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  1. Tigh

    OD&D = social mobility, 4e does not

    OD&D = social mobility, 4e does not If someone with a modern education went far into the past they could contend with any sorcerer on the basis of knowledge and theory. Social mobility used to be a big part of Americas' self image compared to what used to be called the old world. It...
  2. Tigh

    GSL extended to 3.5 in March 2009

    The decision was made after listening to the concerns of the industry and community. Many publishers were concerned about adopting the GSL because of Section 6. We want publishers to create products under the GSL, not go around it, so we removed Section 6 to make the GSL easier to adopt. Link...
  3. Tigh

    Tigh finally Nukes 3e (review)

    Tigh finally Nukes 3e (review) They have made D&D more like Metagamings' The Fantasy Trip, Melee, and Advanced Wizard by Steve Jackson which is a talent based system. And sure enough each class has an array of new features that all work just like talents. This is just grafting a talent system...