• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    Where is The Sultans of Smack?

    I remember on ooooold thread "Sultans of Smack" with various PG Smackdown, but I don't find it. :uhoh: Can someone post a link to it, pleaseee? :) I thank you in advance for any reply. Bye.
  2. R

    Where's my Sultan of Smack?

    Ok, boys, I remember an old thread: Sultans of Smack, with all the various PG smackdown ;) . I don't find it, so I ask you a link, please. I thank you in advance for your reply. :) Bye.
  3. R

    Githzerai Char of MotP, help me to...

    find the right stats like as MM page 57-59 (ex: orc +4 str, -2 int, ecc) I must prepare a 10th level character. Now, I think that the stats are: el +2 +2 dex, +2 con, -2 wis. sr 5+1 per level Sp as written. Then... there others stats to add? :D Weapon Focus Greatsword? Abilities? Saving...
  4. R

    Wazoo! See this artist!

    Greetings! I hope not to disturb too much. below there's a link and not.. I'm not the designer.. sigh This site in under construction for English language... but it's in Italian language :) http://www.7tour.org Bye!:)
  5. R

    Psionic Template.

    I read some ago about a psionic template. Where is? Is is downladable for free? To be Bought? Thanks in advance. Bye.
  6. R


    Hi folks, I'm a Dm and a player and I just bought MotW. When I've read The Forsaker, a great doubt took me. Did Psion or Psionic warrior lose their power when they became Forsaker? I ask this one because as a Dm I want to make a great bodyguard for a Psion villain. Poor players :D And as a...
  7. R

    Italian Dm seeks players.

    Hi, Boy! I'm seeking new players to add in my group! Milano, + precisamente :D Brianza. Bye.