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  1. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    *coughs* Bladesinger. No rogue or arcane trickster. ;P
  2. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    *impatiently twitches - write faster darn ye!*
  3. Clueless

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    All the writing is in as of mid-February :) The book is currently going through the stages of editing and layout right now. Facebook has a lot of updates and the Kickstarter page has been kept fairly up to date as well.
  4. Clueless

    Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads

    Ambrus - if you still have the Excel files of the originals - drop them my way so i can update real quick? That may be faster than me trawling through the server. :) avin - I'll take a look
  5. Clueless

    Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads

    Check your spam and junk mail settings. 99% of the time emails from forums get eaten by those settings. Email notifications are going out. If you remember your user name I can check in our lists and see if there's something else with the account.
  6. Clueless

    Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads

    Ah - I see. Thanks - it looks like we have a bad file pull for that. Let me go see if I can run down a better copy of the information and get those files updated. Thanks for letting me know!
  7. Clueless

    Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads

    Also worth nothing - since we do have the Storage for it - if there are other files any of y'all think we need to be hosting, send me a PM and some information about where it's from and we'll get it up!
  8. Clueless

    Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads

    We also have all of planewalker's data available on dropbox (for the extra backup security) - that dropbox is here: What you're looking for is under "Extra Data"
  9. Clueless

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    Also on this team :) There's a good chunk of hard SF RPG writers in with the fantasy RPG writers on this one (Myself included - I come at this from the Eclipse Phase end of things.) So we've been negotiating some of the balance in the project for a coherent mix between SF and Fantasy. So far...
  10. Clueless

    Pathfinder 1E [Encounter Table Publishing] Aethera Campaign Setting

    *bumpity* As much as I and my fuzzy counterpart (love you Shem) have had our public disagreements in the streets of Sigil... I feel I should point out that I'm also writing on this one. That's right. Cats and dogs. Living(?!) together. ;) In all seriousness - we have a really really awesome...
  11. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Ok cool :) I'm still looking forward to the ".... I... can only do that on Thursdays." The worst of worst lies Clueless ever spoke. ;) Outlines are good! I've debated outlining one of mine sometime for a Storyhour but I don't think it would really be that interesting.
  12. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    "Not here for you!" "?! Well - you *started* it!" Shem, I can't remember - is this all before or after Clueless picked up his passenger in his head? Once this is done I'd love to get a PDF and then hard copy. (so November is coming up... nanowrimo?)
  13. Clueless

    Paranoia S.P.A.C.E. Friday 2-6pm

    Yes please? I wanna see if I can continue my trend of putting other players heads in jars attached to household appliances! :)
  14. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Yeah, I think most of my issue with that was on the tactical side: "Guys. At least wear masks and something to counter divination next time. Or you know - follow up the chain for intel on the primary buyer??" I learned well from my Shadowrun days. ;)
  15. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Huh, I coulda sworn Clueless was in on tat anti-slavery run. Given his 'dealing' later on... ;) Though wasn't this about the same time when Tristol was asking permission to date Nisha too? ;)
  16. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Ah,... I enjoyed playing that rat hive. ;) The players all thought I was "just one" super smart rat. Till they looked under see-invis ...
  17. Clueless

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Much belated thanks for that complement. :) At this time in our gaming group we were playing DnD the way other groups play Shadowrun. Lots of planning, and canny side-ways solutions.