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Search results

  1. DaveyB

    D&D 4E How do older adventures scale in level to 4e?

    For instance, if I buy a PDF of an older 2e adventure that's for levels 4-8, how would that scale with 4e, since there's a fairly large discrepancy in hit points and damage output? Under 4e, would said adventure then apply to levels 2-4 or 3-6, etc.? There are lots of old adventures I'd like...
  2. DaveyB

    D&D 4E New 4e DM in need of help!

    Okay guys, here's the setup: I'm about 3/4 of the way through Raiders of Oakhurst Reloaded. My party is comprised of a dragonborn fighter, dragonborn paladin, dragonborn warlord (notice a pattern?), a halfling rogue/ranger, and an eladrin wizard. So far, none of the encounters have really...
  3. DaveyB

    Confuzzled about Wizard's spells/spell progression

    Okay, maybe I'm just a nitwit, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how the Wizard's spells/spell progression works. I've read and re-read it again, but it's still not clicking. There's obviously no more spell progression like the older edition. Now you get your 2 at-wills, 1 or 2 dailies...