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  1. B

    Pathfinder 1E Evolve stage 2 Pathfinder conversion reqwest

    hullo, enworlders , i once again file a reqwest to our gloriously responcive commmunity, i've been on thhhe idea hook of evolve stage 2, and an idea came to me : use the hunter classes to make classes with selectible and flexible features, and perhaps add a class[or race paragon class] to...
  2. B

    [ONLINE]Pathfinder Gamma World conversion:looking for a group

    hi im looking for a game that uses a pathfinder conversion of gamma world by Corrosive, or i could GM one myself, but i need others, it will be a online game preferebly hosted here, at enworld, im availible on monday, tuesday[-+], thursday, saturday, sunday i live in ukraine, so i'm approximatly...
  3. B

    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder]GAMMA WORLD conversion reqwest & disscusion

    hi enworld, i'm here to greet you, and file a reqwest: i and many other peaple want a full gamma world conversion one is already here at enworld by Corrosive, but i feel it's incoplete, mainly in the presige classes section and not alot of mutations were converted, this tread is also for...