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Search results

  1. Tymophil

    Skill Challenges in Essentials

    Good day to all the fair ladies and gentle knights, I’m reading the rules for Skill Challenges in Essentials (both in the Rules Compendium and Dungeon Master’s Kit, they are the same). I simply don't understand the rules. I seem to lack an information. For a Complexity 1 Challenge, theparty...
  2. Tymophil

    [4e] Masterplan

    Hi all, I am back to D&D4. I used to prepare and run my sessions with Masterplan. I have version 11.3, along with jailbreak and jailbroken. I found that there were new versions for Masterplan up to 11.10 or 11.11 (it's not quite clear). I have been, so far, unable to find those versions (the...
  3. Tymophil

    A magic system I thought of...

    Hi guys, I came up with an idea for a magic system based on effects. In my system, a spell is several magical effects linked together to shape up the hex itself. For example, if you want to detect magic on an object that you touch you just have to link together "Detection" and "Magic source"...
  4. Tymophil

    Astral ship deck plan anyone ?

    Hi fellow gamemasters, I am searching for a good deck plan for an astral ship for a D&D adventure. I already checked Dundjinni forums and Cartographer's Guild I got one inspiring ship, but I would like something weirder and/or bigger... Does anyone have such thing under his belt (Spelljammer...
  5. Tymophil

    Adventures will set the tone more than the system

    Here is what I hope Wizards of the Coast will do to build up the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons. 1. Study the weak points of D&D4. 2. Fix the problems in the system, test the fix in actual play. 3. Create adventure path that will illustrate the strong points of the new system and set the tone...
  6. Tymophil

    How about translations ?

    Hi all, I fear that the next D&D incanation will be a english-only affair. The license for D&D4 was a fiasco in France, and even a bigger one in Germany. Therefore, D&D5 will be only sold for a very tiny portion of the roleplay community in France: the one that can read english. It also means...
  7. Tymophil

    Encounter with waves of monsters

    Hi, I plan to build an encounter where my PCs will meet monsters in waves. What advices and hints would you offer to me ? This will be a 6th level party of 5 players and the monsters will be undead.
  8. Tymophil

    Narration back into the system

    I have to say that I am not satisfied with D&D4 as it is. It is, in my opinion, the best incarnation of D&D so far... But it suffers from some serious flaws. During any encounter, I have the feeling I am playing a badly designed wargame, as a player or a Dungeon master, I cannot give a narration...
  9. Tymophil

    Masterplan and font size and style

    I really want to try this cool DM tool. But I have a huge problem with it : the fonts are way too small. I simply cannot read the text, it is even worse on a laptop. I searched for a solution... To no avail. Am I the only one with this problem ? Are my Googling skills not good enough ? Thanks
  10. Tymophil

    Skill Challenges : invisible ones ?

    I have a question. From reading the Dungeon Master Guide, it seemed obvious to me that the Players should be aware of the fact that their PCs are entering a Skill Challenge. What I have read so far on the Net makes this impression stronger. But, when I began writing myself an adventure, I came...
  11. Tymophil

    Questions about the Midnight setting

    Hi all, I have come across this setting (I gave it as a christmas gift to my nephew), and then dug the Midnight universe through web sites. Very soon, I came to the conclusion that the setting simply could not exist as described. Still, I could not find one single review echoing my concerns...