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Search results

  1. S

    Question regarding possible evolution of a sapient quadruped specie

    (I posted this same thing on Sciforums, but I think I should also ask for input here) Hello, everyone! As some of you may or may not be aware, I'm designing, from the ground up, a Pen and Paper Roleplaying Game. One of the unique things about my game is the way it blurs the line between...
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    Designing my own system; how to work the imposition of "fear" effects?

    Hello! As some of you may be aware, I am working on my own PnP RPG system, and I sometimes go on to these boards for advice. The last time I posted a topic, it was on the mechanical value of bards and the things they should be able to do; eventually, I concluded that bards should draw their...
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    What mechanical value should bards have (sans intrinsic magic)?

    Hello! I'm designing my own PnP RPG, and in preparation for the next playtesting campaign, I'm designing new content according to what the players want to play. One of the desired character concepts among my players, however, is a bard. Now, unlike in DnD, my game won't give bards intrinsic...
  4. S

    What, exactly, is the job title of someone who makes PnP RPG's?

    Hello! As part of an assignment in a class I'm taking, I'm supposed to make a presentation on a career of my choice. Now, I'm not sure if this would be an "acceptable" career for the presentation (I was given a small booklet containing career names and their DOT numbers, categorized by...
  5. S

    Amateur game designer seeking help w/ explaining "health drain" in narrative terms

    (I made this thread in the scifi/fantasy section of Sciforums.com, and got no replies. I'm copy-n-pasting it here, in case anyone here has an idea.) Hello! As the title suggests, I'm making my own game. To be more specific, it's a pen-and-paper system set in a fantasy universe. However, I am...
  6. S

    How to design a game where players don't seek to min-max

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may know, I'm designing my own system from scratch. After a decent amount of testing and player commentary, I've been made plainly aware of players' tendencies to focus solely on what what their character does (and at that, only actively, as in very little...
  7. S

    Playtesting homebrew system; need help w/ campaign

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may be aware, I'm making my own system from the ground up. As of right now, I am three sessions into GMing a campaign to test that system, and I'm not sure how to continue. I have the premise for the campaign designed, of course but I'm not sure exactly how to...
  8. S

    Designing my own system; need help thinking of powers granted by deity of love and beauty

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may be aware, I have been working on my own PnP RPG system for some time now. After losing the flash drive that most of the data was primarily stored on, I've decided to remake the entire system, salvaging what I can and redoing the rest. The purpose of this...
  9. S

    Need help w/ potential love between my PC and an NPC

    (WARNING! The potential love that this thread will focus on is between two members of the same sex, so if this bothers you, please leave.) Okay, so the GM in the campaign I'm in has decided to give each of his players' characters sort of a special "thing" that the characters are to have...
  10. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 Converting a race from a homebrew system to DnD 3.5

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may be aware, I am designing my own PnP RPG system from scratch. However, as of right now, my group is taking a break from testing my game. One idea for a campaign that was brought up was a DnD 3.5 campaign in which every race of medium size or lower is extinct...
  11. S

    How to protect my work from being stolen

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may know, I'm working on my own Pen n' Paper RPG, which I'm currently calling "Uferan Heroes." Unfortunately, the flash drive on which I keep most of my work is missing, and while it's highly unlikely that it's been stolen by anyone who would publish it...
  12. S

    Need help designing a deity that isn't a total ripoff of Dibella from Elder Scrolls

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may or may now know, I am designing my own Pen n' Paper RPG. As of right now, I'm trying to design a particular deity, an easygoing goddess of passion, beauty, and love (both romantic and carnal). Unfortunately, romance aside, that sounds a lot like Dibella from...
  13. S

    Making my own system; how protective should certain armors be?

    Hello! I'm making my own PnPRPG system from the ground up, and I'll often seek advice from fellow gamers and such for designing content. Currently, I'm trying to design stats for armor in my game. The problem I'm having so far is trying to find the "ideal spot" for how protective armor should be...
  14. S

    Making a homebrew system; need help w/ optimizing and balancing system itself (percentile)

    Hello, everyone! I'm making my own RPG system from the ground up, and I've come here for advice before on things like designing content and whatnot. This, however, may be the biggest challenge yet... To start, my system, preemptively called "TD Percentile," is, obviously, a percentile system...
  15. S

    Need help fleshing out selection of spells dealing with fire/cold

    Hello! As some of you are aware, I'm designing my own Pen n' Paper RPG system from the ground up, and I occasionally ask the ENWorld community for help with certain types of content for my system. This time, I'm having trouble adding variety to one college of magic in particular: Thermancy...
  16. S

    Designing my own game system; suggestions for powers granted by deity of law?

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may already know, I'm designing my own RPG system. Right now, I'm trying to design the mechanics for Divine magic, and while I have some vague ideas for how it will work, I also need a means of testing what I come up with. Therefore, I need to come up with content...
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    Tips for running a campaign set during a revolution

    Hello, everyone! I'm starting another campaign to test a game system that I'm making, and I need help designing the details of the campaign. Things like encounters, how to get the PC's and their backstories involved, etc. The premise of the campaign is that it is set about 50 years prior to the...
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    Generic Character Flaw Reimbursement

    Hello, everyone! As some of you may be aware, I'm designing my own RPG system. The problem I'm facing this time is regarding flaws that players may choose at character creation, or more specifically, what player characters can get in return for them. In my system, character advancements are...
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    Designing Divine power rules for a new system; ideas?

    Hello! As the title says, I'm making my own system, and while it's already able to be playtested, I don't have any concrete ideas on how to handle the mechanics for divine magic. There are, of course, a few barely-developed ideas floating around in my head which could be expanded on...
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    References for "loot" rules?

    Hello again! Does anyone know of any games (preferably free and available online, so I can research them easier) which have a set of rules for "loot?" By that, I'm referring to the PC's getting items on their adventures which are of little value to the PC's themselves, but which could be sold to...