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  1. M

    New Druid Spell - Rapid Growth

    I'm working on a new spell for 3.5 for druids (and possibly rangers). Something like what is below: Rapid Growth Transmutation Level: Drd 2 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels) Target(s): Up to five plants, no two of which can be more...
  2. M

    Pathfinder 1E A Couple Mounted Combat Questions

    These questions are for 3.5/Pathfinder: 1) Is there any feat or class ability that will allow me to make a full attack with a melee weapon on a charge? What I'd like to be able to do is charge and deliver a single attack each to several foes that I pass alongside. My understanding is that I...
  3. M

    Diplomacy and Issuing Commands

    I've been using Alexandrian's modification (here) of Rich Burlew's Diplomacy rules in my campaign and, so far, I've been satisfied with them. However, there is one area where I feel like they fall a bit short - issuing commands to subordinates. My campaign has a lot of servants and serfs...
  4. M

    DM - Adversarial or Permissive?

    I apologize for this length of this post, but I had an interesting discussion today with one of my players regarding my DM style. First, the situation: Another of my players is a level 1 former mercenary from a company who occasionally turned to being brigands when times were lean. After...
  5. M

    Roleplaying Fair Folk

    My players are about to encounter some wood elves in the "fair folk" tradition and I am having trouble thinking of ways to impart their mercurial, capricious nature. Most of the ideas I've had so far I've dismissed as either random behavior for the sake of random behavior (which is erratic and...
  6. M

    Reworking Summon spells

    I'm currently working on a low-magic/quasi 'realistic' homebrew setting and house rules set for my 3.5 group. One of the things that has come up in my revamps of some spells is Summon Monster/Nature's Ally/Undead. I don't like the notion that the caster summons a Celestial Dog or Dire Bear or...
  7. M

    Arcane College One-Off Ideas

    This board is always a great source of ideas, so I figured I'd try here with this. I'm running a 3.5 one-off session with my usual group and new girlfriend. I am trying to get her into gaming and she really likes Harry Potter, so I figured I would set the game in an arcane college. I've...
  8. M

    Ship Graveyard Dungeon Ideas

    I'm working on a dungeon for my 3.5 campaign that will be in a ship graveyard. My setting is low magic, and the players are pursuing a merchant prince from a nearby trading city who has been enslaving illegal magic users for his dark cult's nefarious purposes. After they disrupted his...
  9. M

    Diabolic Pacts Rules

    So on our last adventure, the ranger entered into a pact with a chain devil to get a cure to a disease afflicting an island. In return, he promised that neither he nor our party would harm the devil as long as he remained in "the East." Should the party violate the contract, our souls are...
  10. M

    D&D 3.5 New Campaign Idea

    First time DM here, looking for some plot help for a 3.5 campaign. My campaign world is somewhat grimdark with a distant, unreachable God. The religion is monotheistic with a powerful, Catholic-esque church. The devils are fallen angels and have conquered the demons and use them as...