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  1. taotad

    Psionic AoO's & Buffer

    I'm a guy that's happy with the new psionic rules, but would like slightly more emphasis on psionic combat (slightly). Pleeease comment! Rules Variant: Psionic AoO Whenever a creature using a psionic power other then attack modes she opens up her mind for other psionic entities to enter. This...
  2. taotad

    Two rounds to cure?

    I read the touch spell description and discovered something that my group probably have done wrong for some time. The cure wounds spells including harm/heal, requires the caster to touch the recipients of the spell as a standard action! This means that first the healer must cast the cure...
  3. taotad

    Halflings - Good slave material?

    I'm thinking of making all halflings slaves in my world. I think they fill the niche quite good actually; fearing change and liking the routines of everyday life. Is this a probable way to portray a halfling, or am I way of?
  4. taotad

    Feeling argumentative?

    Diplomacy How many ranks you have in diplomacy,governs how many arguments you can think of. When involved in discussions you battle your intellect with another, inventing arguments and counter-arguments as you go along. When you initialize an argument with another character, you roll d20...
  5. taotad

    From Combat to Diplomacy

    Hullo! Looking at the combat system in d20, I can't help but wonder if it's really only an extension of the usual skill system. Realizing this I wondered if it wasn't possible to treat a conversation or non-combat diplomatic action in much the same way. A rogue could for example use the sneak...
  6. taotad

    Personalizing Magic

    First thread, so step gently... If I personalize a magical item in it's creation, will that increase the cost of it or decrease it? By personalize I mean allowing it to be used only by a specific person or a special group of persons. I can see several ways of looking at this, but can't...