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D&D General #Dungeon23

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I’m doing decks on a spaceship/Spelljammer rather than one megadungeon. The plan is eventually I can just slot them all together or just use them when I feel like it. Anyway, week 3 done! (I know I got east and west mixed up - my excuse is it’s non-Euclidean or something)


The language I’ve been using is “no visible exit”, meaning no doors except the one you came in through, which would be an entrance rather than an exit. I think if you look at the maps of these rooms, there should only be one door.

The reason a secret door is not shown on the map in such cases is that it can be on any ten foot section of wall the players decide to have their characters search, so I’ve detached the map of the area beyond the secret door from the rest of the level.
Ah, gotcha.

Thanks for the explanation, I was definitely reading things differently than they way you were framing it.

Cheers :)


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Ah, gotcha.

Thanks for the explanation, I was definitely reading things differently than they way you were framing it.

Cheers :)
Yeah, no worries. I probably wasn't being very clear in my descriptions. I started writing this with just some very short notes and have expanded that slightly into some formulaic descriptions. Right now I'm shooting for about the bare minimum of what I'd want to run it myself.

Here's another one:

20. This 20’ x 20’ chamber is empty.


Note: I had a change of heart about certain aspects of the upper floors of Parenix Manor and renumbered some rooms:

01.20: Guest Quarters

Access: The only door in to or out of this room is in the north wall, leading to the Kinder Stair, Upper (01.49). The door is locked with a simple lock.

Description: This room was used on the rare occasion that Parenix Manor hosted overnight guests. Like most of the rooms in the manor, it has been exposed to the elements and pests. It was originally furnished with three beds and a small table. The beds are sodden and the bedding rotten. Each bed also has a foot locker at its end, and an armoire stands against the west wall where clothing might be hung.

Unquiet Guests: Unfortunately for them, there were in fact guests in the manor the night that terrible powers ended the Alastairn family reign. Mistress Neva Colburn, her handmaiden Lena and their guardan Sir Hanna Murand were all in the room fast asleep when the end happened. The three women woke when the manor screamed at the presence of some terrible horror, but they could not force the door open, even with Ser Hanna’s prodigious strength. They died torn apart by forces beyond mortal comprehension, but their spirits remain in the room.
If the PCs enter the room during nighttime hours, the door will slam itself shut. A blue glow fills the room as the ghosts of the three women appear, wailing and hugging one another in terror. Their terror becomes the terror of anyone in the room, and those so affected must steady their will or be dragged into madness with the ghosts. The haunting lasts only a few minutes and occurs only once per night. Any who survive the effects are immune on future nights. The ghosts are so maddened that they can provide no information to the PCs even if forced to speak by a necromancer.

Treasure: Mistress Neva’s belongings are in the armoire, including beautiful dresses long since wasted away. However, a beautiful, jewel encrusted pin and a golden tiara can be found. Lena had nothing of value, but Ser Hanna’s enchanted sword remains: it never rusts or tarnishes, and it can cut a demon or spirit as easily as a mortal enemy.


Room 73 - On Guard(ish)

A 15'x15' room with doors in the center of each wall. No doors are locked, although the east door has a table in front of it.

The west door leads to west door in 72.
The north door leads to the south door in 71.
The east door leads to the east door in 75.
The south door leads to the north door in 76.

The four Derro in this room (Ari, Migrim, Miirn, and Xeer) have lost the thread of what they are doing. They know they're supposed to wait for Inka Krigran to give the order to finally attack -- but they can't remember quite why they hate Edyllin Fallshine (who apparently provides them food -- the way Inka looks at the food makes them suspicious he is up to something). They worried about becoming absent minded for the first week or so, and just don't care so much now and have stopped doing the mental exercises they were told to. They are supposed to check on their companions in 75, but that group has been annoying lately... and so they may or may not have been passing the food over. Just in case they have the table sitting in front of that door. Leaving the table in front of the door means they can't use one side and so sit on the floor to play cards instead of at the table. Beyond the table, stools, and cards, all the room has otherwise is a chamber pot that they sometimes quickly empty into 76 to releave the boredom - especially if they have just retrieved it from lending it to Inka in 72.

Migrim and Miirn are in training to be savants. They each have 20hp and can do mage hand and prestidigitation at will. Migrim can cast invisibility once per day and Miirn can cast sleep once per day. They each suspect the other of cheating with their cantrips and so keep a close eye on each other.

Ari's hooked spear (Knee cruncher) is +1 and both knocks the opponent prone and does damage on a critical.

With thanks to Derro Names for some names.

View attachment 273180

Room 75 - All that is lost...

A 15' x 15' room with doors in the center of each wall. Only the west door is locked.

The locked west door leads to east door in 74.
The north door leads to east door in 76.
The east door leads to east door in 73.
The south door leads to east door in 71.

The Derro Blinmot, Dakur, and Diinal aren't really here anymore and so are spared worrying about what the savant Inka Krigran might want or about backing up their comrades in 73 if needed. They're now the six-spike armed thing with the faint traces of two extra heads in its chest that stands perched on the chair in the corner. It loves listening to the Fallshine in room 74 next door. It has listened to it a lot. Duzlinn, the remaining Derro wouldn't listen and has been nailed to the top of the table, using the legs of some stools that used to be in the room. The table is cracked and leaning slightly and the chamber pot underneath collects whatever it needs to. Duzlinn hasn't talked much lately, but the four in room 73 to the east are heard once in a while, and sometimes the thing in 76 will jibber. The Tri-Derro thing tries not to be distracted from the music in it's head. It won't be happy if anything distracts it when it isn't ready. Duzlinn understands that now. The Tri might even follow through a door if whatever disturbs it runs away and it can get a claw in to keep it open. It would probably be exploring already, spreading the Fallshine's song, if its claws had any fingers left.

The Tri-Derro has stats similar to a Lost Sorrowsowrn but is clearly three Derro melted together (their equipment is mostly piled around the chair). If the room is gotten to fairly early in the trek through the vault then the Tri hasn't fully evolved yet and it's embrace damage is only 18 (3d10+2), the psychic damage is also 18 (4d8), tightening embrace is 13 (3d8). If the room is gotten to later in the trek through the vault then the damage is full.

An early trek means Duzlinn might be saveable and able to explain that Inka Krigram was leading them to capture the rumoured cleric? druid? Edyllin Fallshine who has the power to make food and water, and bring her back to their base. He doesn't remember many details of the base. He's so tired. He'll still try to kill you if he can eventually (but that's just him being Duzlinn).

A late trek means Duzlinn's brain is no longer functioning and he would help make a quad Derro if only the Tri would unstake him. Or, if the Tri is dead to find the Fallshine. Or, to embrace whoever is there if the others are all gone.

Parts of names swiped from u/hyperionfin's reddit post on Derro names.


The next room created (#114) is in post #358 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Week 3 is done! My work on this has not been 1 room a day. I spent some time on Monday doing the map, then didn't write anything all week, then wrote all the descriptions today. This is a more complex, not to scale "axonometric map" of a metro station. There are lots of loops in this one, and it connects to the first three levels of the undercity (the J, F, and M lines). The main faction here is a druidic figure named Tiaho who leads a group of incorporeal swifts that roost in a stairwell. The swifts are the souls of people who died in the tunnels. This was inspired by the Vaux's Swifts that roost in the buildings of downtown LA every year as they migrate.

This metro station also features animated advertisements that are feuding with each other, buskers singing songs about birds, and a lift that only functions if you feed it candy, which you can find on the F platform (watch out for the mutant gator though!).

Week 3.jpg

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
2nd day using ink. Broke out the opti-visor. Inked the gridlines this time.


1.20 Eyes Wide Shut Room
  • 25' below room 1.19
  • Floor covered with debris from fresco decaying from ceiling.
  • Large black stone altar. Discolored. Yes, it's ancient, dried blood.
  • Gaping, jagged hole in the floor. No discernible bottom. Any evil detection registers a 10/10.
  • Slight breeze, sulfurous and warm, rising from pit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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