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D&D 5E New Unearthed Arcana: Wonders of the Multiverse

WotC has posted a new Unearthed Arcana featuring the Glitchling race, the Fate domain, and a handful of backgrounds, feats and spells. In today’s Unearthed Arcana, we explore D&D character options from across the multiverse. This playtest document presents the glitchling race; the Fate Domain cleric subclass; and the gate warden, giant foundling, planar philosopher, and rune carver...

WotC has posted a new Unearthed Arcana featuring the Glitchling race, the Fate domain, and a handful of backgrounds, feats and spells.

In today’s Unearthed Arcana, we explore D&D character options from across the multiverse. This playtest document presents the glitchling race; the Fate Domain cleric subclass; and the gate warden, giant foundling, planar philosopher, and rune carver backgrounds. Additionally, a collection of new feats provide links to giants and other primordial forces of the planes, while a selection of new spells highlight the power of fate and chance.


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I haven't been keeping up with all the new UA's--what's an example of flavor mechanics?

One of the weaknesses of Planescape has always been that the core conceit--belief is reality--has not been a good match for dnd. The 2e PS modules had all sorts of scenarios that mitigated against combat, because what was at stake was a town shifting from one plane to another, or else everything was just too deadly, or because it was about faction intrigue. But the only way for the modules to make that work was by playing out scenes and then railroading solutions. Instead, 2e could only provide things within its toolset: kits, alignment restrictions, meticulous rules for spell interactions.

This UA similarly uses things within the 5e toolset--damage resistances, cantrips and spells, extra healing and extra damage--to try to associate the setting theme (planar philosophers and wanderers) to the system. We'll see how it plays out! If they were being really bold, they might try to produce a "social combat" subsystem (but less complicated than Burning Wheel) or provide a more extensive set of procedures for faction tracking (like in Worlds Without Number). I've read that Strixhaven attempted to do some of this at the level of individual relationships to mixed success.
The Social Mechanics of Strixhaven was not, as far as I recall, previewed or tested in a UA and I would not expect to see such new rules in a UA. I would be very interested in such subsystems but I would only expect to see them in a setting book or maybe in the revised core rules as an optional addin.
I actually like the feat chains for their flavour not for their mechanical heft. I would be happy with less mechanical heft but with the ability to add more feats to the characters then allowed by the current ASIs. Even if that means feats siloed to ASI feats and background feat chains.

Li Shenron

Also pay attention to the changes they made. Is any of y’all feedback reflected?
Absolutely not, and in retrospective I don't think it ever had an effect.

Which pretty clearly signals to me that I am off the rail with the mainstream. I will probably skip next revision/edition like I did with everything between 3.0 and 5.0, and stick with my tradition of "only odd-integer-numbered editions".

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
There's some individual bits and pieces i like in here, and some i dislike (though in general i think the concepts are much better than the implementations).

What I'm finding a bit strange is how un-adventurous and by-the-numbers it all is, mechanically speaking. I mean, we're 8(?) years into 5th ed, with a revision right around the corner. In later years of previous editions, D&D started to throw some more experimental concepts out there. Book of Nine Swords. Player's Option. Even the Warlock was originally a late-3e experiment that took off (Player's Handbook 2 i think?). Some of these ideas worked, and some ... didn't (played an Incarnum user lately? Or a Dragon Shaman?).

Surely UA gives WotC an ideal forum to try out wacky and weird ideas, to get an idea of community reaction and possible mechanical pain points before canonicising them in books? But everything in here is just so ... same same, heard it all before. Learn a cantrip and have one use of a 2nd level spell per long rest. Add 1d4 damage once per round. Impose disadvantage once per proficiency bonus per long rest. Yawn. Half of this could have been done with a random generator. The 5e design space seems to be becoming smaller as time passes, rather than larger.
I am not against some safe by the number stuff as you will always need something which just works well, but I want some more adventurous stuff as well show they still got something passionate in them not just bland corporatism, I think I will mention it in the feedback.
Absolutely not, and in retrospective I don't think it ever had an effect.

Which pretty clearly signals to me that I am off the rail with the mainstream. I will probably skip next revision/edition like I did with everything between 3.0 and 5.0, and stick with my tradition of "only odd-integer-numbered editions".
I might join you if they do not go for something more ambitious.

I am putting it down now, if they get a decent idea for the looks of the glitchling it will end up oddly popular.


Possibly a Idiot.
They are hiding confirmations behind other confirmations now. Everything is confirmed, yet nothing is.


Rogue Modrons, but also not (Expect more of those porcelain doll characters that people use Warforged and Autognome Stats with)

Creature type: Construct.
I would assume this means non-humanoid PCs are going to happen. The construct type is perhaps the second most impactful creature type to have in terms of what it makes you a valid target for.

Armored Plating.
This is just flat out better than similar “unarmored” racial features. Even the shell of a Tortle is weaker than this power if you have a good Dex score. Heck, it’s better than using Medium Armor most of the time too.

Balance Chaos.
Setting your roll to 10 automatically makes you pass death saving throws, otherwise you aren’t likely to turn a failure into a success unless you are seriously pumping up that particular roll (like an Archer would) and just biffed it on a natural 1 or something.

Ordered Mind.
Advantage on Insight instead of +1d4? Have they finally abandoned that particular mechanic? Advantage against charm is alright too.

Vestigial Wings.
Super-Jumping power.

Clearly overtuned, but not game-breakingly so. An ideal pick for any Archer, or Arcane Caster.

Fate Domain.

Purportedly the School of Divination via Cleric.

Domain Spells.
Mostly protective spells, a few “Let me ask about the future” spells, and what should have been focused on more: Charm type spells that force creatures to do things. Augury, Commune, Divination. These spells aren’t suitable as features, they are spells PCs cast because they are lost and need a mulligan to get back on the plot.

Omens and Portents.
Sadly, this isn't anywhere as fun as Portent is. It’s just more plot mulliganing.

Ties that Bind.
Finally, some threads of fate manipulation. Oh wait, it’s just Hunter's Mark as a class feature. Which is kind of sad for Rangers, now that I think about it. How long have they been asking for this, and suddenly the Cleric gets it?

Strands of Fate.
Now for REAL fate manipulation, and it's just inflicting (dis)advantage on attack rolls and skill checks. I suppose it stacks with Guidance and Bless at least (as long as someone else casts them, that is). Actually, why isn’t Guidance one of the key mechanics for this subclass? It's way more fun and useful than Augury.

Insightful Striking.

-1d6 to an enemy saving throw is hands down the most useful and most fun ability this subclass has to offer, and they get it at level 6. Sheesh.

Potent Spellcasting.

Standard and whatever.

Visions of the Future.
Foresight isn’t exactly the best 9th level spell, but a free 9th level spell that lasts all day isn’t bad at all.

Honestly they should have gone with fate weavers with scissors and thread instead of oracles. More charm, more dice manipulation, less 20 questions with your DM. You can even pepper in some premonition power like Spider-man’s Spider Sense if you have to. In fact, that would be great to go with the threads of fate angle that is begging to come out of this subclasses shell.


Actually backgrounds are unimportant, due to the fact they are inherently malleable, and it appears they are setting up all backgrounds to get a free feat. So even the free feats aren’t worth discussing in this section, with one caveat:

I must point out that Tough and Skilled are not cool feats, even when they are free. There are way cooler feats, like Chef, or Healer, or Inspiring Leader, that people would rather have. People want actual mechanical representation of their character quirks, not boring stuff like more HP.

I mean, yes, people want more HP at low levels, but that has nothing to do with character creation options and everything to do with smoothing over the bumps of levels 1-3.

Planescape Confirmed though~


I will be doing this in categorized order: Level 1 free feats, their feat trees. And then any stragglers. The best way to parse this kind of information.

Rune Carver Apprentice
Magic Initiate via other means.

Rune Carver Adept
Makes your runes better, PB/Day. The effects are, weak, at best. But it is technically a free action rider on something you were going to do anyway. If it is a free level 4 feat, it’s ok. If you have to spend an ASI on it, pass.

Scion of Elemental Air
All of these elemental feats Scream for the Elemental Evil Cantrips to be reprinted with them. Seriously, they demand it, it would be sooo gooood.

Minor illusion is an OK cantrip (if you have a fair DM) , and a super-jump as a bonus action is handy.

Scion of Elemental Earth
Druidcraft? I suppose if you can’t have Mold Earth it’s nice. Speaking of Mold Earth, you can use a bonus action to create some earthen cover, which is handy for map control.

Scion of Elemental Fire
Dancing Lights is okish, Control Flames would be more on point. Produce Flame as a bonus action is intriguing, but a bit clunky. Easily the weakest of them so far.

Scion of Elemental Water
You know what I am going to say here: Shape Water.
The 10’ of push/pull as a bonus action is really good, possibly the best one of the lot.

Scion of the Outer Planes.
Resistance and a Cantrip? Not bad for a free feat. Though why is there no Force Resistance? Surely Chaos or Law would imply that.

Agent of Order
A half-feat with PB/LR binding smites. It’s hard to say this isn’t worth it, but I have better things to spend an ASI on for sure.

Baleful Scion
Another Haf-feat with smites, only these are vampiric smites. Less worth an ASI than Order for sure.

Cohort of Chaos
It’s wild magic, for attack rolls! So, just, no. There is a reason why crit fumbles aren’t in the core rules.

Outlands Envoy
Add Tongues and Misty Step to your spell list, and cast them once for free per day. There are other ways you could have gotten those spells.

Planar Wanderer
Resistance to damage, and you can crack Portals open. This is a feat anchored for Planescape, but it is still the best one of these so far.

Righteous Heritor
A reaction to reduce damage. So not worth spending an ASI on.

Strike of the Giants
A selection of bonus action smites that work on thrown weapons. If it wasn’t free I wouldn’t recommend it, because it’s actually weaker than the feats I already went over.

Ember of the Fire Giant
You can burst out blinding flame like a Fizbans-Dragonborn. Also fire resistance.

Fury of the Frost Giant
A slowing rebuke when you are hurt by an attack roll. Basically that tiefling thing but icy. Also Frost resistance.

Guile of the Cloud Giant
Gain resistance and teleport as a reaction to being hurt with an attack, actually really handy.

Keenness of the Stone Giant
You get an extreme rendition of the Magic Stone cantrip, that you can only attack with pbXpb/day. This is so bad, did you notice it doesn’t even have the finesse property? So if you are playing a STR character you are using your DEX mod because it's a Ranged Weapon!
Also darkvision. But wow, they messed this one up.

Soul of the Storm Giant
This one is also bad, it creates a 10’ storm around you, for one turn, that inflicts disadvantage on attack rolls and halves enemy speed. This should really last longer.

Vigor of the Hill Giant
You can ignore forced movement as a reaction (handy) and gain more HP when you spend HD as part of a long rest. One of the better giant feats, surprisingly. Considering hill giants being so weak amongst the giants.

You can use cards as a focus. Dealing extra damage when you do so (Hi to you Magic Missile!).
Additionally, you gain Prestidigitation, which is a fun spell, made even more fun when you can forgo the components of the spell to do tricks.
Finally, you can store a spell to activate as a trap card with a bonus action, which is crazy good. This feat is amazing. And the only bad thing I can say about it is that Artificers can’t use it.

It occurs to me now, that if they really wanted to make feats that level up with you, they should just make feats that level-locked powers instead of doing feat trees where you pick up a half-feat to mitigate the loss of an ASI.



It’s a direct damage spell that eats up a reaction, at level 3. This is a level 2 effect at best.

House of Cards
Artificers do exist! Unfortunately, this spell kind of sucks. Thanks to the long cast time, it’s only real use is to set up a trap of some kind (or maybe function as a makeshift bridge). And even then it has a ton of problems. Casting the spell as an action would make it useful for setting up some impromptu cover in the middle of combat, and make the spell good.

Spirit of Death.
Summon Undead is way better. Unless you are a Sorcerer, in which case you finally have access to a Summon spell, at long last, even if it is a bad one.

Spray of Cards
It’s like Color Spray and Burning Hands compressed into one spell, but you can only pick one of them at a time. Useful for Sorcerers with their limited spell selection I suppose, but it would have been cool to actually combine the effects. Also, the damage scales badly for some reason.

Summon Warrior Spirit
Finally, a good summon spell for a Sorcerer, and all it had to do is let them summon another class to do the dirty work for them. Will wonders never cease?

At any rate, there are distinct advantages to each summon option. The Fighter is defense, the Monk is control, and the Barbarian is raw DPR.

There is a list of card spells here, and I can’t help but feel like this was meant for a scrapped subclass. Possibly a Sorcerer origin that was just too niche to pass internal playtesting. But wow, that would have been quite the subclass judging from these scraps.

The Giant feats in this would be perfect as Racial feat options for Dwarves, Trolls, Genasi, and Firbolg races.
Picking scion of elemental earth, strike of the giants (hill), and vigour of the hill giant with my earth genasi.

Going all in on theme. No clue how practical it will actually be though.

If glitchlings have got vestigial wings, does this mean they can't wear any clothes on the back or the shoulders like the rest of humanoids?

A racial "flaw" (anti-feat) for glitchlings could be their cube-shaped heads wouldn't allow them to wear helms like the rest of humanoids.



After this, why not also the shardminds in the future Psionic Handbook? And what about the livings contructs as PCs in Dark Sun? If they don't need nor food neither water then there they are practically OP.

* Maybe the future sourcebook about giants not only add rune magic, but also elemental spells. Some times I imagined the runecaster class using some ideas from Magic incarnum, where the runecaster could use essence points for metamagic-feat effects in the runes (these working as chakras or body slots for magic item). Some magic runes in the weapons would work like a single-magic item (like potions or scrolls), and others as "runic" martial maneuvers, a spell-like ability in the middle between at-will and once-encounter. To reload the rune you would need a Concentration check, like regaining the psionic focus.



Antagonize: 1/5, 4/5 buffed version
it is a nice idea but really weak for 3rd level.
this could be 2nd level in current state or it needs to be buffed.

A buffed version:
Range increased to 60ft
damage in 6d6, half on a save, +2d6 per spell level above 3rd
Reaction attack is made with advantage, on a save attack is still made but with a disadvantage

House of cards: -1/5
3rd level? really?
A paper house, this is a good 1st level spell.
Can I buy galder's tower instead please?

Spirit of death: 0/5 as 1min, 4/5 if 1hr
why is this only 1 min duration?
Should it not be 1hr like other summons?
is this a typo?

Spray of cards: 3/5, just for the blind part
Blinding version is OK, range is stil pitiful
Damage version is waste of ink, especially the upcast part.

Summon warrior spirit: 2/5 as 3rd level, 4/5 as 2nd level spell.
this spell is OK, but it should really be 2nd level spell to start with, to have something similar to Animal spirit spell


Yeah,I am not liking free feats in backgrounds at 1st level unless it is only for specific settings.

Glitchling seems cool.

Fate Domain seems okay.

UA Feats are very powerful in this form.

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