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Search results

  1. T

    Beastie: Underclawed Prana

    Underclawed Prana Aquatic HD 1 AC 18 Atk ML 1d4 Save 13 Move 12 CL/XP 1/100 Special: entangle strike The underclawed prana appears to be a normal, if somewhat spiky, fish with spindly legs. They tend to live in schools of 5-20 (1d4x5) and lurk in murky waters, stagnant pools deep in dungeons...
  2. T

    Warriors of the Red Planet RPG

    I've been working off & on a "Sword and Planet" RPG called Warriors of the Red Planet for a while now. I finally have a beta edition ready. I'll be at Kublacon game convention this weekend and it will be available at my table, along with a limited edition portfolio of 5 paintings inspired by...
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    Mutants & Masterminds may just be my favorite OGL book yet!

    So, I've completed reading M&M and have made a few test characters. And I love it! I particularly like the way they broke d20 crunchy bits down into little bite sized chunks, and assigned values to them and balanced them with the PP system. And the clever balance of PP to Level so that M&M is...
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    DUNDRACON, San Ramon, CA, Feb 14th-17th

    Who's going? Besides Dungeoneer, I think I'll run a Mutants & Masterminds game there if I have time.
  5. T

    Who's using d20 modern for a Sci-Fi campaign?

    So I've devoured the d20 Modern book <burp> - excuse me. I like it, but I still think d20 Cthulhu handles the modern genre much better. I'm wondering if anyone is using d20 Modern for a sci-fi campaign? Or are you using Traveller or something else instead? I've been considering starting a...