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  1. K

    [Adult] Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, thread 2

    I know, it is bad style to revive the dead, but I just wnated to say, that the site the guide was hosted on, is dead and I put up another site to host what I got from it (missing the newest stuff, because I was not involved in the later development). the guide can now be found under /index.php...
  2. K

    Swiping images from other sites

    normally, I avoid pictures, but when I find a picture, I would like to use, I contact the person that owns the picture and only with the leave of this person, I download the image and host it on my own page.
  3. K

    ...Throwing Daggers...

    I think, it should be piercing, because you try to hit with the tip of the blade. Otherwise bludgeoning could be done by throwing in a way, that the hilt hits.
  4. K

    D&D 4E What will your first 4E campaign look like?

    having played in about 7 centuries of my campaign world, with different moods and technologies behind each "setting", I will just jump my campaign another 100 years into the future and put part of the campaign in some kind of victorian age (i.e. I will have quite a bit of background than and my...
  5. K

    Wait, that's how you say that?

    hehe, and my wife corrects my English-pronounciation (she and me both being German), when not even the native speakers can decide on the correct way. Bad is only, that I start to mix it all up (having learned "oxford" in school, having lived in Wales and watching American movies).
  6. K

    Need dungeon

    thanks, will have a look at what I can get.
  7. K

    Need dungeon

    OK, I know, I am a lazy GM that I got to ask, but any help would realy be apreciated: I got a groups consisting of a doubtful half-celestial paladin (15th level), a bard (11th) a fighter (11th), psionic (8th) and an 8th level ranger (I know, that's rather a wide level scope, but it somehow...
  8. K

    RBDMs, what's the most RB thing you've ever done?

    mhm, two things: Rolohf, a Fighter in a long running campaign helped another fighter to get hold of an artefact, that raised all dead in a radius of 5 km to undeath, creating a rather large standing army. The other fighter used it, to destroy invaders, who had managed to get hold of the...
  9. K

    Was 3rd edition fundamentaly flawed?

    In a way it was designed to become flawed, i.e. feats and prestige classes realy cried out for rules-supplements which brings with it the growing chance of introducing flaws.
  10. K

    Society, Beauty and the Magic World

    When I prepared some festivities in my campaign, I thought about the great possibilities in a d20 campaign to improve the beauty of a person. Not only does disguise help, but lots of minor and major magic can grant beauty for a short or loner time. Which started me to think about the implication...
  11. K

    Having a Ball - Needing Ideas

    Again, nice ideas there. Will have to see, how I can combine this. :D
  12. K

    Having a Ball - Needing Ideas

    Now I am hungry ... thanks, great ideas. The one with the costume ist nice and nasty, but I think it would not fit with the noble being rather powerful, clever, well known and in the favor of the king. But I have realy to think about it. The achetypes are a great help and I will try to watch/...
  13. K

    Having a Ball - Needing Ideas

    I am DMing a one on one adventure with a rather naíve elfen rogue, that got some assassins at her back. She is educated and protected by an old and rather nice vampire, who belongs officially to the nobility of the city. The enemy is one of the richest nobles, and the vampire wants to annoy him...
  14. K

    Rules for Advancing Magical Items

    There where Rules in one Dragon, that did exactly that, something with leveling items.
  15. K

    Do dwarves care about where the sun sets?

    Knot-maps, like those used by some peoples in the pacific, but with several layers, that are knotted together - portable and still rather acurate. For directions: up and down is rather easyly defined the second would probably be following the rotation of the world, something, that can be...
  16. K

    Would you play a class with no special abilities?

    probably depends a bit on the supplements allowed. Skill tricks are nice. Or Iajitsu-Focus. There are so many options for skills out there that the heap of skill points can give you quite a lot of options, if they are allowed.
  17. K

    Adult: GUCK development forum IV

    The netbook site is still online
  18. K

    Live near any fantasy-sounding places? List 'em here!

    Well, I live between Hamlin and the Blocksberg (which is noted for it being the meeting-place of the whitches on Walpurgisnacht (i.e. Beltane). The street I live in is the Junkershof (it would probably come out at something like knights's grange/homestead (though a junker is a page, but with...
  19. K

    What's the "Perfect" medieval setting?

    Not realy. There are scientists, who are of the opinion, that the middle ages ended only with the french revolution (and our (false) vision of the middle ages (i.e. heavy witch burnings etc) is based mostly on the time after the fall of konstantinople, columbus and luther (which are what I...
  20. K

    Acolyte of the Ego

    Probably somebody else asked this before (I can't imagine being the first thinking about this), but I could not find anything: Just re-read Tome of Magic and took a look at the Acolyte of the Ego PrC. All the class-abilities of this PrC depend on the character uttering his own truename, which...