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  1. P

    Linking planes to power sources

    Starting with this quote taken from the news page in relation to the shadowfel " Shadow is a power source. Involved with stealth, illusion, dread, 'devastating enemies' and 'necrotic energy' " so Shadowfel = shadow lets extend this Astral sea = Divine Material = Martial Elemental Chaos =...
  2. P

    Items speculation

    What we know Well it's pretty much a fact that 3e required too many magic items, and so their cutting it down. The list of what's left contains weapons, 2 sorts of boots, a rope, and a carpet. It's worth noting that a lot of weapons are +2 with a +1 equilant enchancement (e.g. thundering) so...
  3. P

    D&D 4E The 4e PHB : Cheesecake Y/N?

    wow lots of art dicussion. The question about cheesecake got me thinking, whilst i don't want soft porn in my D&D, what is cheesecake (and more importantly - at what point we should be offended by it) Definition(ish) So lets go with what will be the iconic D&D 4e picture The 4th edition PHB...
  4. P

    Humans as a generic race

    Lets start off by noting how humans used to be generic. 3.5 other races had a +2/-2 some where and some minor abilities. Humans made up for this lack of stat costomibilty with a feat and free skill points. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dramp/20071221 no more +2/-2, all the races so...