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  1. G

    Seeking Players in Fairfax County-ish VA

    Hi all, I'm planning to start up a new group in Northern Virginia (centered in West Springfield, but with some possibility of it being centered in Reston as one of my friends who lives there will be playing). I'm a new offline DM. I've run a few play by posts, and done one session of...
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    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I'm not sure I grant him the second possible quality though...
  3. G

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    So I just got caught up on this whole sordid thing. I had no idea there was this nuTSR, and at first was excited when I saw a reference to the new Star Frontiers. I find it amusing that a year or so ago they were saying they'd released a limited run of Star Frontiers: New Genesis and it was...
  4. G

    Pathfinder 1E Mind blown by my player

    Whooooops! This is what comes from having a 4 month old baby and trying to do quick probability in your head. You are of course right! The probability of getting a probability problem wrong when one has a 4 month old baby? 100%.
  5. G

    Pathfinder 1E Mind blown by my player

    You realize of course that your brother had a 2/3 chance of winning? When I first read it, it sounded like he would roll one die in which case it would be 50/50. But rolling two dice and adding them together? Even + Even = Even; Odd + Odd = Even; Even + Odd = Odd
  6. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Antares, I'm going to hold off until next week to update since right now it's just you... Hoping we get Voda Vosa back sometime soon-ish.
  7. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    "Not insulting," replies the older man with a wink. "But I need it far less than young folk like yourself who are just starting out in the world. You can buy me a drink at the Half and Human when you get back." He pauses as the elf asks his question about the road ahead, "Young master, I know...
  8. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon (Swords and Wizardry Core, 4th Ed)

    Well, Antares' biggest moment of glory so far was lobbing a lantern onto a gelatinous cube which seems to be somewhat 'fighter-ish' in nature. And there's always the "sometimes you internalize things when working on other things" so perhaps not working on his fighter skills let him become...
  9. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Beatrix looks up blearily at the conversation in the tent, and hears the rain on the fabric. She groans, "Malborka... I must have done something to offend you. I arrive at village at your request, and now sent out of the village. In the rain. Ah, but better to finish your work quickly to...
  10. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    In truth, the night does pass uneventfully enough even if any crack of a branch outside gives certain elves a sleepless night. Or maybe it's the tent rattling snoring of a large Cleric. In any event, as the sky begins to brighten, a new sound arrives. The patter of rain against the tent and...
  11. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    "Eliaesel's Breath, dwarf... Where the hell did you come from?" says a man under his breath as Muzdim approaches. The man automatically moves to the side, and on seeing the stance of the Dwarven cleric, sidles away as if trying to pretend he wasn't really meaning to be at the fire listening to...
  12. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Stellan replies to Antares. "I don't know. I think taking the Goblin in their sight would be a bad idea. The instigator is saying the Goblins were too eager to attack our town, and they're angry that they attacked Gregof even though they were tricked. I think they think it's safest to just...
  13. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Antares gives a long sigh and an amused smile. "Should have known that would be your reaction my friend. They're at the only full fire left." He points out the tent in the direction of a roaring flame. "I'm going to go to warn Antares just in case this gets out of hand." After Antares leaves...
  14. G

    D&D 5E RE: Tarasque vs. 5th lv. Wizard scenario - how does Wizard know to use Acid Splash?!?

    I understand that this is a 'White Room' scenario but of course it would never be a White Room scenario. As a DM, if I were to use a Tarrasque, it would be in the context of the thing threatening something extremely important so that the players would either have to show great ingenuity in...
  15. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Beatrix looks at Antares with open amusement as he stumbles through his reply. "Yes. I am most certainly beautiful. It is result of much food blessed by Malborka. Maybe when you are certain that you are a mage, rather than asking me whether you are one, then you will worry when we are alone...
  16. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon (Swords and Wizardry Core, 4th Ed)

    Sorry guys. Crazy couple of week weather, work and personal wise. Nothing bad, just crazy... Should have a post today.
  17. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Getting to his feet after a last puff from his pipe, the older logger stands and rotates an arm in its socket to get some kinks out. "I believe so, young master elf." he says to Antares' last question. "I need to be taking a rest shortly." He sighs a touch as he watches the goblin licking its...
  18. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    The logger shifts, with a slight groan - unsurprising given the hard work they tend to do throughout the day. "Wise words, my young, pointed ear friend. But I would hope that Ascadar at least is evidence that strength and greed are not always the primary motivators among the good people of our...
  19. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    The loggers nod somewhat approvingly at Muzdim's explanation, or at least most do. Others furrow their brows a bit at the explanation the elf provides however, but most mutter "As long as he stays bound... and outside of our sleeping areas." Any possible confrontation seems averted for now...
  20. G

    Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

    Eyes glance up from the loggers as they rest from the long day of work, some with bowls of soup that add a savory smell to the clearing. They flick away and then come back as the presence of such an odd appearing group - particularly perhaps the goblin - in their midst. Some get to their feet...