to allow vehicles to drive in, or dock level for trailers to back up to. This large area can easily be divided into smaller areas to serve as repair areas, manufacturing areas, storage, or any other purposes the owners wish. The rest of the interior is divided into various rooms of various sizes, but typically includes a reception style main entrance, 2d4 office style rooms, a large lunch style room with fridges, microwaves, stove and cupboards that can seat up to 20, locker room, 4 washrooms, two with showers, a caged storage area with heavy locks. Another 2d4 rooms which can be easily set up for other uses such as bedrooms, cells, or small storage areas.
The building can easily be hooked up to local power grid and water system, but also comes with solar panels, batteries and heavy gas or diesel powered generators to prove power, with water collection and purification system. The construction robots become the central computers for the building, which connects to an internal security, video, communications and fire suppression system, heating and cooling systems. The outside of the building has cameras which are part of the security and alarm system. Basic radio and phone system with high speed wireless internet communications is built in.
These bases typically have about 16,000 square feet, about 1500 ft by 4000 ft, but other sizes are available, up to 4000 ft by 4000 ft, with all interior space divided up into 3 floors. The building walls typically have 70 hit points per 10 ft by 10 ft area with hardness 15, layered to protect against standard armour piercing warheads being only 75% effective (reduce the warhead's ability to ignore hardness by 25%, rounding down).
PDC: 47 Takes 1 week to construct.

Reinforced Structure

This uses stronger and more resistant materials, increased reinforcement of the walls and foundation. Increases hit points per 10 ft by 10 ft area by +15, increases hardness by +3. Can be applied up to 3 times. PDC: 40

Basic Medical Bay
Includes a basic medical sensor, basic tools and medicines that equal to Advanced First Aid and Surgical kits with at least enough supplies for 5 to 10 uses. A couple of beds and medical supplies. Types up 20 ft by 20 ft area. PDC 15

Medical Bay, Expanded
The expanded medical bay is larger, and more advanced than the basic medbay, including more diagnostic equipment, automatic diagnostic systems and automatic monitoring systems and possibly automatic drug dispensing systems. Able to treat about 20 people before requiring restacking. The medical database will also contain basic surgery instructions, information about common bacteria, diseases, poisons, toxins and venoms and treatments as well as supplies for treating them. Grants +1 to Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences (in relation to medicine, biology, genetics) and Treat Injury. Requires 1 doctor, takes up a 30 ft by 50 ft area. PDC 25.

Enhanced Medical Bay
The enhanced medical bay can be added to any medical bay except the basic. This version has improved scanners, drug dispensers, systems for creating new medicines or anti-toxins from scratch. Grants +2 to Knowledge: earth and Life Sciences and Treat Injury. Anyone with at least 3 ranks in Treat Injury can benefit from the Surgery feat at -2 to Treat Injury checks. Anyone in the medbay taking complete bed rest (resting for 24 hours), the patient only needs to rest for 18 hours to gain the full benefits of complete bed rest. There will also be an isolation lab that will have two beds with separate oxygen supply, small autopsy area and 1d4 cold storage bays for dead bodies.
Requires at least 2 doctors, taking up a 100 ft by 100 ft area. PDC 35

Chemistry Lab
Small chemistry lab to allow creating or distilling chemicals, toxins, etc, granting +2 to Craft: Pharmaceutical and Chemical.
Takes up a 25 ft by 25 ft area. PDC 25

Advanced Chemistry Lab
A larger laboratory, capable of making complex chemicals, compounds and even explosives, granting +5 to Craft: Pharmaceutical and Chemical checks. Has several large storage takes for various chemicals and compounds. Takes up a 100 ft by 100 ft area, PDC 35.

Science Lab Basic
This is a lab designed for research, minor surveying, and studying whatever the crew happens to come across. The basic lab includes basic lab tools and sensors for performing research, studying samples of various types of materials from liquids, gases and solids. Includes many sample containers and shelving for holding samples, microscopes, small x-rays, chemical analyzing equipment, carbon dating systems, an isolation chamber for samples, heavy radiation shielding for any radioactive samples, fire suppression, ventilation systems for containing any poisonous or toxic fumes that might escape. Provides all the basic equipment of any science lab. Takes up a 75 ft by 75 ft area, PDC 30.

Standard Science Lab
This is a full lab for research, minor reverse engineering, studying and some surveying, cataloguing new specimens. Comes with all kinds of sensors, tools and equipment to conduct research and study specimens. Has everything in the basic science lab, but includes far more sample storage, 2 large isolation areas (each 15 ft by 15 ft) with independent environmental controls and oxygen supplies and two robotic arms for manipulating objects inside and special sterile pass through box in the wall and airock, 8 small isolation pods that are 4 ft by 4 ft that users can access the material with robotic arms or built in gloves. The isolation pods are all radiation shielded. The computers and equipment grants +2 to Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Technology, Xeno-technology, Research. Comes with a small chemistry lab to allow creating or distilling chemicals, toxins, etc, granting +2 to Craft: Pharmaceutical and Chemical. The small workshop allows the study and assembly of small equipment (nothing larger than the size of a medium sized bookshelf), or for reverse engineering.
Uses up a 100 ft by 150 ft area PDC 36.

Advanced Science Lab
This lab has extensive and advanced equipment for research, cataloguing specimens, reverse engineering and crafting equipment. Grants +5 to Computer Use checks, Research, Craft Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Technology and Xeno-technology, and +3 to Craft Mechanical and Electrical. The advanced lab has special ventilation systems and heavy radiation shielding granting anyone inside +4 to Fort saves against radiation from the event a sample not in an isolation chamber begins to emit radiation or if the ship itself is bombarded by heavy radiation. An incinerator (4 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft) for destroying harmful samples. 4 isolation areas and 16 isolation pods. The lab can be completely sealed from the rest of the ship with its own oxygen supply for 3 days.
Uses up a 200 ft by 300 ft area PDC 40.

Workshop Basic
This is a basic workshop, allowing for repairing equipment and crafting small replacement parts for most vehicles and equipment. Small inert ammunition can be crafted (bullets or railgun rounds but no specialty rounds that require chemicals, explosives or moving parts). Provides the tools for crafting electrical, mechanical and small structural items from simple hand weapons, electrical equipment, pieces for armour suits, small ship parts, small structural items, or repairing such items. Nothing larger than 6 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft in size. Has all the equipment to make Craft: Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Repair checks without penalties. Has enough supplies on hand to create, or repair up to 400 lbs of gear, or 40 hp of items within the shop itself. More supplies can be carried in storage areas.
Uses up 50 ft by 50 ft area, PDC 34.

Standard Workshop
This is a standard workshop, able to make most items and repair them. There is enough space to repair, or even larger vehicles, with enough time and skill, an item of large size, such as bikes or small personal speeders, suits of armour and ship components up to that size. Grants +2 to Craft: Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Repair checks. The shop carries enough supplies to create up to 1 ton of items, or 100 hp, but usually has direct access to cargo bay for ease of access to more supplies and move items for repair or built to and from the shop to the cargo bays or hanger.
Uses up a 75 ft by 75 ft area, PDC 38.

Expanded Workshop
This workshop is large, able to work on multiple large items or pool resources to work on an object up to gargantuan size, or 4 large objects at once. Has direct access to cargo bay or hanger. These shops can work on more complex items, and with skilled crew, can assemble small fighter craft, with the correct components on hand. Grants +4 to Craft: Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Repair checks, carries enough supplies for up to 5 tons of items, or 200 hp.
Uses up a 100 ft by 100 ft area, PDC 43.

Heavy Workshop
This workshop can work on items up to huge size, or smaller. Exactly the same as the Expanded Workshop, just larger and can support the heavier weight of larger ships or equipment being created and the equipment to move them between the workshop and cargo bay or hanger. Same bonuses, but objects of large size or smaller have craft and repair times reduced by 25%. Holds enough supplies in the workshop for 15 tons of items or 300 hp to be created or repaired, additional supplies must be held in cargo bays.
Takes up a 150 ft by 150 ft area, PDC 49.

Advanced Workshop
This workshop has more advanced equipment, and is added to any workshop except the basic workshop. Comes equipped with Electricomp and Mechanicomp sensors (+4 to Repair checks), grants +4 to Craft: Electrical, Mechanical and Structural checks. Repair times are reduced by 25%, but not crafting time.
Uses up an additional 5 tons of cargo per ship type, increase PDC +4.

This is a small chapel, consecrated by priests, with confessional, crucifix, selection of holy texts. Performing divine magic within the chapel gains an additional die, or fixed values are increased by 50%, durations are increased by double. Takes up 30 ft by 50 ft area. PDC 31

Magic Laboratory
This laboratory is designed to create magical potions, with various magical wards and filled with a basic chemical lab with additional magical items and equipment. Grants +2 to checks making magical potions and items. Takes up 30 ft by 30 ft area. PDC 33

Nonlethal Security System
If someone breaks into the building, an automated system, or triggered manually by someone at the controls, can trigger countermeasures. Typically restraints or gas that causes intruders to lose consciousness. Restraints target must make Reflex save DC 17 or be restrained, typically made of launchable globs of hardening goo, plastic bands fired from concealed launchers. Strength DC 22 to break.
Gas requires Fort DC 15 or be rendered unconscious for 1d4 hours, gas lingers for 15 minutes before dissipating. Either method has typically 10 uses per entrance or secured area.
PDC 35 Lic (+1)

Retractable Weapons
A concealed retractable mount with tracking system fitted with weapon of choice. Search DC 19 to find the concealed weapon, weapon has +5 to attack rolls, has enough ammunition for typically 2 reloads. PDC weapon PDC + 10. Res to Mil (+2 to +3)

Secret Entrance
This is an entrance that is concealed and accessible from a short distance away that leads underground into the building, about 200 feet away from the building.
Search DC 21 to find. Large personnel door PDC 23, large vehicle 25. PDC +1 per additional 50 ft from the building.

Retractable Roof Access
This modifies the roof to open to allow VTOL craft, or flying characters to leave through the roof of the building.
PDC: 24


I like how this is setup for a Modular format. If I ever get to run the game that I want, the Adventure Corp prefab buildings make for a great air droppable or shuttle deployed system. Could make for an interesting game of having to re-secure an Adventure Corp prefab unit and then try to work out the rest of the mission. It almost sounds like the Empyrian Galactic game I just got on Steam.

Voidrunner's Codex

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