• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Sample adventure to test 5E in high level (15th) play. Any takers?

No takers on the counterspell, so that is one lucky Gish!

Next is... the Dragon Crimsontide!

Sorcerer - you watch in horror as your spell is dispelled, the magic slipping from your mind. Below you, spearing upwards like a breaching shark, its toothy grin filled with fire is a Young Red Dragon, closing in on you at a rate of knots!

It heads straight for you, a tasty morsel indeed, when its Githyanki rider pulls it away at the last second. In draconic it sneers at you 'Your day will come half breed pretender!

Instead it lands on the deck of the ship, perched on the side like thus:


The party turns as the ship shudders and lists slightly to the port side under the beasts weight. The Dragon pauses to look you all over for a brief moment, its rider blurred by some magical effect, gleaming mercurial greatsword in hand, both surveying you all.

Then it breathes fire.

61 points of Fire damage to everyone other than the Sorcerer who is protected by the hull (and out of the cone).

Dexterity saves please. Fighter you have half cover (+2) from the railing.
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Bartholomew the bard :

Reaction : absorb elements.

Save (using inspiration just in case) :

Roll: (20, 1) - 20
Bonus : 8
Paladin : 5
Total : 33

Damage total : 15


Now you're infected by the Musical Doodle
1d20 (10) + 13 = 23

Assuming that passes, so, 30 damage, and I'll use the Bond to take the Bard's damage as well and teleport to that space just under the Rogue, so I can be close but still leave space for the Cleric to jump in.


1d20 (10) + 13 = 23

Assuming that passes, so, 30 damage, and I'll use the Bond to take the Bard's damage as well and teleport to that space just under the Rogue, so I can be close but still leave space for the Cleric to jump in.
How low will that put you? even with the 15 damage, I'm at 90 HP.


DEX save = 13 + 10 = 23, unless I'm still in the paladin aura, in which case it's 28. (I've lost track of who's where.)

Do I get any cover from whatever I'm hiding behind?

(Also, I have Evasion.)

DEX save = 13 + 10 = 23,
No damage to the Rogue, thanks to evasion.

Bartholomew the bard :

Reaction : absorb elements.

Save (using inspiration just in case) :

Roll: (20, 1) - 20
Bonus : 8
Paladin : 5
Total : 33

Damage total : 15

No damage for the Bard (see below).

Dexterity Save = 13
damage taken
61 Fire damage for the Cleric.

1d20 (10) + 13 = 23

Assuming that passes, so, 30 damage, and I'll use the Bond to take the Bard's damage as well and teleport to that space just under the Rogue, so I can be close but still leave space for the Cleric to jump in.

45 Fire damage for you, as you teleport next to the Bard and take his space.

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