Search results

  1. Nifelhein

    What became of Kate Monk's Onomastikon?

    I have always used the great site Kate Monk's Onomastikon for my games, but today I went to it and the link gives me a 404 error. Sure we still have google cache and the wayback machine. But I wonder, what became of it? Anyone knows? It is a great loss if it is anything but temporary, I...
  2. Nifelhein

    AtS Midnight Fansite Down

    Guys and girls, I am sorry to say the site is currently down with no idea when it will be back, there were some serious issues with mail spoof attacks on the server directed at the domain and the server has suspended my account, i am in touch with them to see how to get it back as soon as...
  3. Nifelhein


    Does anybody here knows if there is any newer program or script that can be used to check a monster's statistics, the only one I know of Link is somewhat old and limited in scope but is handy enough to use, I have quite a few monsters to check stats and wondered if anyone could point me a better...
  4. Nifelhein

    Divine Focus in use... what??

    An issue appeared around the divine focus component of a spell, the rules say it must be provided by divine spellcasters but speaks nothing of how that works, one says it suffices to carry the focus on yourself, I say that a focus must be used to focus the spell power and thus requires holding...
  5. Nifelhein

    Mails from EnWorld...

    Is it just me or are the mail notifications, and birthday congratulations from EN World showing sender as World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site <EN> instead of EN World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site?
  6. Nifelhein Midnight fansite migration

    Well the site will be ported to a new forum system in the near future, the first step in the procedure will be that the site will not be found on the usual address but on the address. The later is already pointing to the site and it is...
  7. Nifelhein

    Heart of Shadow

    What is it? Heart of Shadow is a 64 pages supplement for the Midnight Campaign setting written by Iain “Shadowfane” J. Borgan and Eric “Kane” Olson, both former fans of the setting that entered the RPG freelancing out of love for the world of Aryth. The book is published by Fantasy Flight Games...
  8. Nifelhein

    I want to add a product that i have a review to post!

    The Product information follows: Heart of Shadow (MN12) Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games Line: Midnight d20 Campaign Setting This sourcebook is ideal for DMs who wish to set a single adventure or a whole campaign in the Northern Marches, or for those who simply desire more insight into the...
  9. Nifelhein

    Can you point me anything?

    Guys! and GIRLS! I am finally with some spare money in my pocket and am going to make some huge purchase in books next week, problem is that I am still unable to decide what to get, since there are maaany options out there and I am not able to get a look at books. I am mostly restricted to...
  10. Nifelhein

    Post Icon: We haev been left in shadows!

    Russ and Morris, Okay, I have noticed that every setting has its post icon, every single one except for my beloved Midnight, by fantasy flight games. The setting was supposed to be a four product line and we already have the 8th book confirmed with a boxed set as 9th and still, we do not have a...
  11. Nifelhein


    Okay, I have red it and I can say that I am not sure how that is by the rules... A character under 0 hit points makes a test every turn, by that they mean every 10 rounds, thus every minute, or they mean every turn the character would act, thus every round? That is because they seem t have...
  12. Nifelhein

    Archers, Arrows, Improvised Weapons and AoO

    Okay, consider an archer, now you have an enemy adjacent to him, considering that bows cannot be used for an AoO the enemy casts a spell without the defensive casting choice, thus causing possible AoO. In theory an arrow is an improvised weapon, thus the wielder would take a -4 penalty to...
  13. Nifelhein

    Quick Draw and Threat Area...

    Okay, quick draw lets you draw a weapon as a free action, now consider that the character has a situation where an opponent causes an AoO in a square adjacent. Would the character be allowed to take the longsword out of the scabbard and roll the attack? The point is that while it seems...
  14. Nifelhein

    News Page: New Style??

    Okay, I have ben using the new style for the enws page ecer sine it became available, with the attempt to slim down the page morrus cut out the link to the new style of it, my bookmark saved it for me... And now, with the change for the new news page i haev a problem, the link leaded me to the...
  15. Nifelhein

    Read Posts...

    Okay, this was an issue ever since the old boards software, when I receive a mail notification of a new post I go to the topic, the bug is, it usually does not mark all the posts read and I seem to always have to slide to the post I have not read myself. This may be a bad user thing, as I don't...
  16. Nifelhein


    Okay, the banners are not working right now, this may be no big deal, specially because most people would not care but... the ones advertising there do, I believe... Just thought it should be known and fized as soon as possible. ;)
  17. Nifelhein

    UA: V/WP - what about this?

    Okay, I know it was taken from Star Wars, but reading the WotC website I found this small problem that is making me uneasy... So, a skeleton, that is normally immune to critical hits is not anymore when you use this system, is that so? If that is not the case, then the immune to critical hits...
  18. Nifelhein

    Complete Warriors Web-E - Darrin is at it!!!

    Congratulations again Darrin Drader, yet another work got to the public, and your career seem to be faring farily well!!! By the way, good write up in the whole Order.
  19. Nifelhein

    Nifelhein's PCs: 4 Midnight characters.

    Keallach of House Pendor, the Painless Medium-size Male Dorn, Ironborn 2nd-level Charismatic Channeler. Height: 6’ 4”tall (or 1.93 meters). Weight: 190 lbs. (or 86.1 Kg). Age: 27 years old. Born into the clan Calder of House Pendor Keallach knows shame since birth, his family was one of those...
  20. Nifelhein

    E-Bay - Is it safe?

    A friend just tried to buy a notebook and seems he lost his money, the guy is from Bulgaria and he is a lot unhappy, since I have to get my books from the internet and many people here have a great experience with internet transitions, I ask: IS it safe to buy on e-bay? And what about those...