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Search results

  1. M

    Reducing Monster Hit Points?

    I believe I've seen the suggestion to halve monster hit points in an attempt to speed up combat. I've taken most of the other suggestions on these boards, and want to try something else. Has anyone actually tried this? Does it work? I think the counterbalance was to up enemy damage. I've...
  2. M

    Way to grant longsword "off-hand" property

    I could swear I heard of some way to give the longsword or some other heavy blade the "offhand" property. Was it a magic weapon? I know it can be USED in the off hand with the ranger ability or the ranger mutliclass feat, but if it gets the off-hand PROPERTY, it is more effective in the hands of...
  3. M

    What the heck am I missing about TRAPS?!

    I'm sure there are threads devoted to traps, but no search engine = no find. I know there has been a update to the skill challenge tables, and dragon magazine has a new table for determining trap DCs and damage. But it seems to me traps become meaningless with these DCs! I mean, at 20th...
  4. M

    A Question for D&D Insiders--Compendium?

    I have a question for those of you who have chosen to subscribe to D&D Insider: When you look a monster up in the Compendium feature, do the stats come up? How are they formatted? Are they printable? Are they downloadable as a pic file? I know I should have figured this out when it was...
  5. M

    Anyone fought an Ancient Red?

    Was going to make a one shot for my players. First battle against an Ancient Red Dragon, plus a few other creatures (I have six players). I'm sitting here looking at near 1400 hit points and a 48 AC, and I'm trying to calculate a fighter's attack bonus. My best estimate: +30. Now I know...
  6. M

    Taking the Dungeon out of D&D = more fun?

    I recently finished DMing KotS, and now another person in our group started Thunderspire Labyrinth last night. A big observation: the winding passages in many of the encounters in KotS and the beginning of TL are much MUCH less interesting than "open" encounters that happen on, say a large map...
  7. M

    Is Fighter's Combat Challenge an OA or not?

    My group has been playing that the Fighter's Combat Challenge is NOT an opportunity attack for purposes of such things as the combat superiority. Now I have my doubts. First because the Potent Challenge text on the feat table says it grants bonuses to opportunity attacks and requires Combat...
  8. M

    DDXP Ranger Fix?

    I know this was probably resolved months ago, but I got six players for the upcoming Keep on the Shadowfell, so I'm looking to the DDXP pre-gens for my sixth PC. I recall a lot of fuss over the rangers powers that seemed to good to be true. Was there ever a "fix", was that ever explained by...
  9. M

    Traps or Environment?

    I've been looking for half an hour for some info on any kind of traps or hostile environment thingees in these posts from DDXP. Anyone have anything about that? If this is redundant, I apologize. Please point me in the right direction.
  10. M

    Gift Box price discrepancy?

    Anyone have any information about why the gift box on amazon, which I thought was only the 4e phb, dmg, and mm, is over $30 more than buying each separately? Conjecture: maybe it includes the character sheets and dm screen? Also note in the amazon entry it says the gift set is "paperback."...
  11. M

    Races and Classes, Two-Weapon Fighting?

    In Races and Classes, it is mentioned that fighters currently do NOT have two-weapon fighting as an avenue of expertise. Nor have I personally seen any reference to two-weapon fighting with either the ranger or the rogue (at least for the first PHB). However, the book is LITTERED with pictures...