Search results

  1. Sidekick

    Scales of War in Eberron - plot advice (spoilers)

    Hmm in previous Eberron campaigns I've gone quite pulp and used the Emerald Claw quite liberaly (they make great Nazi substitutes) so I'm trying to avoid them for the next wee while. I like the idea of the Warforged actually. Bring in the Lord of Blades, have him be in control of a modified...
  2. Sidekick

    Scales of War in Eberron - plot advice (spoilers)

    Hi everyone, I posted in the Scales of War forum but got very little in the way of replies or views. For those of you who might be my players (you know who you are) spoilers beware and dont' read any further. Also here spoilers... So I've been wracking my brain thinking about how I can modify...
  3. Sidekick

    Eberron Recruitment Thread!

    Okay sorry Need a Life. I had my first day of work for the year, and guess what - the boss has dumped a nice and juicy project on me for the New Year. <sidekick waves good bye to free time> I really can't see me having the time to tweak the character and then commit to daily posts. Sorry, I...
  4. Sidekick

    Eberron Recruitment Thread!

    I'd be interested in playing in your game. I've been playing / DMing in Eberron for about 3 years so I'm relatively familiar with the setting ;) I'd be keen to take over the Psion but I'd prefer to tweak her into something more like what I'd play - ie take the base chassis and then work my...
  5. Sidekick

    Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)

    This is such teasing. The story is getting really really cool and yet I know that a TPK is waiting to rear it's ugly little head. muzza ruzza fuzza D1ck Dastardly.... oh P.S. Shil - good stuff
  6. Sidekick

    Rugby World Cup

    Well, sorry to sound smug but :):):):) do the rest of the world suck at rugby or WHAT!! Admitedly South Africa have been playing well (the ABs only serious challenge I reckon) and the Aussies have been looking dangerous when given half a chance. But WTF were those English performance against...
  7. Sidekick

    Aligning D&Ds skills to a Saga style system - Help

    So I’m planning on overhauling the current skill system into something more like what Star Wars Saga edition has. The whole trained untrained distinction with characters getting better at ALL skills as they go up in levels. Here’s my proposed skill list with the skills that they subsume from...
  8. Sidekick

    Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)

    Hey Shil - nice work! Good to see that Mordain is puting his Angel flavoured lackeys to good work! I think that a fight between the Angels and a Sentinel Marshal detention team would be very very funny. The Marshals would have to break out their BIG guns in rder to even stand a chance against...
  9. Sidekick

    Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)

    WF Titan!! Vampires attack, crazy goodness involving Druid D-dooring, displacing and almost killing some ladies in waiting. Only here on Channel Shilsen - it's got all your Rat Bastard needs!
  10. Sidekick

    Games-n-Fun in New Zealand?

    Holy crap look at all these kiwi's lending a helping hand. Also what's up with all the wellingtonians here? I though I was like one of the very very few? oh well back to you're regular thread - highjack over Ben/Sidekick
  11. Sidekick

    Your Favorite Dungeon Villains and Locations?

    My favourite location wold probably be Firewatch Island from Tammerauts Fate (can't remember the issue number, sorry). That was a very good adventure that really had a zombie horror feel to it! Very good location for an adventure.
  12. Sidekick

    Good Crime Dungeon adventures?

    Dungeon 147 has the Aundairian Job, which while not completely appropriate is could be a good turn the table adventure where the police officers need to break into a place to steal the McGuffin... Just an idea... Other than that you've mentioned most of the ones that I would have suggested? Ben
  13. Sidekick

    Starting level for Red Hand of Doom?

    5th level is correct. They start at th and PCs should get to 10th at the end of the adventure...
  14. Sidekick

    Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)

    YAY - update on my favourite SH. Keep up the good works there Shil. You still over India way or have you got back from the holiday? Hope you're having/had fun. Sidekick
  15. Sidekick

    Eberron Forge of War - info?

    Hi there everybody. I'm keen to buy/interested this book, as are a few others. However over at WotC's Boards there's been a MASSIVE :):):):):)-fight about one little paragraph concerning the Silver Flame. I['ve also noticed that the thread here has started to be taken over by discussion about...
  16. Sidekick

    MINIS! Where do you buy yours?

    Initiate NINJA THREADJACK ATTACK!!!!! So I was wondering if any of the Kiwis here at Enworld know what the best/place is to buy single mini's from? I've got a FLGS which I buy boosters from but there's a fair few specific miniatures that I'd like to buy. Any points in the right direction...
  17. Sidekick

    Looking for a good feat

    Well when I first took the class the only reason I did so is because it looked interesting and, seeing as I spend most of my time DMing I wanted to give a new class a play-test. The Dragon Shaman, from what I've seen playing one is one of those classes that doesn't look too great on paper but...
  18. Sidekick

    Looking for a good feat

    The Draconic heritage feats sound like a good one to look into? Cheers for the heads up. Yeah I've got extra rage (forgot to write that one up) it's pretty important like you say. He'd probably cry, or at least grumble - which is fair enough if you ask me - I'm pretty anti-twinked characters as...
  19. Sidekick

    Looking for a good feat

    Hey there. So my barbarian1/Dragon Shaman4 will soon be making it to 6th level & I'l totally stumped as to what to take for my 6th level feat. SO anyone got any good ideas? Current feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Focus: Greatsword. Abilities: Str, dex & con = 14, int 12, wis, 11, cha 14. Also...
  20. Sidekick

    London 2012 logo. Nauseating?

    <boots up sarcasm drive> Well i think it's wonderful, it's really 'down with the yoof of london'. It's all like east end tagging and just wow! really street! </turns off sarcams drive> WTF s that god-awfully ugly thing they call a logo. A dead, blind squirrel chair (a chairmade from live...