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D&D 5E Sample adventure to test 5E in high level (15th) play. Any takers?


His eyes widen, and he straightens himself, slightly puffs out his chest, and then bows.

'I am indeed. Tis nary a problem at all; a trivial voyage compared to the adventures of the 'Folly. They didnt tell ole Grogbeard such a fair damsel would be on this voyage.'

Also, feel free to make me an Insight check.

Insight check: 12.

I'll wait for the result before saying how Ellina responds to the compliment!

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Time still passes normally on the Astral, but creatures do not feel the effects (no hunger or thirst or ageing). Creatures that live on the Astral and give birth to live offspring need to travel to other planes to do so.
Ah, so it does cut into our deadline, alright then.

But - it will be a 2 hour journey.

As such,

Once we are done addressing the crew:

to the group Bartholomew says "I have a spell that will greatly fortify us (aiding our vigor and resolve). However, it will take an hour to complete. With the journey being 2 hours, seems like the perfect time to trot it out.

BUT, I suspect the journey will not be uneventful, in which case the spell is wasted if we get interrupted. Then again maybe things will be initially quiet and we get lucky."

Thoughts on whether to risk it?

Edit - Breaking it down in game terms since we've all seen Bartholomew cast it before: Heroes Feast will give significant benefits for 24 hours (so longer than the time of the adventure really, immunity to poison, immunity to fear, advantage on wisdom saves and a few more HP) but it's a 6th level spell and if wasted a pretty big resource cost.

@Flamestrike these kinds of "group" discussions. Do you prefer them here or in the chat so as to not clutter here?
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To the group Bartholomew says "I have a spell that will greatly fortify us (aiding our vigor and resolve). However, it will take an hour to complete. With the journey being 2 hours, seems like the perfect time to trot it out.

BUT, I suspect the journey will not be uneventful, in which case the spell is wasted if we get interrupted. Then again maybe things will be initially quiet and we get lucky."

Thoughts on whether to risk it?
10 mins casting time, and 1 hour to eat.

Ill wait for you to see what the consensus is. If you want to cast it regardless let me know.

As you say this, Grogbeards eyes light up.

Aye, ye be talkin about Heroes Feast! Knew me a Cleric back in the day that would feed up her party good and proper before quests with that magic. She's a demi-God in another place now. (he glances at the Rogue, clearly watching to see if she's impressed)

Ye can use the Officers quarters if you like. Hope you dont mind if myself and Mr Christian join ye. I do like me a good Heroes feast!
@Flamestrike these kinds of "group" discussions. Do you prefer them here or in the chat so as to not clutter here?
Either or mate.

"Oh, Captain Grogbeard, are you perhaps married? I couldn't help but notice the ring on your finger."
Nay, no lass has taken ole Grogbeards heart.... yet. (He again throws a sideways glance at the Rogue, a roguish smile on his face)

Galvich will attempt to have a conversation to inquire information on their magic items without explicitly calling them out as magic herself. If the nature of the convo arrives at her staff, she'll be honest about it to garner trust. She won't do anything about the information immediately but she's more comfortable having information than not.
These trinkets? They be plunder taken from curs that tried to scuttle the 'Folly. The folly was theirs I assure you!
Whatever the result of the exchange, Galvich speak with Mr. Christian next. "Sir Christian, it is wonderful to meet you. My name is Lady Galvich but you can simply call me Galvich. I hear you're the strongest here but I'm not sure I'm convinced."
The Giff towers over you and throws you what you assume to be a perplexed look (it's hard to tell when a Hippopotamus is perplexed).

'Plenty strong enough to keep these rascals in line m'lady' he replies (indicating the motley crew)

She basically wants to size him up for how strong he is and any other info that could form naturally from conversations like what he likes/dislikes and what he knows about Carceri, The Mad Titan Krios, or anything else relevant to the mission. For information's sake at this point.
Charisma Persuasion, as you spend a few minutes talking to him.

Insight check: 12.

I'll wait for the result before saying how Ellina responds to the compliment!
Charming bad boy vibes. Johnny Depp from Pirates.

He's obviously showing Elina extra attention!


He looks something like this; but with a peg leg, hook hand and eye patch!


Now you're infected by the Musical Doodle
While he shows Asa the broadsides, he'll keep an eye on the hippo to use Know Your Enemy and get info on his current HP and AC.


Patron Badass
[13]+11=24 Persuasion

Also, I'm for the Heroes' Feast. Galvich will have more superficial (yet formal) conversations with the Captain and Christian about their exploits as well as her own. She also asks if anyone minds if she lights some incense for the mood during the feast.
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While he shows Asa the broadsides, he'll keep an eye on the hippo to use Know Your Enemy and get info on his current HP and AC.
[13]+11=24 Persuasion

The Fighter and the Sorcerer take a tour of the Ship, both of you sizing the Giff up!

He explains to you the ship has 4 x Eldritch turrets (currently unmanned due to their last spellcaster recently suffering an... 'unfortunate mishap' (these seem to be pretty regular around here!). There are two either side.

Eldritch turrets: Allow a caster manning one to use an action and make a ranged spell attack using the casters spell attack modifier that deals 3d8 force damage (range 300’) for a 1st level slot. +3d8 per 2 slots over 1st.

It also has 2 x Force Ballistae (one on each side):

Force ballista: Martial ranged weapon. Deal 3d10+Dex force damage. Reloading one is a bonus action. Range 120/480. Also have a separate grapple harpoon that can be launched.

Sorcerer: He tells you that (between you and he) he's deeply concerned for the safety on the trip. He wouldn't normally say as much to a passenger, but the weather has been terrible recently with a lot of Astral Storms afoot. He's never seen it this bad; they're particularly strong in intensity, frequency and duration. If he had the choice he wouldnt be setting out in such conditions, but he has his orders from the Captain.

Fighter: You're superior in both HP and AC. :)

Once initial greetings are out of the way, Alvin follows the tour being given to Ellina. He doesn't draw too close, in case the halfling woman wants some personal time with the captain for whatever reason, but he genuinely seems to enjoy the tour. Somewhere along the way, while admiring the gorgeous view off the starboard side of the boat, he bellows out an answer to Bartholomew.

"I think we should risk it. I don't know anything about the weather out here, but I would wager a good steak that storms will only get worse the further we get from port. And we should expect to get attacked. I can imagine a few cultists who may jump at the opportunity to stop us... and bring about the destruction of the Wheel."

Of course, he's obviously guessing about the weather. That's the way it works, right?


Bartholomew will prepare a heroes feast he will invite the captain and first mate to join (as requested but would have anyway).

Assuming we get all the way through:
If anyone happens to be suffering from any diseases (or poisons) they are cured;
Immunity to fear;
Immunity to poison;
Advantage on Wisdom saves;
2d10 HP added to maximum, NOT temp HP regular HP (sadly only rolled a 7 on 2d10);
Lasts 24 hours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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