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Search results

  1. Dalan

    Online Dice Store?

    Not sure if the General discussion forum is the right place; lot of changes here since I last posted. I'm looking to get a (uniform) set of dice to go with the 4e books I just ordered from Amazon. The selection is the local game shops is rather poor; there's one or two styles I like, but only...
  2. Dalan

    The Diaries of Dalan

    Volume I: Ratslayer …finally, forced to flee from the main doors, nearly dead and in poor spirits, we retreated to the base of the path to retrieve our mounts and pack animals. Naturally, they were no longer there. Naught but some small bloodstains and stray owlbear feathers gave evidence of...
  3. Dalan

    The Warriors of the Blue Flame

    Dalan, male human Ftr2/Rog2: CR 4; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d6+2d10+4; hp 27; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+4 chain shirt, +3 Dex); Melee spiked chain +8 (2d4+4); Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6/crit x3); SA sneak attack; SQ evasion; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 17, Con...
  4. Dalan


    Could I get a mod to swing by my story hour thread and remove my entry that's titled "Any Bored mod want to delete this post?" I posted a placeholder Sunday night, but by the time I got around to posting this week's entries, Saren had decided he ought to comment on the second entry. Since I'm...
  5. Dalan

    The boards don't send any email

    to my sneakemail address. This means that I cannot activate Zan Thrax or Agnostic Paladin (I haven't made up my mind on using a new name or not) since I created them both with a sneakemail address. I can change them to my direct address and the board sends a reactivation email; but I can't get...
  6. Dalan

    The Diary of Dalan Ratslayer

    …finally, forced to flee from the main doors, nearly dead and in poor spirits, we retreated to the base of the path to retrieve our mounts and pack animals. Naturally, they were no longer there. Naught but some small bloodstains and stray owlbear feathers gave evidence of there ever having been...