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Search results

  1. M

    D&D 5E 5e Forgotten Realms : Return of Mystra

    OK so heres the idea I've got rolling around in my head. with 4e the main module "storyline" was all about Orcus. What if we have the modules geared towards preventing Cyric from killing Mystra? I'd imagine that the PCs would have to travel to different times to get something(pronounced...
  2. M

    My Thoughts

    Had a bit of a think about this whole 5e thing and I hope wizards don't try to design a horse, and end up with a camel. Still if anyone is listening(sounds like a spiritual question :) ) here are my ideas for D&D Next. Races: Go for broke to start. The lores there chuck as many as you can in...
  3. M

    Custom Character Portraits

    Just putting this out to the Cloud I'm after someone to draw a custom portrait for my character. I'm willing to pay for it, but not a HUGE amount. Has anyone had this done? I've had one quote that was like $300 bucks, but that is way out of my league. If anyone has had this done post here...
  4. M

    Need a BBEG to strike fear into my PCs

    OK so i need a big bad end guy for a module and i can't get the monster builder thing working from DDI, so i'm putting it out to the cloud,so to speak. We kinda take it in turns being the DM for modules, and this time i'm working with another guy and its my job to get the monsters sorted out...
  5. M

    Satire of Bravery Question

    One part of the Satire of Bravery Lvl 5 Bard Daily says something about the target coming closer to the caster(since you can push 3 squares with it that helps alot) It doesn't mention how long this is in effect. Is it jsut for the next turn or is it for the encounter? Or is it just once...
  6. M

    Liberating a Keep and Keeping it

    OK so my Group has decided that we are going to ditch WOTC's modules and make our own centreing on stories of three of the main PCs. However the general concensous is that our party should have a base, somewhere that we can call our own. So we are going to liberate a keep/town from something...
  7. M

    Want to Run Tomb of Horrors

    OK so if any ones played this, i just want some info. Our group is around 7 players, lvl4-5currently. Bard,fighter,cleric,paladin,avenger,warlock and ranger What leve would group like this be able to do ToH with it being reasonably hard(not always TPK, but some fear would be good) Plus...
  8. M

    D&D 4E 4e Necromancer speculation

    So one of the guys in our gaming group is into Necromancers(eg like the ones in Diablo 2, with summoning skeletons, corpse related magic) that sort of thing. When we started playing D&D he was very dissapointed that there were no necros and went instead for a tiefling warlock which he considers...
  9. M

    Mimic Stats

    Can any one tell me what the stats of a level 6 solo mimic would be?? I don't have MM3(or MM2 for that matter) Is there a good online monster creator? Thanks
  10. M

    Always hit Bard build

    OK so i'm reading this stuff about Magic Missle being changed to "Always hit"(hit miss and damage being debated gramatically in the other thread) and i was thinking that there are a set of feats that turned the bards dillatante power from an encounter,to an at will to a basic attack. Can't...
  11. M

    3d cad models of minitures

    I've got access to a 3D printer and the "Ink" is about to go off so i can basically print what ever i want with it. Was thinking of Printing some D&D Minitures, preferably dragons or monsters. Problem is I don't have any CAD models. If any one has some cool 3d Miniture models for D&D post...
  12. M

    3d cad models of minitures

    I've got access to a 3D printer and the "Ink" is about to go off so i can basically print what ever i want with it. Was thinking of Printing some D&D Minitures, preferably dragons or monsters. Problem is I don't have any CAD models. If any one has some cool 3d Miniture models for D&D post...
  13. M

    Impelling Force

    OK so I've been using this power much like "force push", that the target is pushed in a direction. I'm not sure if i'm using it right. Basically can you throw people/creaures off ledges with it? It says "slide target 5 spaces to an adjacent ally" what if the target is not 5 spaces from an ally?
  14. M

    Creating a JPG from D&D cartographer

    It might be a stupid question but how do you create a JPG that can be printed out to the right size with ALL the layers in it and at the right resolution? I've tried and got mini maps, just the grid at the right size and diffenences in between. Oh i'm sorry if there is a howto about it in...
  15. M

    Song Dragons

    Have these guys been offically stated in anything? Just out of curiosity...
  16. M

    D&D 4E So Whats Drizzt up to in 4E?

    Elminster get a mention in the FR campaign guide and so does bruenor(its says he was old and now dead). So any one know what happened to drizzt? Or the Seven SIsters(the simbul is hanging with the big E on the farm, but the others?) So any news?
  17. M

    H3 - Pyramid of Shadows Dungeon Tiles

    We are going to start this module(having skipped h2) soon and the module as purchased have bugger all maps in them, and have no tile set listed except for "Dungeon tiles" This one may be a curly one anyway due to the nature of the pyramid, however any suggestions would be good. Thanks
  18. M

    Half-dragon/dragon disciple

    Just been looking at the Dragon disciple prestige clas and the Half-dragon template info thats out on the web. Has anyone figured out how to do this with 4e? I'm reasonably new to this so i'm not sure how to proceed. Basically my PC is a Half-Elf Bard who is actually half dragon (Mother was a...
  19. M

    Distracted Players

    How do people keep their players from getting distracted? The guys i play with quite often fall into conversations about astrophysics or movies or cures for ringworm. Thats all good and well, but last game it took 3.5 hours to complete that rat cavern in KOTS(we did beef the rats with more than...
  20. M

    Good Map for a Tavern Brawl

    OK So my PCs are going to get ambushed in a tavern. Problem is I haven't got a Tavern Map, And i am unskilled in the art of art. So I know that there is a huge amount of Fanbased non copywrite maps out there, but i was wondering if I could Poll The Crowd, as it were, and Find a really good one...