• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. jamesstreissand

    Kickstarter The Seer: Psionic Class Kickstarter

    I'm spearheading a tiny crowdfund for a psionic character option. Check it out!
  2. jamesstreissand

    Basic Recipe-Based Crafting System (without named ingredients)

    I go into it in more depth, explain the process, add in optional rules to scale it upwards, etc here, but I don't think people should need to jump sites for the sake of reading it. It also contains a list of biomes (in each of which a recipe is researched for an individual item), but 5e already...
  3. jamesstreissand

    Looking for junior contract designers/layout folks for 5e-adjacent designs

    Delete if this is the wrong spot for it of course, but I'm looking for some assistance in designing systems for kickstarters and the like, as well as some assistance in uploading docs to drivethrurpg and making them available for print. If you: -have any experience with indesign, acrobat, or...
  4. jamesstreissand

    Kickstarter: The Mechanazium, Part 1: a Megadungeon Adventure for 5e

    I'm running a kickstarter for a megadungeon adventure! Closed in a metal cocoon, your players will be pitted against monstrosities that feed on their wounds and weaknesses in an escalating bid for survival. If you're looking for an easy to run, dynamic, tactical, nail biting adventure, I've...
  5. jamesstreissand

    Kickstarter: The Alchemist, for 5th Edition

    I'm running a kickstarter for a 5e Alchemist class! I think Alchemy should be its own "thing" in the game; not a re-skinned way to cast spells. I'm not bashing other products that do that by any stretch of the imagination; there are a lot of cool concepts to play around with there...