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Search results

  1. E

    Turning magical beasts

    Hi folks ! I wonder if there is a feat or ability that can give you the ability to turn magical beasts instead of undead in some manual . Thank you for in advance
  2. E

    Insubstantial monsters

    The MM says that insubstantial monsters lack physical substance and take 1/2 damage from all sources . But they can pass trough walls ? They take criticals ? Can be knocked prone , grabbed , and so on ? The description seems incomplete . I missed sometihng ?
  3. E

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    The PHB says that you can sell a mundane or magical item at a flat rate of 1/5 of total price . It seems a illogical rule . More , the PHB says that you can sell rituals at half price , and that making magic objects costs equal the market price . If you make a +1 sword that costs you 1000...
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    Help ! A Tip for a 12th level adventure

    I'm searching for a published ( or PDF , or free ) d&d adventure for 12-13 th level characters . Can you give me some advice ? Not "deep horizon" , please . I have already discarded this Thank you
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    Dwarven defender question .

    Hello to everybody and happy new 2007 A quick question : A player of mine has a 5th-lvl dwarf fighter who wants to became a dwarven defender , who has Toughness as requisite . It is correct to give him the possibility to have Improved toughness ( the feat from Complete warrior ) in place of...
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    A good small town map

    Where I can found a good map of a town of approx. 3000 people ? The town is placed in low hills in a temperate area Southwestern Veluna , 80 km S of Devarnish
  7. E

    Shadows of the last war's essence node of blinding

    Hello . In the SOTLW module ( eberron ) there is a magic item called essence node of blinding . I didn't found any reference in the books . Where I can find something about ? Thank you for the help
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    Searching for page skins

    Hello to everybody . I'm starting to write a book for my homebrew setting , Valdskrye . I'm searching for cool page skins , or patterns , you know , the page backgrounds , like the forgotten realms one , with yellowed paper , leather bound ... Excuse me for the poor explanation can you...
  9. E

    Tumble question

    The previous session we stumbled upon a discussion over the tumble feat . The skill description says that when you can tumble at half speed . Question is , you move at half speed all your movement or only when you are in a threatened area ? Thank you
  10. E

    miniatures storage .

    I'm looking for a reliable and safe method to store my d&D miniatures . I use them often for my D&D campaigns . Now i'm using some plastic bags in a cardboard box , divided by miniature type ( undead , animals , ecc ) , but it's clumsy and doesn't work . Thank you
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    Spellthief vs. living spell in Eberron

    Hi folks . In my Eberron campaign , I allowed some classes form the Complete books . One of my players made a spellthief . Yesterday , the group encountered the Living Flaming Sphere from "Shadows of the last war " , and a talk arose . The LFS is a ooze , thus immune from critical and...
  12. E

    Spellthief question - pls help

    I'm starting a Eberron campaign and I allowed classes from the complete XXXXXX books . A player wants to do a spellthief and asked me a question . The class description says that if you forgo 1d6 of sneak attack , you steal a spell . Starting at 2nd level , you can steal spell effects , and so...
  13. E

    Fractal terrains . Help me !

    In Fractal terrains by profantasy , I can't create a world with deserts using the "Earth" parameters . Have you any advice about creating a real earth-like world with deserts ( Earth has plenty ) without using the tools ? Thank you
  14. E

    Eberron - where "the Forgotten forge " starts ? pls help .

    I have both the Eberron Campaign Setting manual and "Sharn : city of Towers " supplement . The introductory adventure in the ECS manuale " THe forgotten forge " says that it starts in Sharn's Upper city , near the Kelsa spire , but I can't locate it in the S:CoT book , the district or the ward...
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    Monsters by blackdirge .. where ? ....

    Some time ago I saw some monsters created by Blackdirge .... where I can find them ... They were absolutely awesome Thank you for the response
  16. E

    Bracers of armor and studded leather +2 help me !!

    I have another question ( please note is a 3.0 campaign ) a rogue has a studded leather +2 and has recently acquired a pair of bracers of armor +4 . He says that if he wears both , the +2 enhancement bonus of the studded leather stacks with the +4 armor bonus of the bracers . It is true ...
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    Spell turning vs. spell resistance need help

    Hello to everybody . In my last gaming night , a drow ( with SR 26 ) cast horrid wilting on a PC who had spell turning , and the spell bounced back to the drow wizard . In this case , the drow spell resistance works ? Where I can found the rule ?? Thank you for the answer
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    Advice about new classes in Eberron .

    I'm going to start a new 3.5 Eberron campaign and I'd like an advice on adding the new classes shown in official D&D supplements ( like the warmage , the favored soul , spellthief , ecc. ) as PC and NPC .
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    Help me about polymorph any object

    Hello to everybody . I'm running now a 3.0 high level campaign ( in Italy ) where a female PG ( a cleric ) , thanks to her ancestors , has a sort of gold half-dragon template . She polymorphs in a gold dragon only in stressful or deadly situations . Now , the wizard wants to launch the...
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    Trying to publish a campaign setting .

    Hi to everybody ! Me and my friends are in the early steps to publish a new campaign setting . It will be in Italian and auto-produced in Italy , with the project name tentatively called Windmasters - English names in Italy sound cool ! - . Besides the details , in the setting we'd like to...