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Search results

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    D&D 5E Suggest the enemy for my 5E war campaign?

    I've been thinking about running D&D again, at my local gaming store. But my work schedule is 12hr shifts on a two-week cycle, so I'd only be able to run it every other week. I therefore need a campaign premise which allows for the inevitable random attendance by players who make other plans...
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    [THEORY] An odd thought about Star Trek and the history of D&D -- Am I wrong?

    Please bear in mind that I am by no means an expert in the history of D&D, but I imagine that several people on this forum must be far more knowledgeable than I am. I know that in 1982 one overwrought conspiracy theory blamed the game itself for one gamer's suicide, and RPGs in general (among...
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    Tell me how crazy I am? [Dresden Files / Gotham City]

    Let me start off by saying that I know I'm crazy. But I'm wondering how far over the deep end I'm sitting here. I have always been strictly a narrative gamer, with the quality of the story being my foremost concern as either a player or GM. And after my D&D: Curse of Strahd game imploded due...
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    seeking aid to develop 40K RPG rules for Genestealer Cult PCs

    FAIR WARNING: I HAVE NO SKILL AT BREVITY I have a game I'd like to be able to run, but first I would need to write the rules for it. I'm already decently familiar with the various RPGs in Fantasy Flight Games's now-defunct 40K RP line, but the specific focus I have in mind falls between the...
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    seeking Final Fantasy style heroic character imageries for my novel

    I am an amateur writer, and there's one particular story in my head that I'm trying to get out onto the page. But it's hugely complicated. And I seek help. The backdrop is a Renaissance-fantasy sort of superhero setting, with the classic Musketeers imagery providing the goonsquad mooks, while...
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    D&D 5E please critique: Chrono Trigger style Initiative mechanic

    As I work to get ready to run D&D again after several years away from the game, I find myself wanting to replace the game's entire initiative mechanic, for three reasons: ***1.) In my experience, players have always found it all too easy to get bored when they're waiting around for their next...