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  1. D

    D&D 3.0 Harm spell

    Okay, does anyone here remember if there was ever an OFFICIAL piece of errata in 3.0 which stated that the harm spell allowed a saving throw? I remember there being a lot of complaining about how broken the spell was, and I know there were plenty of designers who said it should allow a saving...
  2. D

    Shadowrun d20 conversion notes?

    A while back, I saw a really good set of d20 conversion notes for Shadowrun somewhere on ENworld, but I can't find it anymore. It included some good ideas like virtual ability loss for cyberware. Does anyone know where to find it?
  3. D

    Issue of dragon with martial arts moves generator?

    I remember there being an issue of dragon with a martial arts theme, including a martial arts move name generator and some reviews of classic chinese action movies, but I can't seem to locate it in my collection. Does anyone remember which issue it was?
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    Pendragon d20?

    Has anyone done a (unofficial) d20 conversion of Pendragon? Just curious. If anyone has, I'd like to know what approach they took. For that matter, does anyone PLAY Pendragon these days?
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    50 reasons LOTR sucks

    Apologies if it's been posted before, but I ran across this on Grouse today and thought it was hilarious... http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/film/50reasons.html
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    Universal RPG converter?

    I remember hearing about a book that was like a rosetta stone of RPGs, supposedly. I don't remember who put it out or anything, but I seem to recall that it came out in the early '90s. Does anyone know what this is, or have more information on it? (Yeah, I know this is a long shot, but hey...)
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    Ashardalon elements in the "adventure path" series?

    Does anyone know offhand which modules in the series have the "dragon cult" elements? I have the first three, but of those, only "The Sunless Citadel" seems to fit. I know "Bastion of Broken Souls" and "Heart of Nightfang Spire" both deal with the dragon cult, but which of the others do?
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    Dumbest DM ever...

    Okay, I know this kind of thread pops up all the time...but I had to tell y'all: A friend of mine was once in a game where his character found the Wand of Orcus...on an orc! Seems the DM thought all orcs had them as treasure, you know, because it's the Wand of ORCus, right? That's absolutely...
  9. D

    Adventure font???

    What ever happened to that "adventure" symbol font that WotC released on their site? I can't find it anywhere, on the web or on their page.