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D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

The cover features a gold dragon behind the old-school D&D characters Strongheart the paladin, Mercion the cleric, Elkhorn the dwarf fighter, and Molliver the thief. Ringlerun the wizard is absent (then again he got his showcase on one of the 1E AD&D Player's Handbooks), but a drow mage appears to have joined the party!


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Reeks of Jedi
Wait who?

"Legendary characters from across the history of the game. We see the likes of Yolande the Elven queen, Strongheart the knight, Elkhorn the Dwarven warrior, the divine Mercion, and the rogueish Molliver,"

I've heard of Yolande but looking like she was race swapped (which is fine but it is a retcon). Strongheart and Elkhorn yea. The other 2?

Sir Brennen

Is it acceptable to not like this art? It's just not connecting or inspiring me like previous art has. Then again I'm probably not the target audience for 6e purchases, given I prefer the older styles of d&d, like 1e and 2014 5e, or like Shadowdark or DCC.
I'm there with you, art-wise. It looks too much like so many other D&D core books over the years, reminding me especially of 2E. I'm also not a fan of the "impressionistic" style of the cover art, preferring cleaner lines, more like the dwarven fighter pic from the chapter opening.

Is it acceptable to not like this art? It's just not connecting or inspiring me like previous art has. Then again I'm probably not the target audience for 6e purchases, given I prefer the older styles of d&d, like 1e and 2014 5e, or like Shadowdark or DCC.

I'm afraid it isn't acceptable, they find out you don't like the cover art they feed you to the Red Dragon on the cover and give your stuff to his Kobolds 😜😈


Yeah man.. You're allowed to not like whatever you want. We're not the "Liking Stuff Police"
Lol! I have for sure have encountered the "Liking Stuff Police"! There has been a lot of really awesome "d&d" art around, even lately with things like Shadowdark, and DCC, but this just seems boring to me. Not feeling the line work, character designs, color choices, lighting angles, etc... It just is falling flat for me, doesn't give that... "holy crap! let's play some d&d!" feeling that is so fun.

Wait who?

"Legendary characters from across the history of the game. We see the likes of Yolande the Elven queen, Strongheart the knight, Elkhorn the Dwarven warrior, the divine Mercion, and the rogueish Molliver,"

I've heard of Yolande but looking like she was race swapped (which is fine but it is a retcon). Strongheart and Elkhorn yea. The other 2?

Race swapped? You mean they made Yolande a Dwarf? The Elves will outraged they have a Dwarf for a Queen! 😝🤡

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