• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. C

    Looking for Artificer variants.

    Hey, my character recently died in an Eberron campaign and I have decided to pick an Artificer for my new character, but the Artificer in the EPG just doesn't suit me. I've played one before and it wan't particularly entertaining. So I'm wondering if I can petition the power of the internet to...
  2. C

    D&D 5E Experience to Level Up.

    This is something I noticed with the amount of experience earned at each level vs how much you need to level up. In the DMG, it indicates that for one level to the next their should be around 8 average encounters. This holds true for the 1st level, but from levels 2 to 10 the number of average...
  3. C

    Combat Assistant Sheet

    I made this sheet that has all the most pertinent information for combat on it. I keep my character sheet as a summary but use this for everything else. I like it because everything is at a glance. I just thought might as well post it here so others can benefit. Hope you like it, and if you...
  4. C

    D&D 5E Crazy dice ideas

    Yeah, I realized that also, I assumed that one would say minimum 1. Although, maybe a 1 + CON Mod would be better, that way someone with 8 con isn't dwindling away. OR, one could look at it as if adventure is so exhausting for that character, facing so many threats is actually making them...
  5. C

    D&D 5E Crazy dice ideas

    I like your Schroedinger HP idea. I'm thinking, how about characters start off with the normal max HD + Con Mod, and gain only their Con Mod to their HP every level. The way damage would work is if the player ends their turn with less HP then their normal (not max) they roll as many hit dice as...
  6. C

    D&D 5E Mage Armor Criticisms

    I'm only going to say something about the spell duration thing, because it's late and i need sleep soon. The way i track time, is mostly done by the number of short rests the party takes. In my games we have it set at 30 minutes. 10 seems to short to aquatically apply bandages (healing kits) to...
  7. C

    D&D 5E Should non-fighters get maneuvers and expertise dice?

    I see what you mean, a Paladin is mostly a blend of fighter and cleric, but i would say that the difference is that a fighter/cleric gets maneuvers, proficiencies, spells per day, and domain spells. While a paladin could have a smite mechanic in place of spells per day.
  8. C

    D&D 5E Idea: Fighters can use any fighter manuever with reduced die

    What if we had a point buy system. Where at every level you gain a number of points that you use to "upgrade" your maneuvers. This mimics your training, and eventual mastery of specific maneuvers. At first level, you might start off with a couple extra points, to make your initial allocation. To...
  9. C

    D&D 5E Help me write up a dice system for spells

    A while ago I came up with a method for Wizards (and psions) to cast (or manifest) their spells continuously because, to me, I thought that wizards "forgetting" their spell once cast was odd. To me it was like, you know the spell, so you well... know the spell, period. So, i came up with a...
  10. C

    D&D 5E 11 spell levels... really

    I look at it this way, by turning level 0 spells into At-Wills and adding a 10th level, the number of spell level divides nicely into the number of character levels. So, with this linear scaling you gain 1 spell level for every 2 character levels. By this method you can actually determine the...
  11. C

    A Quest for Essential Style Psionic Classes

    Yes, something that breaks away from the AEDU format. Yes, you got the idea, something that's just a little different.
  12. C

    A Quest for Essential Style Psionic Classes

    Hey, I'm wondering if anyone has found or came up with there own psionic power sourced essential style classes, I'm going through a "Psionics" phase atm. If you can point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
  13. C

    an MP system.... ?

    Check out this guys FF d20 system, I think it's really clever. Final Fantasy d20 | Obsidian Portal
  14. C

    an MP system.... ?

    Oh, i forgot to mention that the system would also have 2 "At-Wills" just like every other class. These would have no mana cost (so you have something to fall back on once you've spent all your mana, or you spent a reasonable amount of mana where its dangerous to continue because it means you...
  15. C

    an MP system.... ?

    Here is what i thought of: Each power has a mana cost like you asked. All powers are At-Will, although they are not all At-Will strength; they have a relative cost to their power. Each additional and replaced power per Utility/encounter/Daily column increases the cost by 2. The mana pool is...
  16. C

    Thinking of a new way to do rituals

    Using Rituals House-rules I am actually in the process of playtesting this mechanic below. So far the party has been casting short rituals and have managed to complete them during combat. So the combat casting mechanic hasn't been fully tested. Component Cost: All rituals no longer cost gold...
  17. C

    Most Common Energy Types Used by Monsters?

    Wow, that's exactly what I needed. And thank you all, I really appreciate the fast response.
  18. C

    Most Common Energy Types Used by Monsters?

    I don't have a DDI subscription so I don't have access to the compendium but I know someone out there on the world wide web does. I'm looking for a few charts showing the most common Vulnerabilities and Resistances monster posses as well as the types of energies they attack with. If you have...
  19. C

    Speeding up combat: have you tried to halve hit points?

    I think it's called the Ogre Rule. It's when all damage dealt to a bloodied creature is doubled. I've used it before and it worked well. Strikers won't have any easier of a time one-shot'ing things. The main side-effect I saw was that it put more importance on quick healing rather than big...
  20. C

    Alternative Magic System

    Sounds like a bloodmage to me, cool idea. But, what if you gave a spetrate pool gain much like Hp are. You can keep Hp at d6 + Con but a d[4, 6, or 8] + Int for mana. Just my 2 cents.