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  1. D

    PCgen Vs Etools ??? Please explain

    I have spent a lot of time tonight looking at the Code monkey site and am very close to buying some of their stuff. But can someone please explain how PCGen is different than Etools? What can each do? How are they different? DO I need them both? Also, My computer skills are pretty average...
  2. D

    Design the best well rounded party of 4

    I vaguely recall seeing a similar post someplace (WotC?) in the past. BUt I thought this would be a good topic for discussion. Design the best, most well rounded party of 4 20th level characters. Be prepared to handle any encounter, creature, or situation. What combination of classes would...
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    Balrog from Lord of the Rings (part 1)

    LotR the fellowship was on TV tonight, of course I had to watch some of it. Of of my FAVORITE parts (of many) is when they encounter the Balrog in the Dwarvin mines. That is such scary an awesome and terrifying scene. My questions is has anyone tried to give Stats to this Balrog creature? I...
  4. D

    looking for module (adventure) with Tarrasque

    Hello, I am looking for an adventure (or module) involving the powerful Tarrasque. This is a popular creature, yet it is rarely included in adventures. Of course this is largely because it is nearly unkillable. My hope is to find a well written adventure where the adventures have to journey to...