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Search results

  1. L

    OSR 1E vs OSRIC

    I bought 1st Edition AD&D Core rule books a few months ago and love them. I liked it so much I sold my 3.5e books and haven't touched any of my other game books since. My one (minor) problem, though, is the unorganized nature of the rules. Rolling up a new character is kind of a pain because...
  2. L

    AD&D: There and Back Again - a Role-Player's Tale

    What follows is a somewhat long-winded personal story of my journey to RPG Nirvana, and how I got there. First let me get some of my personal RPG gaming background out of the way. I was among the class of kids that never got to play D&D growing up. My mother was avidly against D&D and, like...
  3. L

    Random Generator Printout

    I am a big fan of using randomly generated resources in my Pen and Paper games. I typically take the random "thing" (whatever that may be - item, creature, loot, etc) and manipulate it just enough to have it make sense in my campaign, or allow it to create a story of its own. For example, in a...
  4. L

    Recommend me a Space RPG

    Okay, I've been a fan of fantasy RPGs for a very long time, it's still my favorite setting. However, I have been itching for a good Space RPG, but am a novice in the area and have no idea which one to choose. I'm pretty particular about my space settings; I am interested in low-tech, dark...
  5. L

    Pathfinder 1E [ONLINE] Pathfinder: Worlds Largest Dungeon

    Now posted on Obsidian Portal! ------------------------------------------------ GROUP NUMBER 1 Need 1 more player! Any more players will be put on reserve if someone cancels, or be placed in the next adventure if necessary. Games will take place every Thursday at 7:00 PM PST starting April...