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  1. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Silly Dhampir tricks (prone on ceiling)

    So this happened today. Our DM targets spellcasters. He's been using fiends with 40' teleport as movement so the front liners can't stop them. A fiend teleported up to our dhampir cleric and mauled him for half his health. The dhampir disengaged and spider climbed up a 15 foot wall and went...
  2. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Give all familiars the nimble escape ability?

    The owl is the most popular familiar in 5e due to its flyby ability. In order to increase the diversity of familiars chosen, give all familiars the nimble escape ability similar to the one found on goblins: Nimble Escape: The familiar can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on...
  3. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Attacking on an ally's space before finishing your move?

    Hi guys, This came up during a session last night. With every DM I've played with in 5E you can move into an ally's space and attack from that space so long as you don't end your turn in that space. I'm wondering how all you Enworlders manage it at your table? One player at our table pointed...
  4. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd question for DMs (spoiler warning)

    I'm playing a Circle of Shepherd druid. We are in the Castle Ravenloft and have searched Rahadin's office where we found a file on each member of the party. Mine mentioned that I was a summoner and that forbiddance has been cast all over the castle. Is that part of the module? When we fought...
  5. tommybahama

    D&D 5E How to defeat creatures with legendary actions?

    Our DM likes to target spell casters and will ignore high AC martial characters in favor of chasing down spell casters. How do you deal with enemies that can use a legendary action to move after another player without provoking opportunity attacks and can choose to save from a spell? The next...
  6. tommybahama

    D&D 5E AoE spells: Do you play by RAW or RAI?

    An issue with area of effect spells keeps coming up in our campaign and I'm wondering how many people play by rules as intended: "Our design intent for such spells is this: a creature enters the area of effect when the creature passes into it. Creating the area of effect on the creature or...
  7. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Players railroading dungeonmasters

    I saw this video and didn't quite understand it. It claims that extensive player backstories railroad the DM and that backstories should be created in the game rather than beforehand. I watched it again and it still had me scratching my head as they gave no examples but had a link to a five...
  8. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Is there a literary or film archetype for the Ancestral Guardian barbarian or other subclasses???

    I often wondered where they came up with the idea of an Ancestral Guardian barbarian. Is it from a book or film? I thought it might help role playing the special abilities if I knew how it was originally described rather than defaulting to, "I use my reaction on spirit shield." If anybody has...
  9. tommybahama

    D&D 5E What is the proper attack bonus for summoned fey from Tasha's?

    Hey guys, Can someone please someone confirm the correct attack bonus for the summoned fey spirit from Tasha's Summon Fey spell? I think it is either +3 😩or +6 😲 for a 5th level Druid with a 16 Wisdom. Below is the creatures stat block. Highlighted in yellow it says that the "Proficiency...
  10. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Shield Saltiness

    Hi guys, Our sword and board Paladin in our Curse of Strahd campaign who is usually easy-going is feeling targeted by our DM because of the rule that equipping a shield requires an action and our DM says carrying a shield in town is considered a hostile act and not done in civilized society...
  11. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Advice on 8th level ASI for Circle of Shepherd Druid stuck in Barovia

    "Hello Optimancers" I have a Circle of the Shepherd Druid in the Curse of Strahd campaign. I'm already thinking about my ASI at level 8 and I'm wondering if the Metamagic Adept feat from the 2020 UA Feats would be a good pick: I was thinking the Subtle Spell Metamagic would prevent me from...
  12. tommybahama

    Kickstarter Stonehaven Miniatures Kickstarter Ends in 24 Hours

    Hey Epic Minifans, I am a backer of this Kickstarter project by Stonehaven Miniatures and I'm hoping to help get them over the last hump to unlock their final tier reward. They are at $21,720 and need just $280 to unlock this bad boy: Do it for the glaive wielding Barbarian you've always...
  13. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Question on diagonal movement with minatures (or VTT)

    Hello tabletop heroes! I have a question that came up in today's session. Suppose blue knight wants to use the Disengage action to move diagonally 30 feet along the yellow path without provoking an Opportunity Attack from the red enemy minotaur. Our DM says that's not allowed because it moves...
  14. tommybahama

    D&D 5E Question about Thavius Kreeg in Descent into Avernus (possible spoilers)

    I have a question about Thavius Kreeg, the former leader of Elturel that made the bad bargain on behalf of the city. I'm not sure if I could Google this, but I want to avoid spoilers so I thought asking here might be safer for me. So this guy is a devil, right? How the heck did a devil become...
  15. tommybahama

    Malificent 2

    Last night I watched Malificent 2 starring Angelina Jolie. I don't think I watched the original and I'm not sure how this sequal did at the box office, but I highly recommend it for all you warlock and druid fans looking for inspiration. Someone involved in production had to be a FRPG fan...
  16. tommybahama

    Requesting advice on fighter/cleric for Avernus

    Hi guys, I'm playing in my first 5e campaign (Descent into Avernus) and would like some opinions on picking up two or three levels of Cleric for my Hill Dwarf Battlemaster Fighter. I was at 5th level with a 16 STR and 14 WIS and were told by the DM that we've reached 6th level right before...