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Search results

  1. L

    Balance Question - Cleric spontaneously cast domain Spells?

    This may have been discussed before, but I was curious if anyone had tried making clerics less of a 'healing machine' and bring them closer to their relgion by changing the spontaneous casting of cure spells to being able to spontaneously casting their Domain Spells? We have been discussing...
  2. L

    D&D Mini's Index?

    NOt sure if this is correct forum, if not, can a Mod move it please? I'd like to get into picking up some of the D&D Minis, primarily for the players in my campaign. Is there a searchable list, across releases, that lets me find minis by various keywords? for Example, I'd like to start with...
  3. L

    Miniatures Handbook Spells in regular game?

    Hi. Thanks to Ema's excellent character sheets, the party wizard now sees a bunch of spells that beforehand we didn't know much about. After finally figuring out that these spells were from the Miniatures Handbook, I was wondering if other DM's were allowing these spells in the normal game...
  4. L

    I smell a rat!

    I got sent this link and had to share.. http://wererat.net/gallery/ratspells.htm Looks like some of my players after an all-nighter! Darren
  5. L

    Calgary Alberta Gamers

    Hey guys. Having moved from the frontier of New Brunswick about a year ago, I find myself living in Calgary! I have found a couple old schoolmates out here (Is anyone that lives in Calgary actually born here:confused: :) ). and have also found a couple other players through various means, but...