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  1. C

    grasp of the grave

    any suggestions besides ranged attacks on how to deal with a wizard that plops this down right on top of a group of mobs from a dm's perspective? I have a wizard in my group now and I have to readjust my tactics a bit due to his controlling abilities.
  2. C

    dazed with charging.

    sorry if this is a repeat. A charge attack is considered a standard action. The mechanics read that it is okay to still charge even if you are dazed. I found it kind of lame that a dazed character could maintain the ability to pull something off like that while dazed. Am i missing...
  3. C

    internet gaming top

    YouTube - Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition: Part 2 ive seen some of the other ones out there, did D n D put out their own version or is it not complete yet? Im a bit behind everything out there we just started back up playing about 2 months ago after a 5 year warcraft hiatus.
  4. C

    mc question

    I'm thinking no, but i had a player ask me if they mc'd into the paladin class, would they be able to wear heavy armor (plate). I said i didnt think so. I looked it up and couldnt find a definate no and was wondering what you all thought. Thanks!
  5. C

    divine power excerps

    anyone else check em out?? I thought the cleric pp "miracle worker" was very nice for all out healng. The pally is getting ardent or virtuous to choose from. Not much was mentioned about ardent but that it was offensive oriented. Virtuous i thought was nice with the extra saves per wisdom...
  6. C

    paragon hospitaler

    Hospitaler's care (16th level) you add your charisma modifier to the healing provided each time you use your lay on hands. Anyone know if this stacks with the feat bonus "healing hands" ? I was looking at the eratta, healing font is saying it is suppossed to read ally regains hit points...
  7. C

    skill challenge set up

    Just wondering how other dm's set up their skill challenges. Do you come out and tell your players that it is indeed a skill challenge? Do you give them hints, or do you let them figure it out for themselves? I threw some high lvl npc's in the path of my players and it was supposed to be a SC...
  8. C

    blessing of orcus shadowfell keep (spoiler?)

    My dm is runing us through H1 campaign. We are currently deep into the shadowfell keep. We ran into a lvl 5 orcus underpriest and his minions. The Dm was having a hard time interperting "blessing of orcus" which gives of a aura 10 "death attack" How it looked was that any of his minions...
  9. C

    Pally range dailies?

    I guess having the option to have a range can be useful at times, but i'm having a hard time understanding wtf wotc was thinking giving front line fighting pally's implement range dailies. My pally is a front line defender and I went with radiant delirium since it was charisma based and had...
  10. C

    magic item levels

    how do any dm's treat this? Do you restrict players from buying a item that has a higher level then the players? I understand about the balancing of the game and not breaking the game with one OP item. Example is a group of 5 lvl 2's wanting to buy either one cloak of distortion or one...
  11. C

    obscuring mist question

    We have a druid in our party and he is not seeing the benefit or potential penalties for casting obsucuring mist on our party at certian times. Any druids have the insigt on the pros and possible cons of casting it?? Thanks!!
  12. C

    clarification on a few rules for new 4.0 players

    Well sorry if these are dumb questions. After much reading in the 4.0 books i cannot come up with what the rule is on these. Any help is appreciated. 1.) do casting attacks / spells go off a range attack? For instance we ran into some goblins that gave us a -2 to our range attacks due to...