3.5 IH stuff from my old notes

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The Lord of Extinction, Azhior (Cosmic Entity)

Titanic Outsider (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 120d100+4440 x2 (32,880 hp)

Initiative: Perfect / +94 (+70 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative, +16 divine)

Speed: 1600 ft.

Armor Class: 175 (-16 size, +70 Dex, +60 natural, +16 divine, +35 deflection), touch 115, flat-footed 105

Base Attack/Grapple: +120/+247

Attack: Slam +215 melee (10d10+95/16-20/x5); or First Bow +212 ranged (30d10+95 and 3d6 fire and 3d6 cold/16-20/x5)

Full Attack: 2 slams +215 melee (10d10+95/16-20/x5), bite +213 melee (10d10+47/16-20/x5); or First Bow +212 ranged (30d10+185 and 3d6 fire and 3d6 cold/16-20/x5)

Space/Reach: 150 ft./225 ft.

Special Attacks: Alter reality, create spawn, extinction level event, tenacious extinction

Special Qualities: Aura of extinction, blood-scenting aura, cosmic entity (cosmic string, divine bonus +16, immortality, immunities), DR 60/-, SR 146, virtual size categories

Saves: Fort +119, Ref +148, Will +92

Abilities: Str 200 [90 without Belt of A Dozen Gods], Dex 150 [70 without Claws of Finality], Con 92, Int 30, Wis 35, Cha 60

Skills: All skills +139+ability modifier

Feats: Far Shot, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Point Blank Shot, Improved Natural Attack (slam, bite)

Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x5), Epic Natural Attack (slam), Epic Prowess (x6), Improved True Shot, Superior Initiative, True Shot

Divine Abilities (bought with feats): Exoskeleton, Horizon Shot, Perfect Initiative

Challenge Rating: 140 (???)

Treasure: Three artifacts (The First Bow, Belt of a Dozen Gods, Claws of Finality)

Alignment: Chaotic evil

This horrible monster resembles a giant with the head of a tyrannosaurus, except that it stands ten times taller than any storm giant. Quills bristle from its shoulders. It carries a bow as long as a redwood tree.

Azhior stands 225 feet tall and weighs 40,000 tons.

Alter Reality (Su): Azhior, the Lord of Extinction, is part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action he can duplicate any spell of 14th level or lower, or any epic spell of DC 159 or less.

Create Spawn (Ex): Any creature slain by Azhior with more than 20 Hit Dice rises as a winterwight. Creatures with fewer Hit Dice rise as wights instead.

Deadly Criticals (Ex): Azhior treats any critical threat as a critical hit; scores a critical hit on a natural roll of 16-20; and has a critical multiplier of x5 on all attacks.

Extinction Level Event (Su): Once per minute, Azhior can strike with a meteoric blast centered on a point he chooses within 50 miles -

½ mile radius: 1280d6 (avg 3780) bludgeoning damage and 720d6 (avg 2520) fire damage (Reflex DC 111 half); 240d6 (avg 840) disintegration damage (Fortitude DC 111 half)

1 mile radius: 1280d6 (avg 3780) bludgeoning damage and 720d6 (avg 2520) fire damage (Reflex DC 111 half)

2 mile radius: 1280d6 (avg 3780) bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 111 half)

Furthermore, the 1-mile radius is filled with clouds of concealing dust (treat as a fog cloud spell) for 2d6 minutes afterwards. Strong winds (gale force or higher) will clear away the dust in a single round.

The save DC is Charisma-based.

Tenacious Extinction (Su): Immortals whose manifestations are killed by Azhior outside their home plane take five times longer to rejuvenate.

Mortals killed by Azhior cannot be restored to life by mortal magic, even True Resurrection. Only an immortal (Hero-deity or above) can do so, and only using an epic spell with the Life seed, a Wish or Miracle spell/spell-like ability, or the Alter Reality cosmic ability.

Aura of Extinction (Su): All creatures within 5200 feet (one mile) of Azhior suffer five negative levels for as long as they remain within the aura. If they remain in the aura for at least 24 hours, the negative levels may become level loss.

Blood-Scenting Aura (Su): All allies of Azhior within one mile (5200 ft.) gain six stacked Epic Prowess feats (a +6 bonus to all attack rolls).

Cosmic Entity: Azhior is an entity, a sidereal abomination born from a sidereal of entropy and a goddess of change. As such, he is a blighted facet of reality itself, which grants him the following benefits:
Cosmic String (Ex): Azhior can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or greater divine status. If destroyed by a being of lower divine status, he simply rejuvenates in 1d10 minutes.
Cosmic Toughness/Cosmic Firmament (Ex):
Azhior uses d100s for hit dice and has double hit points.
Divine Bonus (Ex): Azhior is effectively a greater deity and adds a +16 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for all special abilities, spell-like abilities, or spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.
Immunities (Ex): Azhior is unaffected by any non-epic magic or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. He can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells. Azhior is also immune to negative energy damage and energy drain.


The First Bow:
This bow always adds Azhior's strength bonus to damage. Otherwise it is a Titanic +50 fiery blast icy blast unerring accuracy thundering composite longbow. Azhior uses 1.5% orichalcum-alloyed Titanic arrows.

The Belt of A Dozen Gods: Adorned with the scalps of a dozen slain immortals, this mighty artifact is the center of the Lord of Extinction's physical power, feeding his strength from their residual energies. It is a belt of epic Strength +110.

Claws of Finality: These act as gloves of epic Dexterity +80 and turn Azhior’s slam damage into permanent damage.

New Feat: Epic Natural Attack [Epic]

Prerequisites: Improved Natural Attack

Benefit: Choose one natural weapon for which you possess the Improved Natural Attack feat. That natural weapon deals damage as if one size category larger, stacking with the benefit of Improved Natural Attack.
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Astronead (Star Soul)
Large Fey

Hit Dice: 30d6+240 (345 hp)

Initiative: +19

Speed: 90 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect)

Armor Class: 36 (-1 size, +11 Dex, +7 natural, +9 armor), touch 20, flat-footed 25

Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+23

Attack: +7 rapier +32 melee (1d8+11 plus 5d6 fire); or +4 flaming mighty composite longbow +30 ranged (2d6+8 and 1d6 fire); or plasma bolt +25 ranged touch (6d6 fire and 6d6 electricity) [3/day only]

Full Attack: +7 rapier +32/+27/+22 melee (1d8+11 plus 5d6 fire); or +4 flaming burst mighty composite longbow +30/+25/+20 ranged (2d6+8 and 1d6 fire); or plasma bolt +25 ranged touch (6d6 fire and 6d6 electricity) [3/day only]

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, heat, irresistible fire, spell-like abilities, summon fire elementals

Special Qualities: Integral weapon, fire immunity, electricity and sonic resistance 30, SR 32

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +30, Will +26

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 32, Con 27, Int 18, Wis 25, Cha 34

Skills: Balance +44, Bluff +28, Diplomacy +29, Knowledge (arcana, nature, religion, the planes) +37, Listen +40, Search +40, Sense Motive +40, Spot +40

Feats: Ability Focus (breath weapon), Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (longbow), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (longbow)

Epic Feats: Superior Initiative

Environment: Corona, photosphere, and chromosphere of stars, or Positive Energy Plane or other positive-dominant planes

Organization: Solitary, dancers (2-4), tower (5-10), or palace (11-20)

Challenge Rating: 21

Treasure: None

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Advancement: 31-32 HD (Large); 33-60 HD (Huge)

A humanoid figure made of blazing but tenuous white flame, tall as a giant but slender and elegant, stands before you. Its motions are precise and graceful.

Astroneads are star-born fey, dwelling on the surface of stars and flying through the space occupied by their coronas. They have also migrated into planes infused by positive energy, especially the Positive Energy Plane.

On stars' surfaces, they build eerily beautiful towers and palaces of frozen plasma within sunspots. If encountered away from their strongholds, they are either wandering alone or dancing in pairs or small groups. Full of chaotic joy, the astroneads love beauty. However, they are careless of the lives of non-fiery creatures, and may burn them to death in their dance - even scour large regions if somehow summoned to a living planet's surface.


Breath Weapon (Su): 100-foot cone of plasma and radiation; 12d8 fire damage, 12d8 electricity damage, and 1d4 Str and Con damage; a DC 35 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the ability damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. When an astronead uses its breath weapon, it must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Heat (Ex): An astronead's body burns with starfire. Creatures striking the astronead with unarmed strikes or natural weapons take 5d6 fire damage (Reflex DC 33 half); nonmagical weapons striking the astronead burn or melt to uselessness (Reflex DC 33 negates). The astronead's melee attacks transmit this same heat. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Irresistible Fire (Su): An astronead's fires burn with the heat of a sun's core. All fire resistance has only half effect (e.g. fire resistance 30 is treated as fire resistance 15) when applied to fire damage dealt by an astronead.

Plasma Bolt (Su): Three times per day, an astronead can fire a bolt of plasma as a ray attack (+25 ranged touch) to a range of up to 500 feet. This bolt deals 6d6 electricity damage and 6d6 fire damage.

Radiation Aura (Su): Every round a creature is within 150 feet of an astronead, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 33) or take 1 point of Strength and Constitution damage.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – delayed blast fireball (DC 29), fire shield, searing light, sunbeam (DC 29), wall of fire. 3/day – fire storm (DC 29), prismatic spray (DC 29), sunburst (DC 30), incendiary cloud (DC 30). Caster level 30th.

Summon Fire Elementals (Sp): Once per day, as a standard action, an astronead can summon either three greater or two elder fire elementals. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.

Immunities (Ex): An astronead is immune to fire damage, to the effects of vacuum, and to the environmental conditions of their natural habitats (stars' surface/corona and positive-dominant planes).

Integral Weapon (Su): An astronead's weapons are formed from its own energies; thus, the astronead cannot be disarmed or its weapon sundered. The astronead's weapon is not damaged by its intense heat.

New Epic Spell: Star Call

Spellcraft DC: 64

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round

Duration: 20 rounds (D)

Range: 75 ft.

Effect: One summoned astronead

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

Seed: summon (DC 14). Factors: 1-round casting time (+18 DC), summon CR 21 creature (+38 DC), summon nonoutsider (+10 DC). Mitigating Factors: 12d6 backlash (-12 DC), expensive material component (ad hoc -4 DC)

To Develop: 576,000 gp; 12 days; 23,040 XP.

The caster calls down an astronead from the world’s sun or from the Positive Energy Plane. It appears where the character designates and acts immediately, on the character’s turn. It attacks the character’s opponents to the best of its ability. If the character can communicate with the astronead, he or she can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The summoned astronead acts normally on the last round of the spell and disappears at the end of its turn.

Calling upon this spell’s force of cosmic fire burns away a part of the caster’s life, inflicting 12d6 backlash damage on the caster.

Material Component
Sunstones and diamonds worth 10,000 gp, consumed in the casting.

New Epic Spell: Ekpyrosis

Spellcraft DC: 230

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard action

Duration: Instantaneous / 20 rounds (D)

Range: 300 ft.

Effect: 40-ft.-radius burst

Saving Throw: Reflex half

Spell Resistance: Yes

Seed: energy (fire) (DC 19), energy (electric) (DC 19), summon (DC 14). Factors: 1-action casting time (+20 DC), change area to 20-ft. radius burst (+4 DC), increase to 40-ft. radius (+4 DC), increase damage dice to d20 (+40 DC), increase electricity and fire damage to 25 dice (+60 DC), summon CR 35 creature (+66 DC), summon nonoutsider (+10 DC). Mitigating Factors: 22d6 backlash (-22 DC).

To Develop: 2,070,000 gp; 42 days; 82,800 XP.

The caster calls up a wave of power that bursts forth as fire and lightning. This effect deals 25d20 fire damage and 25d20 electricity damage (avg. 262 damage each) to all in the radius of effect. A moment later, a primal fire elemental appears in the center of the effect. It acts immediately, on the character’s turn. It attacks the character’s opponents to the best of its ability. If the character can communicate with the elemental, he or she can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The summoned elemental acts normally on the last round of the spell and disappears at the end of its turn.

The raw power of this spell inflicts 22d6 backlash on the caster.

New Epic Spell: Rout
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]

Spellcraft DC: 64

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: 600 ft.

Area: 200-foot cone

Duration: 20 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 576,000 gp; 12 days; 23,040 XP. Seed: afflict (DC 14). Factors: change target to area (20-ft. radius) (+10 DC), increase area to 100-foot radius (+16 DC), double range (+2 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC), increase penalty to -4 (+4 DC)

Every creature in the area is seized by horrid fear and suffers a –4 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saving throws. This spell is often cast to crush the morale of a large section of an enemy army.

Phobia Plague [Ritual]

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]

Spellcraft DC: 73

Components: V, S, Ritual

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: 600 ft.

Area: 300-foot cone

Duration: 20 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 657,000 gp; 14 days; 26,280 XP.

Seed: afflict (DC 14). Factors: change target to area (20-ft. radius) (+10 DC), increase area to 300-foot radius (+56 DC), double range (+2 DC), increase penalty to -8 (+12 DC). Mitigating factors: three casters contributing 4th-level spell slots (-21 DC)

Every creature in the area is seized by horrid, intense fear and suffers a –8 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saving throws. Due to the long casting time and multiple casters, this spell is cast in large-scale battles to crush the morale of a large section of an enemy army.

New Epic Spell: Acidblast

Evocation [Electricity, Sonic]

Spellcraft DC: 90

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: 300 ft.

Area: 30-ft.-radius spread

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 810,000 gp; 17 days; 32,400 XP. Seed: energy x2 (electricity and acid) (DC 38). Factors: increase damage dice to d20 (+40 DC), increase area by 100% (+4 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating Factors: 12d6 backlash (-12 DC).

An acidblast explodes with a shattering blast of thunder and a devastating rain of acid. A stormblast deals 10d20 points of acid damage (avg. 105) and 10d20 points of sonic damage (avg. 105) to all creatures within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage. The character takes 12d6 points of damage (avg. 42) upon casting. The character points his or her finger and determine the range (distance and height) at which the acidblast is to detonate. A fist-sized ball of thundering acid streaks forth and, unless it impacts a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the indicated range, expands into its full area.

NOTE: This one was specifically designed as a better version of the ELH hellball epic spell. Same DC; replaces the XP cost with 2d6 backlash; significantly higher average damage (210 for 20d20 vs. 140 for 40d6); and no easily-resisted/commonly-immune fire damage.

New Epic Spell: Death Given Form


Spellcraft DC: 51

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Touch

Target: Two corpses touched

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

To Develop: 459,000 gp; 10 days; 20,400 XP.

Seed: animate dead (DC 23). Factors: create and control 32 HD of undead (+18 DC), undead type: dread wraith (ad hoc +10 DC).

The caster touches two corpses and casts this spell. At the conclusion of the casting, each corpse melts away into incorporeality, becoming a dread wraith.

New Epic Spell: The Sunless Hunters (Ritual)


Spellcraft DC: 25

Components: V, S, M, Ritual, XP

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: Touch

Target: One or more corpses touched

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

To Develop: 225,000 gp; 5 days; 9,000 XP.

Seed: animate dead (DC 23). Factors: create and control 80 HD of undead (+90 DC), undead type: vampire (+6 DC). Mitigating Factors: casting time 10 minutes (-18 DC), ritual (1 8th-level spell slot, 3 3rd-level spell slots) (-30 DC), expensive material component (ad hoc -4 DC), backlash 22d6 (-22 DC), burn 2000 XP (-20 DC).

This terrible ritual spell animates corpses as up to 80 HD of vampires. This spell allows the caster to control up to 60 HD of undead above his normal limit.

When the spell is cast, the caster suffers 22d6 backlash damage, his own blood drawn out to feed the vampires' initial spark of unlife.

It also requires the following:

Ritual Component: 1 caster contributing an 8th-level spell slot, 3 casters contributing 3rd-level spell slots.

Material Component: rubies or red diamonds worth 10,000 gp.

XP Cost: 2,000 XP.


Human male 26th-level sorcerer

HD 26d4+52 (143 hp), Init +1, Spd 30 ft.; AC 41 (+1 Dex, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +20 epic mage armor), touch 16, flat-footed 40; Attack touch spell +12 melee touch, ray +15 ranged touch; SA spells; SQ DR 15/adamantine, permanent spells; Saves Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +16; Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 18 (w/ headband), Wis 10, Cha 35 (w/ cloak); Skills Bluff +26, Diplomacy +26, Intimidate +41, Knowledge (arcana, the planes) +33, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +33 (+43 for epic spells), Spot +15; Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Weapon Focus (ray); Epic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x2), Epic Spellcasting, Spell Knowledge.

Spell save DC: 22 + spell level (23 + spell level for necromancy spells).

Epic Magic Items
cloak of epic Charisma +10, rod of the epic spellcaster

Nonepic Magic Items
headband of intellect +6, orange prism ioun stone, ring of protection +5, amulet of natural armor +5

Inherent Bonuses
Yara has inherent bonuses of +3 to Con (manual of bodily health +3), +1 to Int (wish), and +5 to Cha (tome of leadership and influence +5).

Permanent Spells
Yara is under the effect of permanent detect magic, read magic, and resistance.

Caster level 27th (orange prism ioun stone), save DC 22 + spell level (23 + spell level for necromancy spells).

Spells Known:
0 – arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, message, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue;
1 – chill touch, magic missile, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, shield;
2 – command undead, eagle's splendor, false life, scorching ray, spectral hand;
3 – dispel magic, fly, protection from energy, vampiric touch;
4 – animate dead, crushing despair, enervation, fear;
5 – cloudkill, permanency, symbol of pain, teleport;
6 – create undead, disintegrate, greater dispel magic;
7- control undead, finger of death, summon monster VII;
8 – clone, create greater undead, horrid wilting, polar ray;
9 – energy drain, time stop, wail of the banshee, wish.

Spells Per Day: 6/9/9/9/9/8/8/14*/8/7 (*ring of epic wizardry VII)

Epic Spells Known: Epic Mage Armor, The Sunless Legion (see above)

Epic Spells Per Day: 2 (1 used to cast Epic Mage Armor every morning)

XP Spent: 35,380
1500 (permanent detect magic, read magic, resistance on self); 600 (craft orange prism ioun stone); 720 (craft headband of intellect +6); 5,000 (wish – between levels 17 and 18); 16,560 (develop Epic Mage Armor – between levels 22 and 23); 9,000 (develop The Sunless Legion – after level 26); 2,000 (cast The Sunless Legion).


Always: Yara casts epic mage armor every morning, so he always has this spell active.

Before combat: If given time to prepare before combat, Yara will cast eagle's splendor, fly, and protection from energy (fire) on himself, in that order. He will then summon a babau demon with summon monster VII.

[With preparation: Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); SQ DR 15/adamantine, protection from fire (120 hp); Cha 39.

Spell save DC: 24 + spell level (25 + spell level for necromancy spells).]
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Gargantuan Dragon

Hit Dice: 60d20+900 (2100 hp)

Initiative: +13

Speed: 60 ft., swim 30 ft.

Armor Class: 64 (-4 size, +5 Dex, +45 natural, +8 divine), touch 19, flat-footed 59

Base Attack/Grapple: +60/+98

Attack: Sting +87 melee (4d8+20 and poison/18-20)

Full Attack: Sting +87 melee (4d8+20 and poison/18-20), 2 claws +87 melee (4d6+11), 4 bites +87 melee (4d6+11)

Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. (30 ft. with sting)

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, planar schism, poison, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Cold resistance 50, dimensional lockout, divine bonus, DR 30/epic, fire resistance 50

Saves: Fort +56, Ref +46, Will +45

Abilities: Str 46, Dex 21, Con 40, Int 25, Wis 18, Cha 27

Skills: All skills +63+ability modifier

Feats: Ability Focus (breath weapon, planar schism, poison), Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (sting, claw, bite), Power Attack

Epic Feats: Epic Prowess (x5), Epic Potency (x2), Greater Critical (sting), Greater Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Uncanny Power Attack

Environment: Tartarus

Organization: Solitary or with 2-5 fiendish purple worms

Challenge Rating: ???

Treasure: Double standard

Alignment: Neutral evil

A huge reptilian creature coils before you – its lower body is that of a giant serpent, massive as a whale, from which spring a cluster of serpent-heads which seem to serve the being as legs, two strong arms equipped with black scythe-like claws, and a head which might be human were it not for the snaky eyes.

"Double-shaped, she appeared a woman to the middle of her body, with clusters of poison-spitting serpents for hair. Her giant form, from the chest to the parting-point of the thighs, was covered all over with a bastard shape of hard sea-monsters’ scales. The claws of her wide-scattered hands were curved like a crook-talon sickle. From her neck over her terrible shoulders, with tail raised high over her throat, a scorpion with an icy sting sharp-whetted crawled and coiled upon itself." - Dionysiaca by Nonnus

Campe is the monstrous guardian of Tartarus, a horror of the Lower Planes put in place by the Titan Cronus in ages long past. This horrible dragon-monstrosity seeks to prey upon any who might free any of the prisoners of Tartarus... or any planar travelers who wind up there by mischance.

Campe is 50 feet long (excluding an additional 30 feet for her long, whip-like stinging tail) and weighs 20 tons.

Breath Weapon (Su): 450-ft. cone, usable three times per day. Campe's breath weapon covers its victims in a writhing mass of vermin that strip flesh from bone; this deals 40d12 damage (avg. 260). Furthermore, the vermin cling to their prey, inflicting 20d12 damage in the next round and then 10d12 damage in the third round, before they fall off and perish. A DC 63 Reflex save halves the initial damage and prevents the lingering damage.

Planar Schism (Su): As jailer of the Lower Planes, Campe possesses this dimension-wracking power, which may be unleashed only once per day. The Planar Schism must be used against a target within 300 ft., and it allows a Will save (DC 56) to negate. If the target fails its save, it is hurled into the deepest layer of the plane of Tartarus; when it arrives, it takes 80d6 (avg. 280) bludgeoning damage and is stunned for 1d6+1 rounds from the dimensional chaos, and the target is unable to leave the plane for 60 days. If the creature is killed by this damage, the rejuvenation of an immortal is delayed by 60 days, and a mortal cannot be returned to life until the 60 days elapse.

If Campe and the target are already in the lowest layer of Tartarus, the target is not moved, but still takes damage, is stunned, and is unable to leave the plane for 60 days.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude DC 63, initial damage 3d8 Str, secondary damage 1d8 Str drain.

Spell-like Abilities: Always active - true seeing; At will - dimension door, greater dispel magic, locate creature. Caster level 68th; spell save DC 26 + spell level.

Dimensional Lockout (Sp): Campe permanently radiates the effect of a dimensional anchor spell as an emanation with a radius of 700 ft.; this does not affect her own spell-like abilities.

Divine Bonus (Ex): Campe is effectively a lesser deity and adds a +8 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for all special abilities, spell-like abilities, or spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.
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Demi-Deity (Chaos and Sea Portfolios)

Size/Type: Colossal Outsider

Hit Dice: 50d20+1,050 (2,050 hp, 4,100 hp in R'lyeh) plus 200 hp force field

Initiative: Always first, +17 (+3 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative, +6 divine)

Speed: 120 ft., swim 120 ft.

Armor Class: 73 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +37 natural, +25 armor, +6 divine), touch 11, flat-footed 70

Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+93

Attack: Tentacle slam +73 melee (4d8+21 and 10d6 acid/18-20); or disintegration ray +55 ranged touch

Full Attack: 3 tentacle slams +73 melee (4d8+21 and 10d6 acid/18-20); or disintegration ray +55 ranged touch

Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks: Acid, disintegration, spell-like abilities, spells, trample 4d6+39

Special Qualities: Divine bonus, DR 15/epic, fast healing 12

Saves: Fort +53, Ref +36, Will +53

Abilities: Str 53, Dex 16, Con 52, Int 29, Wis 50, Cha 30

Feats: Awesome Blow, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Improved Critical (tentacle slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (tentacle slam), Quicken Spell, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (tentacle slam)

Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x4), Epic Prowess (x3), Greater Critical (tentacle slam), Greater Power Attack, Metamagic Freedom, Power Attack Mastery, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Power Attack

Divine Abilities: Divine Immensity (x2), Exoskeleton, Multifaceted [6 feats], Perfect Initiative, Squamous, Superior Critical, Superior Power Attack, Superior Acidic Strike, Threatening Critical

Environment: R'lyeh

Organization: Usually with 2-8 star-spawn

Challenge Rating: 57

Treasure: Three artifacts (Tomb-Throne of R'lyeh, Incomprehensible Shield, Bands of Power)

This colossal horror of the deep is the greatest of the star-spawn and the lord of that race. Mighty cleric of Azathoth and master of alien techno-magics, Cthulhu is a being frightening even to lesser gods.

Cthulhu normally stands about 100 feet tall and weighs roughly 700 tons. However, by use of his Divine Immensity ability, he can attain much greater size – up to 400 feet tall and 40,000 tons (Macro-Fine).


Cthulhu treats all critical threats as critical hits (no need to confirm). He Power Attacks at a 3:2 ratio and automatically Power Attacks for whatever amount of the attack roll exceeds AC.

Cthulhu opens battle with the use of his destructive spells (favoring quickened empowered flame strike, and enlarged x4 fire storm) and spell-like abilities, using his disintegration ray to snipe distant foes. He then closes to melee, dissolving his weakened foes with his acidic tentacles.

Acid (Ex): Cthulhu's tentacles drip with vitriolic, alien slime, dealing 10d6 additional acid damage.

Divine Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, cone, 275 ft. range, 12d6 divine damage (Reflex half); destroys prismatic sphere or wall, walls of force, etc.

Divine Immensity: Cthulhu can change his size by one size category per round, to a maximum of two size categories (Huge to Macro-Fine).

Disintegration: At-will: ray, 1,200 ft. range, +55 ranged touch, Fortitude DC 45, 25d6 damage, 3d6 damage on a successful save. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spells: Cthulhu casts spells as a 25th-level cleric. Domains: Chaos, Sea; spell save DC: 30 + spell level.

Spell-like Abilities: Always active – detect magic; at will – acid arrow, call lightning, greater magic fang, mage armor, magic missile; 1/day - call lightning storm, control weather, meteor swarm.

Trample: Reflex DC 46. The save DC is Strength-based.


Great Tomb-Throne of R'lyeh:
As long as Cthulhu remains within one mile of this vast sepulchral throne he gains Regeneration 100; acid, fire, lawful, and good attacks deal normal damage to Cthulhu.

Incomprehensible Shield: This amulet of alien metals produces an energy shield around Cthulhu; it is always active unless Cthulhu chooses to lower it (a free action). It has the effect of four applications of the divine ability Force Field; the force field has a total of 200 hit points and regains 4 hit points per round. In addition, it provides the effect of bracers of epic armor +25.

Bands of Power: These alien-metal bands graven with unearthly runes act as a belt of epic strength +40.



Size/Type: Large Outsider

Hit Dice: 16d8+96 (168 hp)

Initiative: +10 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, +2 divine)

Speed: 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

Armor Class: 23 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +2 divine, +8 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+25

Attack: Tentacle slap +20 melee (1d8+5 and 1d6 acid); or disintegration ray +19 ranged touch

Full Attack: 3 tentacle slaps +20 melee (1d8+5 and 1d6 acid); or disintegration ray +19 ranged touch

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Acid, disintegration, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Divine traits, DR 10/magic, fast healing 4

Abilities: Str 21, Dex 18, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 20

Skills: Craft (alchemy, any one other) +23, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion, the planes) +23, Listen +20, Search +20, Spellcraft +23, Spot +20, Survival +20, Swim +32

Advancement: 17-19 HD (Large); 20-31 HD (Huge); 32-48 HD (Gargantuan)

A star-spawn is a massive creature, 15 feet tall and weighing nearly 5000 pounds.

Acid (Ex): A star-spawn's tentacles drip with vitriolic, alien slime, dealing 1d6 additional acid damage.

Disintegration (Su): At-will: ray, 260 ft. range, +19 ranged touch, Fortitude DC 23, 8d6 damage, 1d6 damage on a successful save. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spell-like Abilities: Always active – detect magic; at will – acid arrow, call lightning, greater magic fang, mage armor, magic missile; 1/day - call lightning storm, control weather.

Divine Traits (Ex): A star-spawn adds a +2 bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Advancement: Star-spawn gain various benefits as they advance. A star-spawn's disintegration deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD of the star-spawn, and its fast healing is ¼ of its HD. At 25 HD, a star-spawn's divine bonus increases to +3. At 40 HD, a star-spawn's divine bonus increases to +4.
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New Weapon Special Ability (Destroying): A destroying weapon's blade is sheathed in faint green light. It disintegrates part of its target, dealing an additional 2d6 damage whenever it hits. When a destroying weapon scores a critical hit, it flashes with lambent green disintegration energy; the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + weapon's enchantment bonus) or suffer 8d6 additional damage times the weapon's critical multiplier (16d6 for x2, 24d6 for x3, 32d6 for x4); if the save succeeds, the target suffers only 1d6 additional damage times the weapon's critical multiplier (2d6 for x2, 3d6 for x3, 4d6 for x4).

Overwhelming transmutation; CL 33rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Arms and Armor; disintegrate; Price +11 bonus.

[I think I wrote this up for one of Azhior's artifacts, but ended up not going with that one...]

This one isn't 100% complete, but here he is...

God of the Hanged, Father of Victory, Terrible One, All-Father

Greater Deity (Integrated Levels: Fighter 20/Wizard 30)

Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 100d20 + 1700 (3700 hp; 7400 hp in godly realm)

Initiative: +17

Armor Class: 142 (+9 Dex, +90 Bracers, +17 deflection, +16 divine), touch 52, flat-footed 133

Base Attack / Grapple: +100 / +133

Attack: Gungnir +157 melee (3d8+46)

Full Attack: Gungnir +157/+157/+157/+157 melee (3d8+46)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (1,100 ft.), portfolio [Effect] abilities, spells

Special Qualities: DR 40/epic, divine bonus, divine senses, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, SR 126

Saves: Fort +119, Ref +112, Will +123

Abilities: Str 47, Dex 29, Con 43, Int 81, Wis 51, Cha 27

Skills: +113+ability modifier

Feats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Eschew Materials, Greater Weapon Focus (spear), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Transmutation), Still Spell, Weapon Focus (spear), Widen Spell

Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x12), Epic Prowess (x10), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus, Greater Power Attack, Metamagic Freedom, Power Attack Mastery, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Power Attack

Divine Abilities: Anyfeat, Cold Immunity/Absorption, Cunning Soul (+35 to all saves), Divine Wizardry, Fire Immunity, Perfect Body, Perfect Mind, Perfect Weapon Focus, Superior Power Attack

Cosmic Abilities: Extra Portfolio (War)

Alignment: Chaotic good

ECL: 180
Challenge Rating: 120


Odin commonly casts spells as Still, Silent, Quickened, x2 Empowered for double damage or Still, Silent, x4 Empowered for quadruple damage (12 levels of metamagic in either combination). Along with his ring Draupnir’s spell-boosting effects, this can lead to terrifying combinations, such as a 200d20 (avg. 2100) damage from a x4 empowered polar ray (25d6 base, doubled cap and d20 dice → 50d20, quadrupled → 200d20).

Magic Portfolio Abilities:

Spell-like Abilities: Antimagic field, disjunction, dispel magic, identify, imbue with spell ability, magic aura, protection from spells, spell resistance, spell turning

Weaknesses: -16 competence penalty to Constitution, Strength

Spell Block: Odin automatically blocks the first spell used against him in a round

Scion of Magic: +16 competence bonus to caster level, spell DCs, spell resistance

Improved Summoning (Construct): Constructs created/summoned by Odin have 50% more HD

Divine Magic: 50% chance of your spells affecting magic-immune targets (e.g. golems)

Uncanny Force Mastery: Use all types of force Effects, can exclude allies from effects

Spell Absorption: Absorb one spell used against you per round, gaining +10 hp/spell level

Knowledge Portfolio Abilities:

Spell-like Abilities: detect secret doors, detect thoughts, clairaudience/clairvoyance, divination, true seeing, find the path, legend lore, discern location, foresight.
Weaknesses: -16 competence penalty to Strength
Cannot lie
Immune to INT damage/drain
+16 Intelligence
Creatures summoned gain +16 Intelligence
Competence bonuses only 50% effective against Odin
Uncanny Withering (INT) Mastery
Fast healing 35 (equal to Intelligence modifier)


Odin casts spells as a 30th-level wizard (Caster Level 46th, with divine bonus).

Rune Bracers: Ancient rune-carved bracers of epic armor +90.

This spear is an adamantine weapon, its head engraved with runes of destruction inlaid with orichalcum (the spear is 0.024% orichalcum, making its base damage 3d8). It is a +24 universal energy blast spear.

This ring grants Odin terrible arcane power. His spells that deal dice of damage based on level have their cap doubled, and deal d20s for damage (so Fireball 10d6 becomes 20d20).

Hlidskjalf: Odin's throne is set in Valaskjalf, one of his halls, at the center of his realm. While seated on the throne, he gains the effect of the cosmic ability Cosmic Consciousness, and gains a +90 insight bonus on Spellcraft checks made to cast epic spells.
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Went back and fleshed out Odin a bit more.

Still not sure what the Epic Spell DC bonus for Hlidskjalf should be... it should be impressive; since the throne is fixed, it should be a bit more powerful than a standard artifact.

I'm actually not real happy with Extra Portfolio (War) - sure, he's a war god, but Wisdom portfolio would also fit him, and maybe others as well (Odin represents a lot of things - I could see arguments for Death ["god of the hanged"], etc.); and more mechanically, the -16 Wisdom from the War portfolio is not good for Odin, and the Uncanny Force Mastery is redundant with his Magic portfolio. Unearthly Weapon Focus or Enlightened would probably be mechanically better for his Cosmic Ability.
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More stuff from my old Norse Pantheon notes (slightly edited):

Major Gods of the Norse Pantheon by Divine Status

Greater: Odin
Intermediate: Frigg, Hel, Thor, Tyr
Lesser: Bragi, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Heimdall, Loki, Sif, Ullr, Vidar

Portfolios of Major Norse Gods

Odin: Knowledge, Magic
Frigg: Sky, Wisdom
Hel: Death, Entropy
Thor: Thunder, Strength
Tyr: Law, War
Bragi: Knowledge, Music
Forseti: Community, Law
Frey: Elves, Nature
Freyja: Love, War
Loki: Chaos, Thievery
Sif: Skill, Community
Ullr: Nature, Winter
Vidar: Revenge, Strength

Major Gods of the Norse Pantheon by Alignment

LG: Forseti, Heimdall
NG: Frigg, Sif
CG: Odin, Thor, Frey, Freyja, Ullr
LN: Tyr, Heimdall, Vidar
NE: Hel
CE: Loki*

*CN tendencies

Table: Sidereals Associated with the Norse Pantheon

MundilfariElder OneMoon, SunNAvatars: Mani (Double Moon Portfolio), Sol (Double Sun Portfolio)
SurturElder OneEarth, FireLEFated to destroy the Norse Pantheon. Sidereal soul of Muspellheim.
YmirElder OneGiants, WinterCEBergelmir may be avatar. Sidereal soul of Jotunheim.
NidhoggEntity (sidereal abomination)N/ACEDerives from Entropy Dimension.
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