• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. B

    2000AD Inspiration: Judge Dredd "Toxic" IDW Comic

    Howdy Folks, I was just checking out the local comic book store, and a new Judge Dredd run was just starting - "Toxic", via IDW. It sets up an interesting set of plotlines, involving the Spillover and Scrubbers, and some other groups (I don't want to give it away). Definitely gave me ideas for...
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    WOIN NEW Planetary Gravity Effects?

    Howdy All, I'm running some NEW scifi campaigning, and as I develop my systems and worlds, I notice there don't seem to be any notes about the effects of high and low gravity. I also don't want to muck up a smooth game with detailed gravity tracking or whatnot. I'm thinking materially higher...
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    WOIN Martial Artist Opponents

    Thinking mainly of NOW, with its focus on martial art styles / careers and stances - thoughts on how folks might want to see martial artist enemies (either as a GM or from a Player perspective)? Usually the WOIN guidance is to build NPCs as monsters, and no issue there. NOW includes several NPC...
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    WOIN What are you doing / what hooked you about WOIN?

    As a tangent to the call for WOIN reviews and mindshare, I thought it might be helpful and fun for folks to talk about either what they’re doing with WOIN today, or what hooked your interest in WOIN (if not doing anything with it), or both. For myself, the hook was seeing it pop up at DTRPG...
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    WOIN Leadership and Delegation

    I was reading / refreshing on use of Luck in NOW. I like the Leadership Exploit allowing a “Leader” to donate their Luck dice. I’d extend it myself to allow a PC under the Leader’s “command umbrella” to donate Luck dice to another PC. The “prerequisite” would be the PC with the Leader Exploit...
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    WOIN Space Fantasy / Starfinder-ishness

    Howdy All, As I’m reading through my newly arrived copies of OLD and NEW, it strikes me that WOIN would be a great fit (for me, anyway) for Starfinder-ishness stuffs. I’d run some Starfinder for the local store to great effect, but didn’t thrill to the system myself (and I’m a former...