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  1. DwarvenDog

    R.A. Salvatore to discuss his new book at Boston's Northeastern University

    Hello, I wanted to pass on some information about an author talk being held at Northeastern University next Friday, October 8th. R.A. Salvatore will be holding a discussion about his most recent book "Gauntlgrym." This event is free and open to the public, and the university provides...
  2. DwarvenDog

    PHB II: Fighter Alternate Class Abilities

    All three of the fighter class abilities follow the same mechanic: Make a single attack as a full-round action and get this other benefit. My question, from both a balance/intent perspective is... do the benefits stack? In other words, if you have taken all three alternate abilities and you...
  3. DwarvenDog

    Polymorph: Vermin Traits

    One of my PC's polymorphs into a monstrous spider. Presumably this grants him Vermin Traits, such as darkvision. There's another trait, as follows: —Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He...
  4. DwarvenDog

    Nemesis Feat (Book of Exalted Deeds)

    I made a ruling last night on this feat. This is not a feat a player has chosen yet, but it's in the pipeline for his character build. He's an urban ranger who wants to take Nemesis against a favored enemy/organization (to be determined). The extra damage is nice but the thing that really...
  5. DwarvenDog

    Improved Unarmed Strike and 2H weapons

    This question has just come up IMC: A fighter has Improved Unarmed Strike and Two-Weapon Fighting. He wields a greataxe. Can he use headbutts/kicks/stomps/etc. as his off-hand attack? If not, can he use it as a secondary natural attack? (like some monsters do who also wield weapons.)...
  6. DwarvenDog

    What have you done about Blasphemy, etc.

    My campaign is running into problems with these spells: Blasphemy/Dictum/HolyWord/WordOfChaos. I'm of a mind to fix them IMC, but I was wondering whether there was a body of work already done in this forum or elsewhere that I could mine for ideas. The Problems: 1. It's easier to boost...
  7. DwarvenDog

    CON-based abilities when undead

    If a monstrous humanoid with a CON-based special ability (say, poison) becomes a vampire, does that ability remain CON-based (no modifier) or does it become CHA-based? I am spinning my wheels at finding a specific rule for this, and would appreciate any help in tracking one down. thanks in...