• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. sidonunspa

    Arcanis: The World of Shattered Empires - 5th Edition

    Since 2001, thousands of players have adventured in Arcanis, the World of Shattered Empires, both in home campaigns as well as the high successful Living Arcanis Organized Play campaign that told the story of the Coryani Civil War over many years. We invited you to Leave Your Mark Upon the...
  2. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E DM Screen... what do you think we need?

    Ok, I'm going to work on a new GM screen to put into my Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen.... what do you think we need in it?
  3. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E No update to Basic today?

    I was hoping for some magic item/monster goodness.. but so far, not a peep
  4. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E 5e needs swarm rules!

    5e needs swarm rules.... I ran a combat this weekend where the heroes kicked up a next of rats (I used the stats from the play-test and tweaked the numbers to be more inline with the monsters from the box set) and the combat felt bogged down, also it lacked the "scaryness" of just being...
  5. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E new L&L up: A Menagerie of Monsters

    http://www.wizards.com/dnd/Article.aspx?x=dnd/4ll/20140714 So not much.. except they are adding 32 pages to the MM at no additional cost... good news at least
  6. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E Hi Res Temp Cover for Basic Game?

    I plan on printing out 4 booklets (and later having them stapled) of the basic rules (so they fit in my box set) I was wondering, has WoTC made a cover for the PDF yet? is there a 200+ dpi version of the come Morrus created for EN world?
  7. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E 5e is dead to me! Almost, TWF issue..

    I love to play swashbuckler type characters... Is it me? Do my eyes deceive me?!? I can't fight rapier/dagger?!?!?!? Apparently BOTH weapons need to be light and for some odd reason, rapiers are not light weapons...
  8. sidonunspa

    Offical Style - form fillable with a spell casting layer!

    I have just uploaded Offical Style - form fillable with a spell casting layer! to the downloads area. Hi everyone some of you may know me as a rules developer for Paradigm Concepts, and yes, I still play and love D&D... I whipped up this character sheet based off the Pre-Gen sheet presented...
  9. sidonunspa

    updated: 5e Form fillable D&D next character sheet with spell caster option

    Here is the character sheet I'm using for my home game with form fallible/layers for spell casters and non-spell casters https://www.dropbox.com/s/5l8kf2olltuh747/Complete%20Form%20Fillable%20with%20spellcasting%20layer%20v1.0.pdf tell me what you think, note I also added a way to insert a...
  10. sidonunspa

    D&D 5E Any news about D&D next and OGL?

    Anyone heard any news about the future "OGLness" of D&D 5.0?
  11. sidonunspa

    D&D 4E 4e/3.X hybrid?

    So, I was wondering, how many of you have thought about a 4e/3.Xe Hybrid system... I think that 4e has some good ideas (Efficiency of actions, monster design, encounter design, marshal maneuvers, consolidation of skills, and arcane implements) but in the end, they went too far... I have...
  12. sidonunspa

    Has the magic gone?

    Well, I have been running a 4e game for three weeks now, the more we play the more restrictive the system feels… am I the only one that feels this way? The “wow” of the game seems already gone; it almost feels like anything you do outside the box (or hell well within the box, as in the...
  13. sidonunspa

    ::pout:: No duelist?

    So I have been reading posts... It seems to me a Duelist would be vary hard to make in 4e... sorry Im a swashbuckler at heart, in 3.0 the first thing I did was build a character to take the Duelist PrC.... Are there any options for such a character now?
  14. sidonunspa

    Power attack.. dead..

    never mind.. didint see the original topic
  15. sidonunspa

    What scares me

    What scares me is that by this time with the 3.0 buzz we had a play tester or two post things like "I can't tell you anything about the game.. but it kicks ass" But now we have not seen anything like that from anyone outside of WoTC. Now this could just mean that the NDA is scary tight… But...
  16. sidonunspa

    D&D 4E GI Joe the death of 4e?

    Well, I don't know if its a local thing, but I have been hearing about a total boycott on Hasbro stuff because of their "new" GI Joe initiative (I guess that would include WoTC because they are part of Hasbro). Personally, as a old school GI Joe fan… I may be joining the boycott. I know...
  17. sidonunspa

    Polyhedron newsletter?

    I just noticed that you can sign up for the Polyhedron newsletter on WoTC's site is this new?
  18. sidonunspa

    D&D 4E 4e death of creative spell casting?

    Back on the Wotc boards I was responding to Chris Thomasson’s last blog, I wanted to post my thoughts here to see what you all think. When Chris was talking about his home game I came to the realization that 4e will be the final death blow for creative spell casting. You know; good old...
  19. sidonunspa

    No full attack option?

    Humm The first thing I don’t like about 4e…. no full attack option? Well, it’s not that I don't like it.... more like I don't know how to feel about it... Just doesn’t feel "right”… can someone help me here? In Star Wars the reason why they did it was to help encourage combat at range...
  20. sidonunspa

    Paradigm Concepts (PCI) to publish Adventure Modules for Alderac Entertainment Group

    Paradigm Concepts (PCI) to publish Adventure Modules for Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. (AEG) Legend of the Five Rings™ and Spycraft™ November 21, 2002 (Miami, FL) Paradigm Concepts entered into an agreement with Alderac Entertainment Group to publish adventure modules for the Legend of...