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  1. Charlaquin

    The Changing of the Avatars

    This type of thread has been a thing on other forums I have frequented in the past, and I thought it might be worthwhile to try out here. The idea is, people can follow the thread if they anticipate that an unexpected change in a familiar user’s avatar might throw them off. Then, people can...
  2. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Dumb question about vampires

    Am I missing something, or can a vampire not ever get out of mist form? The shapechanger trait says they can transform as an action. But in mist form they can’t take actions. Misty Escape specifically allows them to revert to their true form by spending an hour paralyzed in their resting place...
  3. Charlaquin

    D&D (2024) We have Arcane, Divine, and Primal lists now. Why not Psionic?

    Title. If psionics are just going to be a flavor of spell anyway, why not make a dedicated psionic spell list, the same way they’re doing for Arcane, Divine, and Primal? Seems like a no-brainer.
  4. Charlaquin

    D&D (2024) So, Cunning Srike?!

    I absolutely adore this feature! I’ve been wanting something like it for ages, and WotC’s finally delivering! Absolutely fantastic.
  5. Charlaquin

    D&D General Anyone else heard of this dungeon 23 thing?

    Apparently this “Dungeon 23 challenge” has been getting some attention on social media. I only just heard about it because a YouTube video about it popped up in my recommended feed. The idea is to add one room to a dungeon every day in 2023. By the end of the year, you’ll have a 365-room...
  6. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E What if save proficiencies were based on categories instead of abilities?

    Just a random thought I had. What if, instead of each class getting proficiency in all saves with two of the six abilities, we brought back the old saving throw categorires: death/poison, rods/wands/staves, breath weapons, pettification/polymorph, and spells, and each class was proficient in all...
  7. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Advice for running Tomb of Horrors with a twist (+)

    I’m going to be running Tomb of Horrors as a stand-alone New Years Eve one-shot. I pitched it to the players as a lighthearted romp through D&D’s most infamous killer dungeon, with optional drinking game element: the suggested rule is to enjoy a drink of your choice at your own pace while...
  8. Charlaquin

    D&D (2024) Subclasses should start at 1st level

    I love that they seem to be standardizing subclass progression, but why start them at 3rd level instead of 1st? Even for the 2014 classes that get their subclasses after 1st level I have never actually seen a player wait until then to choose their subclass anyway. They always pick at character...
  9. Charlaquin

    D&D (2024) It feels so much like the D&D Next playtest did

    I don’t know how many of y’all participated in the D&D Next playtests, but I did, and the vibe around here since the 1D&D packet dropped feels to me just like the WotC forums did then (though maybe a little bit less edition-warry). And I love it. The energy and passion are palpable, and the...
  10. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E What if you had to take a feat at ASI levels?

    We all know feats are not all created equal, which makes the idea that they’re balanced against an ASI pretty dubious. One alternative is to just not use feats, since they are optional. But what about going the opposite direction? You can only take a feat when you reach an ASI level. Obviously...
  11. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E XP for Gold (without the XP)

    Inspired by old-school XP-for-gold systems and the leveling mechanic of the Soulslike family of games, I’m looking to try out the following mechanic in my next campaign in place of XP. Training A character can spend a downtime training to gain a level in a class. Doing so requires a suitable...
  12. Charlaquin

    D&D General Video on the math behind advantage (and Elven Accuracy)

    Just had this video pop up in my recommended feed and thought some folks here might appreciate it. Summary: Mathematician works out the average result of an unmodified d20 roll with advantage (turns out its 13.833), then extrapolates to create a formula for doing the same for a die with any...
  13. Charlaquin

    OSR Interested in dipping my toe into OSR but don’t know where to start. Any recommendations?

    I’ve gotten curious enough about the OSR to want to give it a try. But there are a lot of systems available and it’s hard to know where to go first as a newcomer. So, I was hoping some of the folks around here might have some more experience in the OSR sphere and be able to point me in the right...
  14. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Adding Feats to the Existing Backgrounds

    It came up in the Dragonlance UA thread that it seems likely backgrounds will be granting a feat moving forward. If so, presumably the 2024 revision will update the core backgrounds to match this standard. So, of the currently existing feats, which, if any, do you think might get added to which...
  15. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Looking for an “on the road” adventure, any recommendations?

    I find myself having to run an impromptu adventure for half of my group since the other half can’t make it to session 1 and I don’t want to cancel a second time in a row. Since my planned adventure start had the PCs meeting at a caravanserai they were all independently invited to, I figured I...
  16. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Homebrew Inspiration and Stress system

    I mentioned in the “What are you Prepping” thread that I am getting ready to run a modified Curse of Strahd sandbox game in about a month. One of the things I’ll be playing with in this campaign is a homebrew system dealing with background characteristics, inspiration and stress. Originally...
  17. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Wild Speculation: Athas, the World Without Dragons

    So, I recently watched this interview with James Wyatt about the First World idea that has been hinted at in Tasha’s and now again in Fizban’s: In brief, the First World was originally the only world in the material plane, but at some point it shattered into countless fragments, each...
  18. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E A fix for Hide in Plain Sight

    The Ranger’s Hide in Plain Sight feature sucks. Fortunately, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything offers an alternative feature where you can use a bonus action to become invisible until the start of your next turn, prof times between long rests. This is a perfectly serviceable alternative, but me...
  19. Charlaquin

    Mistaken notifications?

    Lately (like over the past few days) I’ve been getting notifications that someone quoted one of my posts. Then when I follow the link to see the post that quoted mine, it actually quotes someone else entirely, and there is no quote of mine to be found. Anyone else having this issue?
  20. Charlaquin

    D&D 5E Brainstorming ideas for a Stress system

    So, with Van Richten’s Guide out, I’m starting to think about running a Ravenloft game again, and I’m pretty confident that I want it to have a stress system. I like the one in Van Richten’s conceptually - certain stressful experiences trigger a roll to resist gaining stress, which carries...