• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. L

    Need help on dragon tactics

    Hi guys I need a little bit of help there. My players are fighting a young red dragon. They're not very good at ranged attacks as a group, so after a few breath on them in the open, they've all run away to hide in a forest. The dragon has lost about a quarter of his hit points. The PCs are now...
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    Events while travelling

    Hi I've had a really bad week so far and thus didn't have time to prepare something fo tonight. The heroes (7th level) have to travel from the Dales to Cormyr where they hope to find the main villain of the campaign (he's there alright). So far their main enemies have been the Zhents and...
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    Hi I have a couple of players that have a great deal of difficulty understanding the rules for AoO. I remember seeing a good explanation of it in Dragon magazine and maybe it was added in later PH editions? Can someone point me to it? Thanks
  4. L

    How do I let the players survive this? (Not that I have to!!)

    If anything can go wrong, it wall part #1,528,168 A Lvl 3 party is under the twisted tower in Shawdodale. They've been exploring the tunnels and know the tower was drow fortress a long time ago. So far so good, they're infiltrating the place being very careful. They encounter quaggoths...
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    I'm considering giving that one to my player Complete this sequence 3 13 1113 3113 132113 1113122113 Is this too hard/easy? What's the best riddle you've ever asked to your players?
  6. L

    Who can use magic items?

    I'm going to have to ask this here. I've tried locating the information in the books but for some reason, I can't find it. Which classes are able to use magic items? I guess it varies...Anyone can use potions I assume? thanks
  7. L

    Old products reviews

    Hi I found some old stuff today including the module that was included in the D&D expert box. X1, L'Ile de la terreur in French. I read it in the bus this morning and OMG!! it's bad! So... I started wondering if there's a good site with lots of reviews of older products, not D20 reviews...
  8. L

    male playing female PC

    I just started a new campaign and a guy made a female PC. From the start I was very sceptic (sp?) about the whole idea and on top of that the PC is a bard with 18 Charisma. Will he be capable of pulling that? I have a very hard time to believe that the character's roleplay will be credible...
  9. L

    Yet another question

    The fight which prompted my 1st question on AoO was massive. It was the end of a campaign and the DM invited me to play the demon lord the PCs were facing. All the PCs where in the 17-18lvl range and had a gold dragon with them! I'm not very used at those high levels, magic is amazing at those...
  10. L

    The stupidest question EVER!

    Hi I just feel the need to ask. 3 other players and a DM argued with me overt that. It's about AoO (oh No!! duck and cover) Let's say a wizard is on initiative count 15. On initiation count 22, he receives 10 pts of damage. If he wants to cast a spell on initiative 15, does he have to make a...
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    pit fiend tactics

    Hi I'm helping a friend end a campaign and I'll be playing a Pit Fiend. Is that me, or for a powerful devil (as the MM claims it to be) is the Pit Fiend very weak? Quite frankly, I don't see it surviving a long time vs 17th level characters. Can you suggest good tactics for the Pit Fiend...
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    City of the spider Queen

    Hi I'm considering buying CotSQ. Unfortunately there's no review on the site for it. So...... What are your impressions? Is it any good? Is it mainly a "roll" playing module? I've noticed there's a timeline... is the timeline challenging? Too challenging? How many days (in game, not "real...
  13. L

    Background music

    I'm sure it's been discussed to death here, but what do you listen while playing a game? The Mission and Gladiator comes to mind, what else?
  14. L

    Dragonlance and battlesystem

    Let me try it on this board. I'm runnig through a Dragonlance campaign and want to buy Battlesystem to run the tower battle in DL8. Now, I've seen 2 versions; a box (1st edition) and a book (2nd edition). Are 1st and 2nd ed. very different and will I have big difficulties using the book since...
  15. L

    Battlesystem question

    Hi I'm running the dragonlance campaign and I need to buy Battlesystem soon. Looking for it, I noticed that there was a box version (seemed older) and a book version. Can I use any of them or are they really different? Thanks