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  1. J

    My vision of what D&D Insider should become

    With all of the... ahem... "discussion" that the announcement of the new web-based character builder has generated, I've given a little thought to what I feel the D&D Insider experience should be. MISSION STATEMENT: Improve the pen-and-paper D&D experience by providing resources to make playing...
  2. J

    List of miniatures for Reavers of Harkenwold (DM's Kit adventure)

    Another list of minis; this is for Part One. Again, I tried to list reasonable alternatives. I'll post the list for Part Two when I have a chance to complete it. Spoilers ahead, so don't look if you're going to be playing in this adventure...
  3. J

    List of miniatures for the Red Box adventure

    I was pawing through all of my miniatures to assemble the monsters for the red box adventure. Once I was done, I thought I'd share the results. I tried to list reasonable alternates for some of the monsters, angling for the most common where possible. (Spoilers ahead, of course...)...
  4. J

    Action Cards

    I'm in a group of people who are mostly new to D&D, and I have been trying to think of ideas on how to help them grasp the mechanics of the game. I wrote up a "cheat sheet" of the actions you can take during combat and when you can take them, but then I had another idea: Action Cards! They are...
  5. J

    The return of Illumians -- sort of

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Illumian Echoes) Introduces Syllables of Creation, unique consumables. A character must be able to speak Supernal or Abyssal in order to use them. I never liked the illumians as a PC race in 3.5e, but I like the idea of them as...
  6. J

    The Dungeon of the Ghost Tower -- continuing the Red Box

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (The Dungeon of the Ghost Tower) This adventure picks up after "The Twisting Halls", the adventure in the Dungeon Master's Book in the Red Box. Here is a semi-spoilery bit from the adventure setup: I wonder if we've seen one of...
  7. J

    Winning Races: Dwarves

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Winning Races: Dwarves) 12 new feats that are compatible with the Essentials line, such as: Beneath Notice You know how to use your enemy’s size against it. With an ally for distraction, you occupy your foe’s blind spot...
  8. J

    New Design & Development -- Skill DCs

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Skill DCs) They print the Difficulty Class By Level chart from the Rules Compendium and the DM's screen, and talk about the changes they've made.
  9. J

    No one at GenCon got a look at Shield Finesse?

    I'm still interested in trying a Knight to see how well they do as a defender. I've been scouring the net for mentions of Shield Finesse, and have found nothing. Can no one tell us what Shield Finesse does? I know the "red box" Fighter is a Slayer, but wasn't there some Dark Sun gaming that...
  10. J

    References to Barbarian playtest vanished?

    I could have sworn that I saw that the Barbarian class from Player's Handbook 2 was going to be previewed in this month's Dragon, but it's not there anymore. Am I imagining things, or did they pull references to a Barbarian playtest? ETA: I'm not crazy, at least one other site saw the same...
  11. J

    [Eberron] 1st attempt at monster conversion: Dolgaunt Monk

    Dolgaunt Monk Level 6 Skirmisher (XP 250) Medium aberrant humanoid Initative +9 Senses: Perception +5; blindsight 20 HP 68; Bloodied 34 AC 20; Fort 18, Reflex 19, Will 17 Speed 8 :bmelee: Unarmed Strike (standard; at-will) +11 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage :melee: Tentacle Lash (standard...
  12. J

    D&D 4E Keith Baker on using 4E disease rules to simulate injuries

    http://gloomforge.livejournal.com/11215.html?thread=187087#t187087 The example given is off-the-cuff and the numbers may be off, but Keith talks about using the disease rules to simulate the effects of a broken arm, for some NPCs in an adventure. ----- Broken Arm Level 12 disease Special...
  13. J

    New Eberron article, "Dolurrh's Dawn", with new epic destiny

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drdisp/20080728 The new epic destiny is Reborn Champion; you are the reincarnation or return of a legendary hero (think King Arthur's prophecied return, Gandalf the Grey returning as Gandalf the White, or Aang in <i>Avatar: the Last Airbender</i>) whom...
  14. J

    New errata for core books, dated 7/2/2008

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/updates I'm still looking for differences...
  15. J

    Errata to Playing Warforged in DR364 compilation

    In addition to formatting improvements and typo corrections, I found the following changes: * The last sentence of the Charging Action feature of the Warforged Juggernaut paragon path now reads: * The Ruinous Onslaught power of the Warforged Juggernaut paragon path gains the following: * The...
  16. J

    Dungeon and Dragon not updating?

    I could be wrong, but I could have sworn that WotC said the Dungeon and Dragon articles would get posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I didn't see anything go up on Monday, other than they apparently reposted the Yeenoghu article. (Maybe they made corrections?) What's going on, WotC...