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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
While everyone hears the howling, it is Aureus who sees the figures in the darkness before anyone else. Her keen eyes pick up half a dozen shapes moving across the broken desert. The creatures are large and resemble wolves but with fur that is torn away along their deformed bodies. The creatures' flesh is sickly gray where the fur is torn away. Their eyes glow starkly white in the darkness.

"It's not Eike. There are six of them," Aureus shouts as she readies her bow. "Some sort of undead wolves!"

The howling become guttural snarling, as the undead wolves move quickly in the darkness to try to surround the group.

OOC: Roll initiative. I'll whip up a quick battle map later on today.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Undead dire wolves," Caerth corrects, as he calmly grabs his dark longbow and an arrow.

For only a moment, the half-orc holds still to aim his shot, then he lets go of the string. The handcrafted arrow flies straight at the creature, burying itself in its flank.

"Don't get yourself alone and surrounded," he warns the others who may not know about dire wolves, and the druid moves closer to his allies to give the right example.

OOC: Attacking the wolf furthest to the right on the map (AC7-AD8), adding a +1 morale bonus to attack from Litrix:
1D20+12+1 = [17]+12+1 = 30
for 1D8+5 = [5]+5 = 10 piercing damage

Then move one square to the south (T17), like below.

Desert ambush.png


World of Kulan DM
"Undead dire wolves," Caerth corrects, as he calmly grabs his dark longbow and an arrow.

For only a moment, the half-orc holds still to aim his shot, then he lets go of the string. The handcrafted arrow flies straight at the creature, burying itself in its flank.
The undead creature barely seems to flinch from the arrow, but it does lock its glowing eyes onto the half-orc druid. It lets out a guttural wolf howl and the other undead dire wolves respond.

JustinCase said:
"Don't get yourself alone and surrounded," he warns the others who may not know about dire wolves, and the druid moves closer to his allies to give the right example.
"Right, Be right there," Aureus says as fires an arrow the dire ghoul wolf closest to her. The arrow easily finds its mark. The hutaakan woman moves, back towards Litrix and Angus, carefully across the dry mud, which crunches under her feet.

Phar steps quickly back towards Angus and begins to cast . "Let's try to even the odds," the paragon elf says, as he begins a summoning.

Aureus: 1D20+15+1 = [10]+15+1 = 26 (hit)
Aureus - Damage: 1D8+3 = [4]+3 = 7
- - -
Phar: 5 ft. step, begins casting summon monster III: celestial black bear. Full-round action. Bear will appear next to Phar and Quinn next round.


World of Kulan DM
While the undead creatures quickly move in to try to surround you all, the terrain slows their movements enough to keep them from being able to attack. Two of the dire ghoul wolves manage to reach both Caerth and Maur, as they move unnatural quick across the rocky desert. Two others nearly reach Litrix and Aureus.

"These things move fast!" Aureus shouts, as the undead dire wolf closest to her growls with slavering jaws and dead cold eyes.

OOC: Dire ghoul wolves all double move.

See the OOC thread for the updated map.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.


World of Kulan DM
Angus charges forward next to Litrix and brings his greatsword down on the approaching undead creature. His great blade cuts deep into the ghoulish wolf, slicing through putrid flesh and bone. "Ye will fall, beastie!"

OOC: @Tellerian Hawke is really busy with work, but he sent me attack roll through FB...
Angus: Charge Attack vs Ghoul Wolf: 1D20+15 = [14]+15 = 29 (hit)
Damage vs Ghoul Wolf (charge attack): 2D6+6 = [2, 6]+6 = 14

OOC: AC 24 DR 1/slashing or bludgeoning, HP 92/92

Maur raises his shield, prominently showing Moradins holy symbol.
"Back, freaks! You're dead, go to your rest! Feed on the light and yield to your fate!"

OOC: Looks up turning... Maur turns one of the DGWs.

The undead dire wolf to Maur's right shudders and howls. The light in its eyes dim slightly and Maur knows it will flee the battle. However, the other undead dire wolf next to him and Caerth only growls with menace.

Quinn moves to block the undead wolf that is menacing Aureus and Phar. The gladiator-knight steps in front of Phar and slashes out with Cruel Justice. The swing is awkward through the old dead trees and blade only cuts off a few dead branches. "Blast!"

Quinn - Attacks with Cruel Justice: 1D20+15+1 = [3]+15+1 = 19 -4 = 15
1D6+5 = [3]+5 = 8
(miss due to cover)

Litrix slides next to the big wolf, along charging kentaur positioning to eventual flank position. In the process he intentionally risks being between the wolves, hopefully, just for the moment.

He slashes at the creature and the hit produces resonant chime, pure sound that lifts the hearts of his companions even in this dreary place.
"Let's get them! They are no match for the heroes, cult wreckers and undead abolishing team!"

OOC: everyone gets additional +1 morale bonus to hit (in addition to +1 from his aura)

Move: 5' step NE

Add 1 if the creature is evil, damage is good, magical, slashing (and 1 of each hit is lightning)
Full attack: Attack on DGW north; damage: 1D20+15+1 = [9]+15+1=[25]
1D8+7 = [4]+7=11
Attack 2 on DGW north; damage: 1D20+10+1+1 = [12]+10+1+1=[24]
1D8+7 = [5]+7=13

I forgot +1 from aura on the attacks and added +1 from the first hit to the second


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Switching to his massive black spear now that the creatures are within melee range, Caerth swiftly takes two jabs at the closest beast. The half-orc makes sure to put his back into the powerful thrusts, and twice he manages to land a hit on the foul undead beasts.



World of Kulan DM
Litrix slides next to the big wolf, along charging centaur positioning to eventual flank position. In the process he intentionally risks being between the wolves, hopefully, just for the moment.

He slashes at the creature and the hit produces resonant chime, pure sound that lifts the hearts of his companions even in this dreary place.
"Let's get them! They are no match for the heroes, cult wreckers and undead abolishing team!"
The chime enrage the undead wolves and the one in front of Litrix howls.

Aureus winks to Phar. "I like him. He's got style."

"Do not let down your guard, Lady Aureus!" The intelligent baton replies.

"Right." Aureus refocus on the dire ghoul wolf in front of her.

End of Round One

Switching to his massive black spear now that the creatures are within melee range, Caerth swiftly takes two jabs at the closest beast. The half-orc makes sure to put his back into the powerful thrusts, and twice he manages to land a hit on the foul undead beasts.
The half-orcs druid's spear digs deep into the undead wolf and it growls in frustration. Caerth can sense of touch of malevolent intelligence in its ghoulish eyes. This is not some mindless undead beast.

Aureus quickly fire again. This time at the undead wolf in between Angus and Litrix. Her first shot hits the undead beast in the neck but the second flies over the dried out oasis into the night. She then steps back away from the other ghoulish dire wolf that is eyeing her.

Phar finishes his spell and the celestial black bear appears next to him and Quinn. "Help us destroy these undead abominations, my friend, for the glory of the High Heavens."

The holy bear moves quickly to confront one of undead wolves and slashes out with its sharp claws, but the undead wolf's hide is to tough.

Phar knows the bear won't last long against such opponents, but it gives him the space he needs to cast his next spell. He turns to focus on the undead wolf just beyond the low dunes and steps up next to Aureus. He fires two scorching rays at the undead monstrosity. The rays slam into the ghoulish wolf and burn it badly. It howls in rage.



World of Kulan DM
Angus readjusts his stance and swings his claymore two more times, hoping to finish off the undead wolf to his left. The fist strike cuts deep and the ghoulish creature seems staggered. Angus brings his sword down over his head, but his blade nearly slips from his hands, as dust from the dried out dead oasis gets in his eyes.

The undead dire wolf keeps it focus on Litrix despite the grievous wounds Angus has inflicted on it. The wolf bites at the dragontouched warrior and the undead wolf on the other side of Litrix does the same. The wolf manages to bite down hard on Litrix's arm and tries to pull marshal off his feet.

The other wolf misjudges its positioning and fails to clamp on with its teeth.

DGWs - Bite attacks vs. Litrix: 1D20+14+2 = [15]+14+2 = 31 (hit)
1D20+4+2 = [9]+4+2 = 15 (miss)
DGWs - Bite attack damage vs. Litrix: 2D6+12 = [1, 6]+12 = 19
Trip Attempt (free action, no touch attack, no AoO): DGW - Trip vs. Litrix: 1D20+8+4 = [8]+8+4 = 20
(@MetaVoid, roll either a Dexterity or Strength check vs. the trip, as well as a Fortitude save vs. the DGW's paralysis)

Voidrunner's Codex

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