• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. M

    Savage Worlds vs 13th Age

    Hey, The title probably sounds like one of those idiotic computer-generated online comparisons, but I don't have any better idea. 13th Age 2e's Kickstarter campaign is ongoing and I've long considered giving this game a try, but never had a chance and likely won't during the coming weeks. As...
  2. M

    Looking for a more narrative, less combat-centric alternative to D&D

    Hey all, I've had a talk with the other GM in my group of players and we both agree that we're getting tired with D&D's focus on combat. It takes a lot of prep and play time and ultimately, it's not our preferred part of the game. Especially past lower levels, since large amounts of HP make...
  3. M

    Introducing a 10-year old to D&D: framing the adventure

    Hi, So I am going to stay for a few days at my cousin's place and she has a 10-year old son. He's fond of me because I'm the big boy who understands his centers of interests, plays with him, and at the same time has the experience to show him new exciting games. That boy is, I believe, the...
  4. M

    So my players inadvertently entered the local gang's den...

    Hi, I DM'd a 5e session set in Eberron. Things didn't go as planned (as they always do), so I instead let my players have a long sandbox session in a metropolis (Fairhaven, for those who know Eberron). At the end of it, they entered a haunted cathedral. Turned out the cathedral wasn't really...
  5. M

    Background ideas for a Dwarf Transmuter, with Zhentarim affiliation

    Hi, The title says it all. I'm going to play in the Out of the Abyss adventure, so I need a character with a Forgotten Realms background. I mean background in terms of character history, not special feature or mechanics. In this campaign, PCs start as members of a Zhentarim squad escorting...
  6. M

    D&D 5E [5e Eberron] Intrigue/Espionage campaign involving Dragonmarked Houses and intelligence services

    Hi all, I have just started DMing an Eberron campaign on 5e. In the first session, the PCs started in a House Orien's train that had been sabotaged, going through the nation of Aundair. While underway, the train accelerated, the drivers lost control, the bounded elemental went mad... and an...
  7. M

    Inspiration for an urban intrigue/espionage adventure

    Hi all, So, I'm DM-ing an Eberron game on 5e. I know there's a D&D 5e sub-forum, but it seems to be mostly about rules, so I'll keep my general plot-related questions here while going into the specifics there. The game has an urban setting and is about fantasy cold war plots, intrigue...