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    Where can I buy AD&D stuff in Philadelphia??

    Does anyone know?? Blaise The Magician
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    Whip and ranged attacks

    When you use the whip/whip dagger you are doing a ranged attack. So ranged attack problems would affect it or?? Problems: *a -4 penalty to attacks when attacking someone already in melee. *Enemies can use AoO if the whip user is attacking in an threathed area. *Can not threathen. This can...
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    How to calculate CR

    How do I calculate the CR for a new monster?? Is there any better way to calculate the CR for HD advancment then the one in the monster manual?? thanks Blaise The Magician
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    Eldritch Master PrC and epic levels

    Hello!! The Eldritch Master PrC is made by Monte Cook and can be found in a Dragon Magazine #280. The problem that I see in it is that you get "Spell slots" and new "Spells known" as a sorcerer. The Spell slots can be choosen from one spell level higher then any previously spellls known...
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    Buying magic items???? and what can they buy???

    Hello!! How do you allow your playes to buy magic items?? Do you have magic shops with everything in it?? Can you they order magic items from an NPC?? What kind of magic items can you buy??only items published in WotC or what?? Blaise The Magician