• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    ZEITGEIST Three Towers Puzzle Help!

    I just straight up don’t get the setup for the puzzle. I’ve read so many times but just don’t understand it. Can someone try explaining it to a dunce (i.e., me) before I run it for my players?
  2. R

    ZEITGEIST The March of Progress: Campaign Log

    Hi folks! At long last, the Zeitgeist campaign I've wanted to DM forever has kicked off! We're actually streaming it--you can find watch here on our Twitch or, afterwards, check out the VODs, recaps, DM notes, and other content on our YouTube. The streams will be ~every other week on Fridays at...
  3. R

    ZEITGEIST Bonds of Forced Faith Spoilerific Question

    So, even though the PLAYERS were suspicious of Rachel Lang's "blessing," they all decided it was in character for them to take it. Obviously it does not affect Amielle. But is everyone else basically required to die? Can the bond be removed like other curses (even though we only have a couple...
  4. R

    WotBS Question Re Shelter from the Storm Ending [Spoilers!]

    Once the players (hopefully) defeat Damius, is the idea that they get back up to the entrance of the jail by...jumping back into the chute that spat them out and walking back through the the whole jail area? Or am I missing a shortcut somewhere.
  5. R

    ZEITGEIST Suggestions for Story/Campaign Based on Player Character Backstories

    Hi folks! My group is about to start up a campaign (which I'm very excited to post diaries of here!). Based on the players' backstories below, I'd love for any of you luminaries to help me think of interesting tie-ins, suggested embellishments/changes, plot points, and most of all, a sort of...
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    WotBS Spoilerific Question Re Adventure 3

    Spoilers!!! Following the big fight on the Wayfarer ship, everyone seems set on finding Lee Sidoneth, having identified him as the culprit. My question is—how do we know he did anything wrong at that point?
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    WotBS Branching After Adventure 3 (i.e., what if they don't want to go to Bresk)?

    During and after adventure 3, it seems there are a few things going on...Some people say the best thing to do is go look for the lantern in Korskull, others say you have to go to the Monastery to investigate Pilus (one of my players is especially intrigued by this, as they are a monk of the East...
  8. R

    ZEITGEIST Help Making Gears of Revolution AP More Leftist?

    To start off, let's not argue politics. Regardless of whether you think it's great or evil or whatever, take it for granted here that I want my version of the AP to have Nicodemus represent not just the idea of hegemonic thought/lack of free will, but more of an explicit liberal ethos (e.g., we...
  9. R

    ZEITGEIST [SPOILERS] Not understanding the Axis Seal...

    So, I've read the campaign guide a few times and...I just don't get what the Axis Seal is, what its intent was, and how it "works." Can someone help a bit?
  10. R

    ZEITGEIST Homebrew World with Zeitgeist

    Hey folks, I'd like to run Zeitgeist but in more of a homebrew setting--not too much of a departure thematically, but a little more emphasis on the sorta industrial revolution stuff and maybe a bit more of a "weird/absurd" feel to the different cultures. What's the best way I knew which things I...
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    WotBS Inquisitor Token/Virtual Mini?

    Hi folks! Anyone have a good token or, preferably, a top-down mini of an Inquisitor for use with VTT?
  12. R

    WotBS DMing WOTBS: Can Torrent Die/Be Left Behind?

    Title says it all, I reckon. My group of 6 PCs is breezing through all combat (using the adjustment rules in the campaign books, of course), and Torrent being there makes it easier, not to mention longer. It seems based on my scan of the first 3 adventures that she doesn't absolutely have to...
  13. R

    WotBS Stitching Together Maps

    How do you folks stitch together the PDF maps to make a full map for online play? I’m having a heck of a time putting them together in a way that doesn’t mess with the grid. Or is there some place to get full maps that aren’t divided into printable quadrants? Printable was awesome...before COVID...
  14. R

    WotBS Fantasy Grounds Maps

    Hi folks, I made the mistake of going all in to FG before realizing that WotBS is available as a module on Roll20. So now I have a lot of work to do! Has anyone taken the maps generously provided by the team and turned them into FG maps? What's the process like? In addition, there are lots of...
  15. R

    Intro Adventures for Lvl 1-3 (WotBS and Zeitgeist)

    Hi folks! Simple topic: I'm thinking of running either WotBS or Zeitgeist in 5E and note that they both start at Level 3. What do we do for the first three levels!?
  16. R

    WotBS 5e conversion of Zeitgeist or WotBS?

    Has anyone attempted or even contemplated this? I was about to start a pathfinder Zeitgeist campaign, but am now REALLY interested in taking it over to 5e, but am not a super experienced DM so I'd have to have everything prepared/converted ahead of time. If no one has done it, can someone...