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  1. T

    Just saw RotJ Spec. Ed. on DVD for the first time...

    ...and I was just wondering why Lucas changed the Force ghost of Anakin at the end to the younger version. I had heard the rumors of the change months ago, and I thought that perhaps in RotS we would find out a reason for it. I know that almost none of his changes make any sense (Greedo...
  2. T

    Salon.com article about Gardens of the Moon

    Check out this article about Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen on Salon.com. Archaeologist of Lost Worlds
  3. T

    Ain't it grand?

    Ain't it grand to see each volume of The Lord of the Rings take its rightful place back in the top ten of every major bestseller list, thereby being introduced to a new generation of readers who will come to love and appreciate (or, in some rare cases, snore through) this book just as we do...
  4. T

    BY FAR one of the coolest things I've ever heard of . . .

    You've got to read this. Orson Welles's Batman Oh. My. God. Why couldn't this have happened? Why, God, why?
  5. T

    Wizards' writing workshop

    I'm curious as to the reason they started this on-line workshop. Not that I don't think it's an okay idea, it's just that the announcement expressly indicates that it's a "shared world" workshop. Does this mean they are going to start regular or semi-regular (whatever that means) open calls...
  6. T

    So about this Steven Erikson...

    After hearing all of the recommendations about him, I was pleased to find Deadhouse Gates at a local used bookstore recently. It was unfortunate that I didn't check to see that it was the second book in the series, but I probably would have bought it anyway. What I want to know is can I...
  7. T

    Anyone play on the Fangsfall Chat RPG?

    So, do ya? Huh?
  8. T

    [OT, Movies] Saw the trailer for Episode II last night . . .

    . . .when I went to see Brotherhood of the Wolf (very cool flick, I might add). I've been really jazzed about seeing EpII from everything I've heard about it. I enjoyed EpI the first time I saw it, but it got weaker the more times I watched it. But my hopes were still high for number II. No...