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  1. K

    What's the game balance reason for needing a +1 weapon before enchanting further?

    I understand that in the rules that a weapon must first be a +1 before you can put special enchantments on it like flaming, shock, keen, so forth and so on on it. I'm assuming this is for low-level balance, that a lower-level character dealing an extra 1d6 elemental damage per round might tip...
  2. K

    Where's everyone vacationing this year?

    My girlfriend and I will be driving from Overland Park, KS, to Staunton, VA, to visit my family and take in the sights and sounds of the scenic Shenandoah Valley, which is to say we'll be going a lot of places not in the Shenandoah Valley. We plan on hitting the Washington, D.C zoo and the...
  3. K

    Going to my first NFL game!

    Just have to celebrate a bit -- I just got two tickets to go see the Kansas City Chiefs host the Washington Redskins at Arrowhead Stadium this Sunday. I've never been to see an NFL game, and since I moved out here to KC in 2003, I pledged that I'd go see one soon. This is the perfect one to see...
  4. K

    How would you rule crafting items in a no-XP system?

    I think this goes in here, and not Rules, but if I'm incorrect, just let me know or move it, and I apologize. I don't do XP by the book -- I run a homebrew game, and after a series of difficult battles or at the end of an "arc," as it were, the characters level up. Custom classes, too, so up...
  5. K

    The DM Giveth, so the DM Taketh Away?

    While reading Crothian's thread/poll about giving his second level characters 30,000 gp, I saw a fair amount of replies from people stating that then their players would find themselves the targets of all the bandits and thieves in the area, and they they'd be lucky to get back to town to spend...
  6. K

    Running for Less Than Four Players

    My standard gaming group is myself and two players, and I'm quite used to it, but with the GM duties not always resting on my shoulders, one of my players is having a little trouble figuring out the best way to run for just two people. My suggestions aren't always working for him, and I'm not...
  7. K

    Needing enemy help

    Hey, all. I'm running a d20 campaign, solidly not D&D, but I'm about to throw my players into a big undead city, with its formerly innocent citizens being slowly consumed into unlife by the former prophet who gave in to dark forces and damned them all... but I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't...
  8. K

    Has anyone found themselves becoming a worse player?

    The question pretty much says it all. Five, six years ago I was pretty good at role-playing, and could really get into a character, his motivations, desires, all that. I wasn't world-class or anything, but I was really good. Then I started running games. I'm running two now, at the same time in...
  9. K

    Custom Final Fantasy-ish class question

    Okay, I run a Final Fantasy d20 game that I've put a lot of effort into, trying to create everything from scratch, and I'm starting up a second one, since my first game has gone to online with my old roommates moving. The game's only myself and two players, so it's relatively high-powered, with...
  10. K

    What's the most you've done for a game, above and beyond the usual?

    Horribly clunky title, I know. Okay, to give some background for the question, so it makes sense. I ran a game that recently came to a premature end -- my attempt at a homebrew from almost the ground up. I had the idea in my head to create a Final Fantasy d20 game, and I couldn't find one...