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  1. W

    weakening kobolds

    Funny to see the 'buffing up the kobold' thread, since i've been meaning to ask something related for a while now. I don't have a problem with kobolds being weaker than the other races, in fact i think that's part of their appeal. I want them to be the bottom of the totem pole, all...
  2. W

    what races in your fantasy?

    After a couple of discussions regarding what is "D&D", and my championing of Arcana Unearthed as being a better fit than D&D3E, i noticed that the most-common sticking point was the races offered. Skipping ahead several steps in my thought chain, we get to this thread. Currently, i'm using...
  3. W

    magic of incarnum save DCs

    Am i missing some other balancing factor, or are the save DCs for incarnum soulmeld effects *really* low? The formula is 10 + ability mod + "essentia invested in the soulmeld"--and that maxes out at 4 at 20th level, and is roughly 1/5th of level, rounded up, at each level. Spell (and most other...
  4. W

    A lighter touch for moderation?

    context: This started out when Psion commented with surprise that a rather heated thread had actually managed to lead to productive discussion, with people finally starting to see each others' points. I responded with a snippy, backhanded-complement sort of comment to the effect that this [the...
  5. W

    game groups near oceanside/camp pendleton

    My roommate is getting married and moving far, far away. As a sort of parting gift, i'd like to give her and her husband a chance to game, and maybe the beginnings of a social network, so they're less on their own. They will be living in Oceanside, CA, and he will be stationed at Camp Pendleton...
  6. W

    "realistic" giant insects in d20 System

    So, here's a question for people: i'd like to make the giant insects in my game more "realistic"--that is, not as they really would be (suffocating and collapsing under their own weight), but as they really are, except scaled up in size. For sake of this discussion, i'll start with ants, since...
  7. W

    Leadership feat or roleplaying

    I'm putting together the player handout for my D&D game--setting info that all the characters would know, house rules, summary of [which parts of] which rulebooks we're using, etc.--and an interesting question crossed my mind. Should i include the Leadership feat? At first, the "obvious" answer...
  8. W

    Artificer's Handbook & Arcana Unearthed?

    I really like the spell-slot creation system in the Artificer's Handbook. So i'd like to stick it into my D&D game. However, it's predicated on D&D3[.5]E, and i'm using Arcana Unearthed. So, before i go and figure it out, i thought i'd ask if (1) anybody else has already done this and/or (2)...
  9. W

    tome of horrors vs creature collection

    So, i'm gonna be running a D&D game soon. So far, i'm going to be using Arcana Unearthed, Book of Drawbacks and Distinctions, and Artificer's Handbook. Now, obviously, i can fall back on the D20SRD for monsters. But i'm seriously thinking about grabbing a monster book, just so i can be lazy, and...
  10. W

    D20 System steamtech

    so, in another thread, someone says: Which reminded me of a question i've been meaning to ask for a bit: what are the pros and cons of the various steamtech D20 System rule supplements out there? Steam and Steel is news to me, so we've got at least: Steam and Steel Sorcery and Steam...
  11. W

    Dragonmech vs. OGL Steampunk vs. Sorcery & Steam

    So, just saw OGL Steampunk (Mongoose) and Dragonmech (Goodman) at the FLGS. Took a while to flip through them and, as expected, they seem to cover a lot of the same ground, though in different ways. My initial impressions (remember, just skimmed a bit, read a few things that jumped out at me...
  12. W

    how do i UNsubscribe?

    so, i thought it was about time to go in and clean up my thread subscriptions--file away some old ones i still want for reference but aren't active, delete many, organize the rest, etc. I figured out how to make new folders to categorize/file subscriptions. But how the heck do i move a...
  13. W

    ENnies judge qualifications question

    For a moment, i thought about running for judgeship, but then i realized that i really don't have the time to do it right. So this is mostly out of curiosity, and any use of myself is for exemplary purposes only. Is intended to apply to all publishers, as written, or only D20 System publishers...
  14. W

    my problems with D&D magic item creation--any suggestions?

    OK, first of all, i put this here instead of House Rules 'cause i don't have any new rules to propose, i'm just looking for discussion. With that out of the way: I've been thinking mightily about magic item creation for D&D, prompted in large part by reading Power Classes: Artificer and reading...
  15. W

    diminished/enhanced D20SRD spells?

    OK, i know there was a group of people coming up with diminished/enhanced versions of the spells from the D20SRD, and a thread about it somewhere on EnWorld. I've gone through all of the OGL Games and Conversions fora, with no luck, so it must've been here, and there're too many threads to check...
  16. W

    what makes a game "D&D"?

    This is one that's been knocking around in my head for a while: what makes an RPG "Dungeons & Dragons"? Why does D&D3E qualify, but Arcana Unearthed doesn't? Or is it just a name thing, and, looking at the contents, both would? More generally, what does the game have to have to still be...
  17. W

    alternate metamagic methods?

    First, not sure if this is the right forum--it's sort of a D&D question, but not about the actual D&D rules. I'm looking for suggestions for alternate ways to implement metamagic. I'm not happy with the D&D3(.5)E technique where you have to pay a feat, and pay by using a higher level slot, and...
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    an attempt to discuss the actual *content* of the BoEF

    OK, let's try this again. I'm going to set aside all the things i wanted to say in the last BoEF thread that had nothing to do with the BoEF itself--responses to things people said. [and believe me, i really wanted to question some of the assumptions/beliefs that some people's posts...
  19. W

    Why play a wizard/cleric?

    [let's hope this is the best forum to stick this in.] Ok, i have a question for y'all: why play a wizard/cleric. This isn't a question about balance--i understand the tradeoff between tons of spells and high-level spells. And i understand wanting to have fireballs and healing (or, more...
  20. W

    talents vs. feats?

    Are Talents equivalent to feats, or too weak? I'm pawing through the D20M stuff looking for inspiration and bits to steal, and the feats mostly disappointed me--i like what Spycraft did better. However, the class abilities are pretty cool, and could easily be turned into feats, for the most...