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Search results

  1. S

    My Adventurer Card

    If you are not familiar with the card game Adventurer, you should be. Its very simple to play, and is like running through the module Ravenloft, in a way (that is, the point of the current "Castle Deck" is to hunt down and stake Count Lodrac.) Each player has their own unique hero, some designed...
  2. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    As one of the designers, I could say all kinds of things, but I won't. I will, instead, just say something stupid: I'll play whatever is fun. C&C, like any game, can be fun. Does it depend on who is playing it, and how? Likely, just as other games can get boring if you're having a bad string...
  3. S

    D&D 4E Who else is going to be a deserter when 4e comes out?

    I abandoned WotC when they announced the release of 3.5. 4th edition would have to be a complete reversal in design philosophy for me to even bother with picking it up.
  4. S

    How far do you travel to game?

    Seeing as I have not gamed for almost 3 years, I have to select option the last, as I will be going something like 2500 miles to GenCon.... Yay for teleportation!
  5. S

    D&D 2 Movie Preview at Gen Con!

    I'm bringing a bag for emesis. I can't wait to fill it up.
  6. S

    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    Now that is good news, Gary. Veyr happy that the mini-con went over so well. At some point in your gaming lifetime, have you fleshed out, played through, or otherwise used each of the 1001 adventures in Volume I of Castle Zagyg?
  7. S

    Midnight 2.0 PDF on sale now...for $50!!!!

    To me, there is no justification for that kind of price-tag. Supply and demand dictate cost. With a pdf, supply is ready, and infinite. Demand is not so much, but... overhead is very little. Hence-- profit on every pdf. Do they really need to make (guessing here) 50,000% profit? I'm not...
  8. S

    Goblins Colour A Bad Move?

    Anti-hotlinking is a means to prevent hotlinking, obviously. So, what then is hotlinking: Bandwidth theft or "hotlinking" is direct linking to a website's files (images, video, etc.). An example would be using an <IMG> tag to display a JPEG image you found on someone else's web page so it will...
  9. S

    Goblins Colour A Bad Move?

    While the content is still funny, I'd much prefer that it stay in B&W, as the whole point is its life through their eyes. It made it rather ironic and more humorous to think a Goblin sees everything, even himself, in B&W.
  10. S

    A bored DM is a dangerous DM...

    No, actually, that's part of it, because some DMs, when they are bored, will start to wonder about the rules, and whether they need the or if they work as they want them to work, or, if the next campaign will need to have something modified to suit its "flavor." I know every game I play has...
  11. S

    What monster killed your first PC?

    The DM killed my first PC, by reaching over the table, grabbing my character sheet, and ripping it up, because he had wanted to send me into a chamber of death, but I turned left, when I should've gone right. Apparently he wasn't aware of the fact that he drew the maps, and could've tranposed...
  12. S

    A bored DM is a dangerous DM...

    Absolutely, if its fun, and those playing are enjoying it. Do I have to get the whips? I like the whips.
  13. S

    A bored DM is a dangerous DM...

    Yes. Heheh. Too funny. See, in my game, when I say "this is is the way it works in this campaign" that is how it works. The rulebooks don't tell me, and they don't tell the players. I do. The moment I buy the book, I own it, and I can change whatever I like about it, for the enjoyment of...
  14. S

    A bored DM is a dangerous DM...

    I went further than you, but, I ignored the rules. I opened all the books I had (and some of them are just for PrCs, mind you) and gave one character "maximum" (yeah yeah, there is no such thing, but for this, I assumed 10 levels, unless otherwise specified by the charts, so a 5-level PrC was...
  15. S

    Tell me of the coolest feature of some monster...

    Partial Incorporeality (Ex): Half the creature exists in the real world, and half of it exists in the elsewhere, rendering the creature to appear to be one-sided, or to be missing vital parts. Due to this, the creature has a 50% miss chance, and is considered invisible, even when it is not. Only...
  16. S

    What older material are you hunting for?

    Stuff I'd love to find at GenCon: FASA's Shadowrun 1st Edition sourcebooks FASA's Earthdawn 1st Edition Tales from the Floating Vagabond Bards' Games' The Arcanum The Arduin Grimoire Assorted 2E material (I have all the 1E stuff) And, for d20, it'd depend on what it was... I'm not looking...
  17. S

    Has anything ever broken your game?

    Nothing has ever broken my game except players that think they can argue the decision of the DM. There is only one rule worth remembering-- the DM cannot be wrong. If you do not like the ruling of the DM, go away.
  18. S

    Adapting Morrowind to D&D

    Already done. Stopped playing 3.5 though, for my own reasons, and, lack of anyone worth gaming with. Though, as far as PC games go, Arcanum is more interesting to convert to a non-CRPG.
  19. S

    Goblins (A D&D Satire Webcomic)

    Ahhh, so beautiful to see Goblins! I love goblins. I'll be watching....
  20. S

    Greatest Insult to a D&D PLAYER (OOC)

    If you truly want to be insulted, because the term Warlock, at least to many who would be called such (male Wicca practitioners) consider it a vulgar term, because its etymology has not been conclusively confirmed (some say it means "oathbreaker or liar," while others say it means "caller of...