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  1. W

    Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

    Great Story Hour! I love the way the Middle Eastern culture and setting are focused on! Now that I ve been all complimentary, can we get another update? ;-) -WBU
  2. W

    Great Cleave + True Strike

    Doh! I feel pretty dumb. Thanks though Darklone!
  3. W

    Great Cleave + True Strike

    since you seem to have resolved this I hope you don t mind a little thread-jacking. How does Power Attack work when thrown into the mix? I ve always interpreted it to mean that if, using Hyper Smurf's example, you took a -2 to power attack the goblin, you would also HAVE to take -2 and power...
  4. W

    Help us stay In Character!!!

    I would like to get the Hive Mind s help on a little problem my group has been having. Recently our game sessions have had way too many O-T comments, which are taking away from the roleplaying. The group has decided we want to stay on-topic more, but think that we might need a little stick to...
  5. W

    Potion-drinking for Dummies

    How do you all adjudicate drinking potions in combat? According to the 3.5 SRD: Activation:…Drinking a potion or using an oil on an item of gear is a standard action... Using a potion or oil provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful attack (including grappling attacks) against the character...
  6. W

    Art of Roleplaying - Pacing and Plot

    True, but on the other hand, some players just need a little direction to come up with a background. Try this link: Link removed If anything, it might be overly detailed, but if you ignore the sections you don t like/need, it could be useful in getting your players to create interesting...
  7. W

    Take ten...

    I m one of Tatsukun s players, so admittedly I m a little biased. However, I don t really see the big deal in allowing PCs to Take 10 a lot of the time. For the record, we play with a Natural 20 equal to a role of 30, and a Natural 1 equal to –10. So consider this: a second level party facing...
  8. W

    Am I punishing these players too much/little?

    Remember, you're playing a game. The purpose of a game is to have fun. Being excluded from a conversation is not fun. Furthermore, being punished in-game is also not fun, and in many cases completely ineffective. I have to disagree with you a bit here. The players in my group tend to create...
  9. W

    Feats for a Fighter-Mage

    I think you should stop yer yakkin, and go forge Arbaal a suit of mithril full plate!!! More seriously, i dont think fireball is a good example, simply b/c its THE quintessential damage dealing spell. Assuming the miss chance vs reflex save variables are roughly balanced, 3d6 against one guy...
  10. W

    Do people use the core classes/PrCs from Dragon?

    Kensai are fun! I m currently playing a Barb1/kensai-ftr-variant2. I really like playing a lightly armored combatant who s phenomenal with a no-dachi (greatsword), and also gets some “fun” skills like tumble. It s a little early to judge the balance of the class, but I think its decent. A...
  11. W

    Tumble Bonuses in Med Armor?

    The 3.5 tumble rules state that you cant use the tumble skill if your speed has been rduced by armor, etc. If you have 5 ranks in tumble and are wearing med or hvy armor (and arent a dwarf): -Would you still get the +2 synergy bonus to balance and jump checks, even though you cant use the...